Country: USA
Member Since:
Make up effect artist ( http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0400235/ ) for motion pictures, with a passion for robots.
2012-02-28 - joined Synthiam
2012-02-28 - created first new question
2012-04-24 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-09-18 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-10-14 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2015-05-16 - shared your first photo in the forum
2015-05-27 - posted a robot project showcase
2015-05-27 - shared your first video in the forum
2015-09-25 - created a custom avatar
2018-01-22 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2018-03-02 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
2018-03-02 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
2018-03-02 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
2018-03-07 - used Cognitive Text Sentiment Service
2018-05-12 - answered a forum question
2022-01-09 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
2022-07-01 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
2023-12-06 - started first conversation
Latest submissions
Questions (126)
Robots (6)
Skills (0)
General (3)
Hack Events (0)
Tutorials (0)
Apps (0)
Firmwares (0)
3D Parts (0)
Feature Requests (9)

A Youtube Channel Called Reel Robots
So what is next? As some of you know Ive been throwing around the idea of a robotics Youtube channel. The notion of giving back my knowledge to the...question

Can This Be Removed?
@DJ , someone brought to my attention that my name is listed as founder of Synthiam on a site called Build With... so unless there is something I dont know lol, can we find a way...question

Looking To Discuss Options For Robot Accessing Data
I left the title a bit obscure on purpose. Here is what I am thinking about and would like to hear ideas about how to...question

The Future Of Robots?
Well......Elon is at it again..this time creating something he is scared of...robots. You can even tell in his presentation how uncomfortable he is. And yet here we are. $100,000...question

Struggling With Autoposition
Not a fan of the autoposition, but I had to tackle it for the drink robot because unlike servo recorder, I needed the robot to precisely grab a cup and repeat...question

Change The Background Image?
Is there a way to change the background for the layout? I am aware of the background for the animation controls, I am referring to the general UI background.question

Servo Positions To 270 Degrees
Can I use a servo like this one to get 270 degrees of motion with EZB and ARC? https://www.amazon.com/ANNIMOS-Digital-Waterproof-DS3218MG-Control/dp/B076CNKQX4question

Question On Playback Rates
Ok im having a head scratcher today. I connected Alan and Alena up to different laptops to run them simultaneously. One is an older Apple Mac Pro with bootcamp and Win...question

Old Boring Hardware Youve Seen Before
Old stuff coming our way..... arduino.cc/pro And this is a nice old 12 bit servo driver https://www.adafruit.com/product/815 ...and lets...question

Experiencing Problems With Website
I am having troubles accessing anything but questions. If i try anything else i.e App or Robots...I get an error.....any idea when this might be...question

Discussing TOF Cameras For Robot Vision And Navigation
I have some scanning software for my Primesense camera called, Skanect. The company that produced that software...question

TTS And Added Post Effects
Im working on a massively cool project at the moment. Im hitting a wall as I source out the individual parts. I need one of the TTS voices to be post processed to sound...question

Anyone Having Issues With Bing Speech Recognition?
I have downloaded the latest ARC beta and trying to use bing speech rec and I keep getting the same error. Anyone tell...question

Usb To Serial Connection Camera Option
With the option to use the EZB in serial to USB you lose the option for the camera since the connections use the camera port. Is it possible to...question

Help With Error On $Botresponse Aiml
Quick question as I am editing the settings file for the AIML Bot plug in. I got a clean set up with just the AIML Bot plug in. Mostly works just...question

Hey DJ And Jer...Since You Guy
Hey DJ and Jer...since you guys are on the dynamixel road...is there a chance you guys can take a look at the new XM series servos from dynamixel. A couple of...question

Hey Guys, Up For Discussion Is
Hey guys, up for discussion is the speech API from Microsoft/Azure/Bing. I want to utilize a pay version of this service for CES display. I dont want the...question

Ibm Watson Plug In Service?
I’ve been looking into the services provided by Watson. I’m really impressed. Is this something that could be implemented like the other services we have, like Bing...question

Next Project
Hey guys. As I am closing in on the finishing line on my Gargantuan project, I’m lining up the remainder of the year with a few projects. I have a budget for a couple more projects. I’d like your...question

Dynamixel Settings Question
This question is directed to anyone running dynamixels. I am wondering if any of you have attempted or found a way to override the thermal cut off. Ive looked thru...question

