— Edited

Really hope someone can help.
I am trying to connect my EZ-B v4 to my laptop but having no luck so far. In brief, the v4 is found on my available network list, but when I click "connect" it comes up with the following...
I run the troubleshooter and the message I get is...
I have AVG antivirus installed and have tried to connect the v4 with AVG enabled and disabled, still no joy.
Laptop specs. HP650 notebook, with Windows 7 home premium 64-bit, with 6GB RAM and 320GB HDD.
Please help stress
In addition to the post above, I had a look at the windows network diagnostics.
I also forgot to mention, I have reset the v4, and restarted the laptop too, but to no avail.
Hello @Steve.gibbs
A couple of suggestions for you:
-Try uninstalling AVG
I guess I should have started with please remove power and reinsert power to the EZ-B and try again, but I figured you probably already tried that one.
I guess I should ask how are you powering your EZ-B, and are your batteries charged?
Thanks for the quick reply. I do not have an Ethernet cable connected and I don't have a wifi dongle I can use. I have just uninstalled AVG as you suggested, , restarted laptop, and reset v4, and it still will not connect.
I just saw your second post. Yes, I did unplug and replug power, battery is a new 7.4 LiPo, and is fully charged.
Your computer is looking for a response from an internet connection - and not allowing a single adhoc connection. Because there are millions of software applications, we do not know of all apps that could cause the problem.
Do you have a firewall installed?
Other virus scanners installed (other than AVG)?
What version of windows?
Is your computer an HP or Compaq?
I found this link that could possibly help you with setting up an adhoc connection with an HP computer: Link
Hi DJ.
Thanks for responding. Yes I do have windows firewall, the only other security feature is Windows defender, I am running Windows 7 64-bit home premium, and the laptop is deffo a HP.
Wow. I really didn't think it would be this difficult. I had a look at the link Jeremie but the instructions given are different to my systems menus. I have now tried with windows firewalls OFF, and still no luck.
@steve , I noticed that if i clicked connect to v4 connection and then right afterwards click connect in ARC for board 0 ( the first one) that ARC was able to immediatly connect and windows remembers the ezb v4 connection.
Note: trying to duplicate your issue , i found if i just clicked connect but didn't also click connect in ARC eventually it comes back it will not connect.
Thanks Jstarne1. I just tried that and thing still is not connecting. Actually, I don't even get a chance to click on board 0 before the windows connection error pops up.
Do you have an android or iPad? You can connect using your android just to get the V4 controller into client mode... Your PC will hopefully connect after that... Or can you use, buy or borrow another PC?... I am lucky to have more than a few computers around the house... All my Win 8 pc's connect... Only one of my Win 7 pc's would connect...
No Rich. Only an iPhone 5s and a old XP laptop.
iPhone 5 should work.... Anything with wifi and a web browser should work...
Ok, sounds promising. What do I need to do? The iPhone does find the v4 & seems to connect.
do the same as you did with your pc... turn on your ezb4 then go to your wifi list on your iPhone... Select the ezb (like you did on your pc) and connect... Then go to your web browser in your iPhone and type in http//: This should bring up the ezb webserver... Follow DJ's or Rich's tutorials on switching your ezb from AP Mode to Client mode.... Once you get this done we can try and connect again to your PC (this time in Client mode)....
Right. Just tried what you said Richard. The only problem is a cannot bring up the web surfer while connected to the v4.
1 thing though. Even though the iPhone says it is connected to the v4, the blue light on the board Is still flashing. confused
You forgot the : (colon) before // I had it wrong too... Remember it's just like a regular website address...
The blue (WP mode) or green (Client mode) will only stop flashing when you connect via ARC.... so solid leds mean you are connected within ARC....
@Steve.gibbs5 I think you may have typed in capital i's instead of ones in the address.
Same thing with the colon too.
your ip address looks wierd. the last should be but in numbers. it looks like it is lower case L.lower case L, or upper case i.upper case i.
sorry, I see that you saw that already. I will step out again.
When I tried on my android ... my android gave me the address for my ezb4 not Check your connection on your iPhone to see if the address is different....
