For | ARC |
Author | Steve G |
Created | |
Last updated |
This is an ongoing project for K-9 2.0 which revolves around the pandorabot control and mobile control for use with an iPhone. some of the scripts and controls include...
. RSS News, weather and traffic report feeds.
. Pandorabot control which is connected to a bot I created which includes control commands inbedded within the
AIML bot code. I use this as the voice recognition control.
. Personality generator which contains jokes and random facts with control commands fors servo movements.
RGB animators to show K-9's emotions.
. Soundboard that includes various sound effects
. Script manager which contains all the major control scripts which K-9 uses for movements and functions.
Mobile control which I use with an iPhone using a screen mirror remote to connect the iPhone to the PC and execute functions.
Custom Movement Panel which is connected to a 10 amp H-Bridge.
More controls and scripts will be added over time such as camera control and scripts which will hopefully control smoke ant external tempreture sensors.
*Note. Everybody is welcome to use anything in this project, but adjustment will probably need to be made, such as servo values, to suit your robot's needs.