2014-05-09 - joined Synthiam
2014-06-07 - created first new question
2014-07-02 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-09-23 - shared your first photo in the forum
2014-09-29 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-09-30 - answered a forum question
2014-10-03 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-10-16 - shared your first video in the forum
2014-11-26 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-12-06 - created a custom avatar
2015-03-04 - posted your first tutorial
2018-02-21 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
2018-02-21 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
2018-02-21 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
2018-02-21 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2018-03-05 - used Cognitive Text Sentiment Service
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Advice Need For Hasbro R2-D2 Hack
Hey guys. Hope everyone is cool. I’m looking to start a new project and need a quick bit of advice and/or information from anyone who has hacked a Hasbro...question

Soundboardez-B Background Hiss
Hi everyone. I have a small issue using the EZ-B soundboard and just wondered if anyone experienced this and possibly has a fix. When I play sound files there...question

Ez-Chatbot. (An Idea)
@DJ and EZ-Robot team. Hi guys. While I have been setting up audio scripts, soundboards and the Pandorabot control, I had a thought for a possible added feature/control for ARC...question

Usage Ideas For Cognitive Sentiment Control
Hey guys. So, Ive had a quick play with the new Cognitive Sentiment Control today... Found in ARC under... Project, Add, Artificial...question

Using Bing Speech Recognition With ARC Speech Recognition Control
Ive been having a fun evening trying out the cognitive service plugins this evening for...question

Generic Answers To Any Question
Okay, this should be a fun one. So I’m all about AI, Chatbots and the like, but here I’m looking for something that does not use any of the above. So here it...question

Camera Snapshot On Mobile Interface
This is mainly aimed at DJ, unless anyone else can help. So I put this up as a bug report but it maybe an iOS or Android restriction. Anyway, here...question

Camera Image On Mobile App Not Displaying Correctly
Hey guys. I need a little help with the camera display on the mobile app. Have a look at the screen grab below... As...question

Speech Recognition Dictionary Error
Hi everybody. Its been a while since Ive posted, so before I continue I just want to say a big hello to the regulars on here such as Alan, Dave S and...question

Using Pir On Digital Port
Hey guys. I need a little help with a small PIR sensor I picked up. Operating voltage is 4.5 v upwards so have it plugged in to D0 as analog wont be enough to power it...question

Long Life 7.4V Lipo Battery And Charger For Ez-B V4
Hi everyone. I need a little advice in regards to LiPo batteries for the EZ-B v4. I have been waiting for my dev kit,...question

Two Questions Regarding Rss Feed Scripts
Hi guys. I need a little help with an RSS feed script and hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Question one. Is there a way...question

Functions Using Multiple Ez-B V4s
I want to start a new tutorial, and for this I am hoping for your input as well to make this work. With the ability of connecting more than one EZ-B v4 to...question

Sound Sensor Recomendation
Hey everyone. Can somebody recommend a good quality sound sensor to work with the v4, preferably analog. I had a pair of cheepos laying around that I tried (pictured...question

I-Cybie And Possible Ez-B Conversion
Ive been cleaning out the attic this morning, and found a box of goodies I forgot I had. In this treasure trove, I found an I-Cybie robot dog which,...question

Sabertooth 2X25 And Ez-B V4 Simply Serial Connection
I have received my very first Sabertooth 2x25 motor controller today, and looking to hook it up over the weekend....question

Motor Controller Ramping Script Help
E4-B4 has been a little neglected lately, so or been playing trying to give him more graceful drive movements, so Im looking for a little help with...question

Correct Format For Control Command
Ive stumbled across a strange formatting issue and Im hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I say strange, as most of the time it works...question

Windows 8 Speech Synthesis And ARC Question
Hey guys. I have asked this question in another thread, but I decided to create a new assistance required thread as my issue relates...question

Ez-Cloud Maximum Project Size
Quick question. As the title suggests, what is the maximum project file size that can be saved to the Cloud? I ask, as I tried to save a project to the Cloud...question

Sound Servo Speaker Error
@DJ. Hey buddy. Ive come across a bit of a bug with the new Sound Servo Speaker control. Running on ARC version 2015.11.25.00, when I add the control to a project,...question

Happy 4Th Anniversary Ez-Robot
On the 21st of November 2015, EZ-Robot celebrated their 4th official anniversary. So from myself, and Im sure it will be echoed by everyone else here, I just...question

Contact Us Via Live Chat?
@EZ HQ. Hey guys. I was just browsing through the store checking the price of something, when I came across this curious little fella that popped up on my screen......question

Trouble Connecting 2 Ezbs
Im trying to connect two v4s in one project, but no dice. I know someone had this trouble before, but cant find the thread. They are both set to client mode, and the both...question