Not a problem. Not sure why it com came out like that but I confirmed that I did do it right again.
I'm gonna cry if I don't get this sorted soon. Been at it now for nearly 5 hours now. stress
I could not connect either with my android... using or both would not bring up the ezb4 webserver.... Went back to my pc and it worked no problem.... Hmmmm
The colon is in the wrong place, please place it after the http
Hears what I've got Richard. I have tried this too with no joy.
Ok, tried again and finally got it to work on my android using was able to bring up the ezb4 webserver on my Android Galaxy s3
Just wanted to mention that it works on my iPhone5s
Edit: just in case my response wasn't seen, please change the colon location
Cycle the power on your ezb and connect again to your ezb4 with your iPhone. Keep trying using It took a couple of times but I finally was able to bring up the ezb4 webserver via my Galaxy S3 web browser....
Right Success with the server. Thanks for that Jeremie. blush
Now use the server to flip the ezb4 into client mode... It will reboot and the led will start flashing green... Congrats you are in client mode... Now open ARC and use the scan tool in the connection control (looks like a mini cell tower) to locate your ezb....
Richard my friend, you have saved me from a nervous breakdown.
Thank you so much for your help with this, and thanks to the others too. If I'm ever across the pond, I owe you a few beers.
Cheers, Steve.
@Steve.... Awesome.... Enjoy.... Now maybe you can help Nomad... he has the same problem you had.... One of these days I will eventually head across the pond to see England and France.... I will take you up on your offer... Once we get good and wrecked we can head over to Rich's house and pee in his garden...
:P Sounds like a plan Richard.
I have to ask though for future reference, any thoughts to why the laptop and v4 wouldn't connect ad-hoc? I'm not to bothered for now as I wanted it in client mode anyway for Pandorabots, but it would be nice to know why I had the problems that I did?
@Steve.gibb5 we have had a few people unable to connect with HP computers in particular, we are still investigating the issue. It looks like it might be that a WiFi driver update is required. Some users have got around it with a $10-$15 USB WiFi dongle.
Jeremie, forgive me if this is in the spec sheet, but I am posting from my phone. What protocol is the EZ-B? G, N, ac? 2.4ghz or 5ghz?
My work laptop (a fairly new HP laptop) has trouble with 2.4 ghz when there is a 5ghz signal visible. I haven't spent much time investigating it, but noticed it when I got a new 5ghz rrouter but wanted to test my 2.4ghz ghz guest network.
No prob, the EZ-Bv4 WiFi is 2.402GHz to 2480GHz b/g/n.
Ok, good to know Jeremie.
Funnily enough, throughout my problem solving today, one of the things I tried was updating my wireless driver, but had a message back saying it was already up to date. Now I know how to set it up now I might try connecting ad-hoc again to see if it works. I might consider a cheap wifi dongle for scripting, testing ect for the time being.
FYI for your investigation, my laptop as mentioned before is a HP650 business end notebook which is coming up to 2 years old now, and has a Ralink RT5390R 802.11b/g/n 1x1 Wi-Fi network adapter. I got to the point where all my firewalls were disabled and anti virus uninstalled as you suggested. I hope this info helps you guys and hope you manage to find a solution.
Thanks for your help.
Thank you very much Steve, we appreciate the info!
Hi all. I have a similar challenge, except I want to stay in ad hoc mode! We want to take the bots out of the lab and onto the streets, ala Spider Dog (check out the YouTube video), so we want to control the bots without routers i.e. ad hoc.
We have 2 laptops that connect ad hoc and 3 desktops that will not. Yeah, so laptops; what's the problem? Well, we'd like to know what causes the issue so we know we could use any laptop to control the bots.
If the bot's wifi circuitry is not responding to all ad hoc requests, is there a possibility other circuitry might resolve this random issue? If it's the wifi dongle, what's a make/model that people know work that we might use as the main connection point for any laptop? I'm also wondering if there could be a problem with Windows security settings or some other configuration issue that's causing this to happen.
We taking to the streets! Any help figuring this one out will be appreciated.