United Kingdom
Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Auto Portion Servo Release

Hey guys.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm missing something, but in regards to setting servos to "0" to release them, it doesn't seem to be working in an Auto Position action. It works when I'm setting up frames, but when I run an action the servos hold there final resting position. Is anybody else experiencing this or is there something else I should be doing?


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Is the last frame the one with positions of 0? If not, it won't work:)

United Kingdom


Yes. It is the last frame.

User-inserted image


That would be why - i'll have to take a look and see a workaround for all 0's. In the meantime, leave at least one servo not 0 in your release frame.

United Kingdom

Yep that solved it. Thanks for that DJ.:)


All these plane flights lately has given me lots of coding time. This is fixed for the next release.

United Kingdom

No worries. Thanks again. BTW, I like the new ARC Windows downloading screen look. Looking pretty snazzy.:D

Happy Easter to you guys and to all the community members.