Dimensions For 8X8 Rgb Array
A quick question for DJ or Jeremie. Can I ask what the exact dimensions for the upcoming 8x8 RGB LED arrays are please (actual display and overall unit size)? I...question

Displaying A Robots Response In A Text Format
A bit of an unusual request, but there is reasoning behind what Im about to ask. So my question is... Is there a way to display a...question

16 Channel Servo Driver
I came across this and was wondering, could this be used with an EZ-B? If so, what would be needed to get this working? It states that its i2c so not strictly sure what would...question

Adafruit 8X8 Rgb Led Array
Adafruit 8x8 Bicolour (not RGB) LED Array A quick question I hope someone can help me with. I know the Adafruit 8x8 single colour LED arrays can be used with ARC and...question

Sound Sensor Amplifiers
So Ive been using these DFRobot sound sensors for a while now and they do a reasonably good, but Im looking for a way to increase the sensitivity to improve the sound pick...question

Wirelessly Charging Our Robots
My sister got a new Samsung Galaxy Edge the other day and today we were talking about the ability to charge the phone wirelessly which she never heard of...question

Using Skype With ARC Request
Has anyone successfully integrated using Skype with ARC to create an automated Skype control? If so, how was it done, was it an easy process, and what functionality...question

Battery Warning With Nimh Battery Packs
Im curious about NiMH battery warnings from the EZ-B. As Im using an NiMH battery pack to power a v4, I have the LiPo battery warning disabled...question

Help With Roborealm Saying Detected Objects
Hey guys. I need a little help with some script. As the title suggests, Im trying to get an ARC script to speak an identified object...question

Flex Sensors
Has anybody used, or know if these can be used with the EZ-B v4? And if do, how do they connect? These flex/bend sensors would be great if they worked with the EZ-B and ARC. Not much information...question

Tutorial On Fixing Voice Synthesis Question With Windows 8.1
Tutorial On Fixing Voice Synthesis issue With Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. This is a tutorial to...question

Using Client Mode Without A Fixed Line Router
Hey everyone. What are the options for running an EZ-B in Client Mode without using a fixed line home network router? Example. A...question

Help Creating A Reminder Script
Hey everyone. Im looking for a little help or examples to create a reminders script via speech to text. What Im looking to do is something like the following...question

Hd Servo Recommendations
Hey guys. Im looking for recommendations for a heavy duty servo, the same size and power requirements as the EZ-Robot HD ones, but at least twice as strong in regards to...question

Compatible Joypads With ARC
Hi everyone. I was playing around with a joypad I have (not the one in the picture) with ARC, and was trying to configure some buttons to control servos and 2 drive...question

Help With An If Script For Motor Control
I need a little help with a script. Originally I had a script on the mobile interface where if I pressed a button, the motors would drive...question

Sound Board (Pc) Question
Just a quick question. How many songs (CD quality, MP3 format) can a PC sound board, or in fact an ARC project hold? So far I have added 9, but if I add any more and save...question

Why Isnt My Servo Working
As the title says. Its an EZ robot micro lever servo. When I try to move it with a script or H or V servo control... Nothing. Its not released Ezb is connected 7.4 LiPo...question

Lcd Display Help
Hey guys. Im having a little trouble with an LCD display I recently purchased. I have read through some of the posts on the forum to help me get this going, but I need a little more help....question

Vertical And Horizontal Servo Control Movement Bug
After downloading the two recent updates Ive come across something which I think may be a bug. When setting up or using...question

Auto Portion Servo Release
Hey guys. Im not sure if this is a bug or if Im missing something, but in regards to setting servos to 0 to release them, it doesnt seem to be working in an auto...question

Using Different Types Of Battery
While discussing ways to dock and charge a robot in a thread @Doombot created, it got me thinking about different types of battery that can be used with the...question

5V Relay Not Responding As It Should
So Ive just been trying out a 5v relay (with 5v regulator) on port D0 but its not working as expected. I first tried Set(D0,on) and it closed the...question

Irobot 530 Quick Advice
Hi guys. I am currently looking at a Roomba IRobot 530 on a popular auction site I want to get. I dont wish to appear rude but I need some quick advice before I place a bid,...question

Mobile Interface Running Background Colour
Ive come across a little issue and not sure if its a bug or not. What it is, is when editing a mobile interface Add Button and try to...question

Running Script Stuck In A Loop
Hi. Im looking for a little help. I have a script I just wrote, but when it executes It doesnt fully run and the audio file the script has gets stuck in a loop...question

Security Robot On Tv
Just a bit of fun. I just saw something I wanted to share with you guys. I just watched an episode of one of my all time favourite TV shows MacGyver, and I remembered these...question

