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Happy 4Th Anniversary Ez-Robot

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On the 21st of November 2015, EZ-Robot celebrated their 4th official anniversary. So from myself, and I'm sure it will be echoed by everyone else here, I just want to say to DJ, Alan and the rest of the gang at EZ HQ...

Many Happy Returns, and congratulations on another successful (all be it, very busy) year.

The hard work and dedication you guys put in to giving us a feature rich, stable, and enjoyable platform to use with our robots, whether they're Revolution robots, or custom made, really shows and is truly appreciated, not just by me, but by many if not all of the other EZ-Robot community members I'm sure.

So with another milestone successfully reached, let's have a look at some of what has been achieved in the past 12 months by EZ-Robot and the community. (The following figures may not be entirely accurate, but they're close enough, lol.;) )

As well as distributing 10,000 units to 106 countries and many new members joining the EZ-Robot family every week, in the past year alone there has been...

!) The new plugin section added to the website and ARC,

!) the release of the ARC mobile app for iOS,

!) New https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/UserTutorials/" target='_blank' rel="nofollow">tutorials]tutorial section added to the website,

!) A new look for the website,

!) A bit of an EZ staff Change around,

!) 176 Brookstone stores now carrying EZ-Robot products,

!) 59 ARC updates,

!) 46 user tutorials created (or modified),

!) Around 44 News articles,

!) 30 member project showcases,

!) 15 ARC plugins,

!) 10 new EZ-Robot products in the store (with more on the way),

!) 9 Evangelist articles,

!) 1 recently open sourced the v4's communication wifi module with Open loT WiFi,

"and a partridge in a pear tree.":P

I think that you will agree, that is one heck of a year. And if that's anything to go by, who knows what the next 12 months will hold for us all. But whatever else DJ and the guys have up their sleeves, I for one cannot wait to find out as I'm sure many others feel the same too.

Anyway, congratulations once again guys, and I wish you all great things for the year ahead... and beyond.



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steve G

well steve you said it all.congrats dj&team.

United Kingdom


Yeah, there has been a lot going on over the past 12 months for sure, and what I listed is only some of what has been achieved.


steve g

yes am still in the begin fase,its so big.


Indeed. Congrats to EZ-Robot! What you do makes what we do possible. Keep up the great work!


Oh wow, when you put it all down like that - looks like we HAVE been busy:D Thanks everyone! Tonight, ezrobot is celebrating by being geeks and nerds. A few of us are hanging around at the office taking a programming crash-course on making plugins for ARC.


Yes, Congratulations DJ, Alan and the rest of the crew. You've come along way from tinkering in DJ's basement!

United Kingdom


Wow, you guys sure know how to party, lol:P. Didn't the guys bake you a cake and bring some party hats?:P Seriously though, I'll have to look at this whole programming plugins thing next year and have a go.


Thanks @Steve G, it brings a smile to my face that you started this thread! It definitely has been a huge year for EZ-Robot:)

Thanks Bob, Patrick and Dave too!

P.S. We definitely have some stuff up our sleeves for this next year:)

United Kingdom


You're more than welcome and I'm glad it made you smile. I'm looking forward to the next year to see what you guys come up with next.:)

United Kingdom


You're very welcome buddy. And thank you for reigniting my passion for electronics and robots. Keep up the great work.



Congratulations guys! Man time flies!


I'll add to the congrats.... Thanks everyone at ez robot for all your hard work.... @DJ you've lost some weight..... You in love or something?:)


Na, Richard it's all those all nighters coding he's been doing!

Congrats guys!


I'm so happy EZ Robot has made it over the hump and is now a major player in the world of robot control. As much as I knew these past years that EZ had what it took to make it, you just never know in today's world. I think the only thing that would cause EZ Robot to crash and burn now is if DJ retires or sells the company to a competitor. Just my opinion.

Anyway, I'm personally very grateful for DJ's vision and guidance of this company. I really have nothing invested in EZ Robots except 3 old V3's, 4 V4 EZB's and my dreams. Without these EZB's and the EZ Robot platform I could not have made my childhood dream come true of building a fully functioning Lost in Space B9 robot. The only limit I have now is my imagination.

Congratulation DJ and the EZ Robot team on your 4 year anniversary of making my dreams come true! After all, it's all about me, isn't it? :P