— Edited
I was looking through the forum and came across a thread where you mentioned you made a script to speak the current time. I tried it out but I'm having a problem with it. When I start the script, it only says "The time is dollar the time". Is there something that I need to change in the syntax as I know this posted a year ago and something might have changed.
IF ($hour>12)
IF ($hour_word=0)
IF ($Minute = 0)
$thetime = "$hour_word"
ELSEIF ($minute = 1)
$thetime = "one minute past $hour_word"
ELSEIF ($minute = 15)
$thetime = "quarter past $hour_word"
ELSEIF ($minute = 30)
$thetime = "half past $hour_word"
ELSEIF ($minute 30)
$minute_word = 60-$minute
$thetime = "$minute_word minutes to $hour_word"
$thetime = "$hour_word $minute"
IF ($hour 21)
$thetime = "$thetime at night"
ELSEIF ($hour > 17)
$thetime = "$thetime in the evening"
ELSEIF ($hour > 11)
$thetime = "$thetime in the afternoon"
Say("The time is $thetime")
Many thanks.
You made a mistake on the last line... You put the variable in quotes... Say("The time is $thetime") should be Say("The time is "+$thetime)
You can also use the reserved variable for time.... which is $time... There is also $hour, $minute...etc... these variables can be found at the end if the script function list in every script...
Variable Constants/Reserved Words These variables are read-only reserved words and cannot be assigned. $direction $date $month $year $day $dayName $hour $minute $second $monthName $time $pi
... Oh man, who wrote this it's a mess? I know for sure @Rich didn't...LOL...Way more corrections... variables shouldn't be in quotes and some operator signs were missing... There still may need more corrections...
@Steve.... Tried to run my version, but it doesn't work well at all.... I think this has to be completely re-written my friend... I could fix it, but I won't have anytime today... Sorry dude
Not a problem mate. I copied this code straight from Rich's example and was curious if there was a new way to write this, as his example is over a year old. If you wouldn't mind haveing a look when you have some free time I would appreciate it. In the meantime I will have a play around too (but I don't hold much hope with my current scripting skills eyeroll).
@Steve... can you show me the link to it? No promises, but I will see what I can do...
Try this... It may still need more tweaking.... make sure you copy it exactly as it is below...
Sure. The link for Rich's project is hear at the end of post #6.
I just tried your code Richard and it works pretty well.
"The time is 12 hours and 51 minutes in the afternoon."
I'd like the lose the "hours" "minutes" and change "afternoon" for "PM" if poss, but hey, it works. Thanks buddy.
@Steve... Try my new version in my post#7 above...
LOL.... @Rich must of been pulling an all nighter when he wrote that code.... It's probably not his anyway.... I know, Melvin probably wrote it while Rich was in the shower....
That would explain it
. I just posted an edit in post #8.
Thanks again.
Got rid of the speech saying "Hours" "Minutes" and changed "Afternoon" to "PM".
Cheers for doing that for me Richard.
Yep, no worries...
Cheers Richard
I haven't read the whole topic as I don't have time right now but always check the syntax on older projects. The syntax was changed a while back but any scripts from before the change may not work as desired.
I did spot @Richard mention the variable needs to be outside of the quotes, which is correct, but it also need a little more to it (which may have been done but like I said, I didn't have time to read it all).
Correct syntax for speaking a sentence including a variable is...
Note the addition of the + in the code.
Also, I've probably got a much better script now than back then. Time is a tricky one for speaking since we don't say "It's 11:55" we say "It's 5 to 12" or we don't say "It's 7:05" we say "it's 5 past 7" (amongst other variations).
I'll see what other scripts I have floating around in my projects once I've had some sleep
Hi Rich. I heed your words about checking syntax on old scripts. As I only started using ARC a few months ago, I must admit that it didn't initially think about any code or script changes or improvements at first, but suspected that might be the case after looking through other forum threads. With Richards help, here's what I'm using now...
It works very well but I do agree with what you say about how we speak the time, but I am happy with this for now.
My original project will be re-written with improvements for the time phrases shortly.
Time phrase updates will include: It is $hour o clock in the $timeofday It is $minute minutes past $hour in the $timeofday It is quarter past $hour in the $timeofday It is half past $hour in the $timeofday It is $minutesto to $hour+1 in the $timeofday It is quarter to $hour+1 in the $timeofday It is $minutes past $hour in the $timeofday It is $hour $minutes in the $timeofday
It shouldn't be too difficult to write for these phrases. I'll probably do another speak the "rounded" time where it'll round to 5 or 10 minute intervals (just as we do) with "almost", "around and "just gone".
I needed something to get my teeth stuck in to just to keep me sharp, this should be a good start
Yeah I know the feeling. Anyway that would be great. I look forward to see what you'll come up with.
Just jumped on this quickly while I had a few minutes spare. it's by no means the final draft and I am certain I can improve on it (for one the IFs can use and and or to make less code) but give this a whirl.
Not fully tested but tested between 6:25 and 6:35 PM and it worked OK. I'm not entirely sure what happens at 11pm and later though but will try it out in a few hours time if I get chance.
It's a starter anyway, feel free to make it better
Nice one. Thanks Rich. I just got home so I will try it out this evening and let you know how it goes. Looking forward to 11pm (if I'm still awake).
Thinking about it, 11pm will be fine. It's when it passes 12:30 am it may give funny times, possibly, I'll have to check that ElseIf out a bit more
I just tried it out and it sounds really nice. Much more human sounding. Lol, NO chance of me being awake at 12:30. I'll be lucky if I make it to 9:30. tired tired
I personally think it's too specific. When did anyone last say "It's 17 minutes to 9"? I plan to round to 5 minute intervals for the one I will be using.
But the script shows a nice big if nest and some other functions which (hopefully) will help people get to grips with the programming