Running A Led Of Port D6
Hey guys. I have a couple of general questions regards running LEDs off a digital port. 1. I hooked up a 3V LED to the signal and ground pins on D6 on my v4 earlier today,...question

Featuring Ez-Robot Products On External Sites
@DJ Sures. Hi DJ. I while ago I started to write an Instructable while I was building K-9 and Im getting round to finishing the...question

Shop Re-Opening?
Quote:*Note: Due to unexpected demand, our webstore is out of stock until March 1st. In the meantime, our retail stores do have stock. I just wanted to ask as I have some cash burning a...question

Wheres Roli ?
For all you Wheres Wally and Wheres Waldo fans... Wheres Roli ? ? ?question

Pasting Links Using A Smartphone
@EZ-Robot crew. I wasnt sure whether to post this here or email you as this relates to the website, so I hope Ive done it right posting here. Anyway, when I...question

Poetry Corner
Welcome to poetry corner. I wanted to start this to have a light hearted thread on the forum, and have a bit of fun. The idea is that any of you guys who have robots that can talk, you can teach...question

Creating A Button Release For Mobile Control
I wrote a post a short while back asking DJ if he would consider adding a When button is released script input field to the mobile...question

Temperature And Smoke Detection Senors With Ez-B V4
Hi guys. I need a little advice on some additional sensors I was thinking of adding to my bot, and as I am still...question

A Short Message For The Ez-Robot Team
@DJ @Alan @Jason Z @Aislinn @Cory @Jeremie @Jake @Chrissi @Jason H and everyone else involved with EZ-Robot. I was reading through the forum the...question

Robot Losing Power, But Not The Battery
Hi all. My K-9 2.0 build is just about complete but Ive come up against an unexpected issue. After running a couple of drive and script tests...question

New Script Command Request
@DJ and team. I give a small request that I hope you would consider adding to EZ-Script. Would it be possible to add a new script command for servostop()? Im not...question

Rgb Animator Help
Hi guys. I have a quick question regarding the RGB animator config Settings menu. At the moment I have 4 animator actions and would like to know if I can asign a soundboard file to just...question

Ezb4 Speaker With Pandorabots
EDIT. I just want to mention that anyone looking to do something similar to what I have mentioned in this first post, should look at post #7 for more details, as...question

2 Questions Regarding Ez-B V4 Startup
Hi everyone. I have a couple of questions regarding the start up of my EZ-B v4 that I have installed in to my bot today, and hope someone may be...question

Scripting Joystick Buttons
Hello there. I need a little help with something, but Im not sure if it is even possible. Is there a way to use one joystick button to move a servo in to two positions...question

Playing Sound Effects Using Joystick 2
Hi guys. I have some servos set up with joystick buttons and using control command, I have set up some sound effects from a soundboard to play...question

Ez Robot Should Get In On This
@DJ crew. I saw this on TV about a Cafe in South Korea, and thought of you. (From the 2:45 mark is the really interesting bit). You said your vision was to...question

Using Two 2.5 Amp L298 Motor Controllers With One Ez-B.
Hi everyone. I posted a question in regards to reducing the speed of my two 12v motors on the forum last week...question

Ez-B V4 Wont Connect To Wifi
Really hope someone can help. I am trying to connect my EZ-B v4 to my laptop but having no luck so far. In brief, the v4 is found on my available network list, but...question

Not Long Now :-)
Best email of the year, so far! I just wanted to put peoples minds at rest who may still be waiting for their EZ goodies to arrive. My order was for the dev kit, revolution parts, and a...question

Help With Speech Recognition
Hi everyone. I am looking for some much needed help and advice in regards to speech recognition, and Im hoping you can point me in the right direction. Im currently...question

Iphone Or Tablet With ARC Speech Synthesis
Hi everyone. A bit of background. I am currently waiting for my EZ Robot order to arrive which should hopefully be here in a couple of...question

Reducing Speed For My Robot 12V Motors
Hi there. My name is Steve and I am new to the forum so I would like to say hi to everyone. I do have a question I hope someone can help me with...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Steves R2-D2 Hasbro Toy Hack
So, it’s been a while since I’ve had the screwdrivers and soldering iron out for fun, so figured I’d start a new project and share it with you guys. What I’m...robot

Steves Eddie. The I-Cybie Synthiam Mongrel Robot Dog
I-Cybie and EZ-B v4 conversion. Day 1. 23/01/2016 Continuing from my other thread asking if anyone has hacked an...robot

Steves Grace’S First Robot
Hey guys. So while I’ve been playing with my R2-D2 mod, my girlfriends granddaughter, Grace, has shown a big interest in robotics and wants to one day build a full size...robot