Question On Micro Servo
Hey wonder if DJ or Jeremie could chime in. Could you fill me in on the kg/cm on the micro HDD running at 7.4 volts. I can only find for 6v.question

Possible To Restart Script On Blink M?
There is a button within the blinkM control to stop a script that is onboard the blinkM. Is there a way to re enable the on board script after...question

Vr Options?
Does anyone know if the SDK of the Oculus Rift package would work with EZB if there was a plug in developed for it? It doesnt really need to be something as big and bulky as that. Very unfortunate...question

Questions For Any Hexapod Builders
Hey there guys I got a few questions for payload on anyone who is building or has built a hexapod. Ive designed this guy up for my son this week. Its a...question

Dynamixels Crazy Hold
Anyone who is serious about professional servos should check out Dynamixels. I say professional because they are way overpriced. But, They now sell a $49 version that fits the...question

Robot Shop Servo Version
Can anyone confirm what version of the EZ Robot servos ship from the Robot Shop? Im looking for an HHD standard servos local outlet. The shipping from China takes too long...question

Hdd Micro Servo
Is the micro servo in the store HDD or still the standard version. I remember reading a thread where DJ said new ones were available soon. I dont want to order if they are not the HDD...question

Question On Size Of Target Window Camera Control
Is it possible to change the size of the capture red box (80x80)? If i change the size from 320 to 640 camera resolution,...question

3Rd Party Servo Questions
Hey guys. Throwing this one out there. I have a low profile servo from Korea called the protek PTK-160T. It’s a 7.4v servo with some good power. But this servo has one...question

I Miss
Well things have certainly been very quiet in the forums of late. Kinda reminds me of the 20 minute lull you have at dinner parties. You know, that moment where youve all kinda said the things you wanted to...question

Review Led Options
I can not longer use the BlinkM for Alans eyes as they have modified the hardware and voltage requirements etc. so Im looking for other options. The neopixels blaster would be perfect...question

Movie Night
Movie night what cha watching?question

Fathom Stick
Hot on the heels of a new artificial intelligence-capable thermal imaging camera, chip maker Movidius has yet another AI implementation up its sleeve: a USB stick that can allow pretty much any...question

Dynamixel Users Would Like To Resolve Question
Might be a day late and a dollar short, but Im having an issue with the dynamixels that I am hoping other users could confirm or...question

Ez Robot At Intel Idf16
As in tomorrow? Fellas a little heads up on these huge announcements.. I would have flown down to see this!question

Help Identifying 20 Pin Io
Hey guys Im trying to see if anyone can identify this 20 pin IO male and female connector. Its super tiny. It connects a camera to a PCB board. Id like to add a ribbon...question

Usb Camera Higher Resolution
Im using the EZB over USB. So the robot will always be connected to the computer. If I have taken the load off the EZB (by not using the camera on the ezb)....question

Bing Speech .Dll Question
I updated to the latest ver of ARC Release 2017.02.20.00, but when i install the plug in for Bing Speech I get the follow error when i try to launch: Same error when i...question

Lidar Lite V3
Garmin releasing the Lidar Lite v3 now with PWM and I2C.question

I2c Questions
I seemed to be having issues with I2C BlinkMs I keep adding the control to the layout and connect the blink M to one of the i2C ports and it disconnects the EZB, every single time. To make sure...question

Dynamixels And Herkulex.Again
Love digging up a horse and beating it again? Well fellas Im here to help you out! Lets start another up to date discussion about the use of, and the support of,...question

Sourcing Mini Usb Cam
Hey there Im looking for suggestions for a usb 1080p 30fps web cam and lens as small as the one sold here at store for the EZB with similar lens size. Ive looked around and found...question

Servo Recorder Error
I just downloaded the 7/17 release and my servo recorder is broke. It might have been broke before i updated but unsure. I did notice its located in two places servo/and plugins?!...question

Speaker / Servo Noise Help
Hey guys reaching out to you to see if anyone can help me trouble shoot this problem. Alan has a set of blue tooth speakers installed. Running them Bluetooth works...question

Inmoov Janitor?
Lol looks like the InMoov is a great floor buffer and mopper....question

Tracking And Servos Need Help
Im working on a product that requires tracking with two sets of servos. One set the camera is attached to and moves left and right and the other up and down (X...question