Steves E4-B4 Build Diary. (R2-D2s Little Brother)
Day 1 (4th August 2015) So after throwing around a few ideas for a new project to sink my teeth in to, I decided to go...robot

Steves Using Exec() Commands To Help Make A Game
K-9 asks Would you like to play a game? So from the famous(ish) line from the movie War Games, I have taught K-9 a simple,...robot

Steves Affirmative. K-9 2.0, Online And Fully Operational. (Well, Almost Fully)
Hi everyone. This is the first of two posts talking about the...robot

Steves Introducing Vic The Vac
Welcome to the project showcase for Victor Vac. Why is he called Victor... Virtually Intelligent CompuTer Operated Robot So everyone, Id like you to meet...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.

Using ADC (Analog To Digital) Ports, Commands And Controls.
This tutorial will cover some basics on using the ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) ports on the EZ-B...tutorial

Amps, Volts, Power Converters And Power Supplies.
This tutorial will explain what is needed for powering an EZ-B v4, any peripherals connected to it such as servos and...tutorial

Setting Servo Speeds And Initialization Script Tutorial
This tutorial will explain what an initialization script is and how to use them in your EZ-Builder projects....tutorial

Speech Recognition Tutorial
Speech recognition is becoming a very popular way to control robots. This tutorial will explain the EZ-Builder speech recognition control in detail, and go through...tutorial

Tutorial On Fixing Voice Synthesis Problem With Windows 8.1 And 10
This is a tutorial to help those of you having issues with speech synthesis working...tutorial

The ARC Script Manual.
This is an online version of the EZ-Script manual for easy reference. It is a copy of what can be found under the EZ-Script Help tab inside of a controls script editor inside...tutorial

Soundboard PC Soundbard EZ-B Tutorial.
This tutorial will guide you through how to set up and use the Soundboard controls to give your robot the ability to have sound effects and...tutorial

Explanation And Uses Of Arrays.
This Tutorial will explain what an Array is, and give you some examples of how they are, or can be used within EZ-Builder and your robotics projects. This is...tutorial

Display Popup Tutorial.
This tutorial will guide you through the setup and various uses for using one of the available plugins that can be found on then EZ-Robot website. The display plugin displays...tutorial

How To Make A Synthiam Tutorial
This is a short tutorial to show you how to create a tutorial for the EZ-Robot website, using the Tutorials section.tutorial

Tip120 Tip122 Transistor Switching Circuit
This excellent tutorial was created by Rich Pyke, and has been posted on his behalf. This Tutorial will go through the steps for...tutorial

Pandorabot Tutorial
This tutorial will cover the different uses with a Pandorabot chatbot and EZ-Builder. Pandorabots is a great option for having dynamic speech synthesis conversations with your robot,...tutorial

Cepstral Voice Effects
For anyone who uses, or wants to use Cepstral voices, you may be aware that they also supply sound effects with the voices they offer. These are great to have your robot sound,...tutorial

Flex Sensor With An ADC Port Tutorial
Here is a companion tutorial to go with the ADC tutorial. The ADC ports on the EZ-b v4 can host a number of different kinds of sensors that run on...tutorial

Using Exec() Commands To Help Make A Game
K-9 asks Would you like to play a game? So from the famous(ish) line from the movie War Games, I have taught K-9 a simple, but fun game

E4-B4 For Laptop
Project for Acer PCapp

E4-B4 Astromech Droid 1
Full unfinished PC and tablet control for E4-B4 Asromech

E4-B4 Project 1
Unfinished project for Astromech Droid E4-B4. Much more to come in the coming

Cloud Save Test
Saving testapp

K-9 2.0 With Music Control
Unfinished project for K-9

Display Text Test
EZ-Display testapp

K-9 2.0 TABLET Control
Unfinished project for K-9

Doctor Who Quiz
First version of the interactive multiple choice quiz run on a computer not connected to a robot. This project uses speech recognition, speech synthesis, and the EXEC() command to

K-9 Doctor Who Quiz
First version of the interactive multiple choice quiz hosted by K-9 2.0. This project uses speech recognition, speech synthesis, and the EXEC() command to show pictures during

Rock Paper Scissors
A nice little game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. This uses command lines, so if you try to use this project, you will have to add your own command lines to add your own pictures

Victor Project 1
This is the start of a Roomba 500 controlled robot with custom movement panel and mobile control. More to

K-9 Project MK2
This is an ongoing project for K-9 2.0 which revolves around the pandorabot control and mobile control for use with an iPhone. some of the scripts and controls include... . RSS News, weather...No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.