Trouble With Sound Servo
Hello, Back after some absence. Im having trouble with my EZBv4 and getting sound servo to work with the latest version on EZB Builder. Sound servo (PC) crashes the EZB...question

Ezb V4- Unboxing
Hello all, I was across the country for work when both my EZB4s and cameras arrived at my house. Im back and today I unboxed everything. My first impressions are...wow. Are we sure there...question

Help With Connecting A Serial Device
Ill try to make this quick and to the point. Trying to interface a device that has a rs-232ttl converter attached to it (the device is like a...question

Ezb V$ And Camera Dimensions?
I did a quick search but could not find anything on the dimensions for both the ezb V4 and the new camera un-housed. Is there a schematic floating around that has...question

Ping Ping Ping
Question for you guys..anyone. Other than object avoidance, is there anything else a ping is good for in association with EZB?question

Nice Job, Big Roll Out
DJ, Great job on a big roll out. I missed the live presentation, but got caught up on the YouTube recording. Here are my 2 cents. I am speaking from a USA perspective. I think...question

Whoa, New Websit Up!
Looks great! It looks like i will be cruising it first?!question

Omni Wheel Question
Possible or impossible with EZB? Omni wheel movement in this video. Modified Servo movement panel only accepts 2 servos, could the custom movement panel be able to control 4...question

Robot Combat League- First Episode Online!
Those who fololwed my other thread on this TV show will be glad to hear that the SyFy channel has put the season premier episode online...question

Any Eta On Android?
Dj, Trying to decide on onboard computing and before I buy, is there anychance an android EZB is in the near future? By the time I invest in a small touch screen a mini itx, ram, sd...general

Docyke Mega Servo Review
Quick review on these mega servos! Might come in handy for some folks working on larger robots.....we need more power Scotty!general

Googles Preview Of Gemini
So this landed a few hours ago (12/6/2023). And I think I just saw the future of robotics. With AI evolving so fast with so many models, Ive been waiting for a merging of...No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Fxrtsts Introducing Alan
Edit: Kickstarter campaign failed in 2015. Starting in 2025 you can build an interactive Alan by joining my Robotics Courseware (links coming soon). You can follow along...robot

Fxrtsts Untitled Hoverboard Project
As promised Ive started a separate thread on this. I had mentioned over at my Alan thread that I was thinking about using hoverboard motors for a...robot

Fxrtsts Project Gargantua (Or Gar)
Project: By request, my 6 year old son wanted me to design and build him a Hexapod. So I started to whip up some designs in Zbrush and together we...robot

Fxrtsts Will Huffs Lost In Space B9 Robot Build
Im adding my Lost in Space B9 robot build to my growing list of robots. To kick it off Ive just edited a new video showing how...robot

Fxrtsts Quantum Lift- Model CR-99
Hey guys. Ive started a new vehicle series of robots. The first one up will be a sci fi vehicle that has a crane which will be controllable to lift up...robot

Fxrtsts ARC, Depth Sensor Plug In And Perception Neuron
A little back ground. Besides make up effects, I started teaching myself computer animation about 20 years...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
No user tutorials. Click here to view all user tutorials.
No robot apps. Click here to view all user robot apps.
No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
feature request

CAN BUS Control
Challenge. Go big or go home. Im looking into the CAN actuators used on the Cheetah mini. They are not poorly priced ($300) and offer 150 pound/inch of torque @ 24v. They are brush less,...feature request

Smoothing Motions
@DJ, I recently saw this video by James. He shows how he adds a couple of lines of adruino code to smooth out positions for servos. You can see his solution starting at about 5:00 in the...feature request

Animated Faces For For Robot Characters
Ive been thinking about designs for a robot, the kind with animated faces on flat panels. Id like to be able to call up animations I create...feature request

Right Click, Move To Virtual Desktop Question
Are there plans for Arc be updated for skills right click move to ,to reflect which renamed virtual desktop you want to move it to...feature request

Servo Positions Visible In Servo Pad
Feature upgrade request I guess. Wondering if it would be possible to include real time feed back of X and Y servo positions in the servo pad, as in...feature request

On/Off For Speech Recognition Phrases
Id like to see the ability to turn on or off phrases in the speech recognition engines.feature request