Asked — Edited

Dj City Tv Spot.California.


Watched the video with you interviewed on City Tv Breakfast show and at the end you say you are heading to California. Where are you moving the company to? Glad you chose California. When is your final move?

Ironically I am moving temporarily to Calgary in December through February. There is a film shooting there that I will be a part of. Quite a long time to spend in Canada during the winter months! My blood has thinned here in LA.

Bringing my wife and kids up as well, so I will be looking for a condo in town and walking distance to shopping etc. Any ideas of good areas to look?



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I don't think he is moving, if I am correct in my thinking. I think he is Expanding and will still live in Calgary. At least that is what I understand.

:D :D



If you need any help our guidance while in Calgary drop me a line.

I lived there for about 7 years, I'm now 1.5 hrs away in Red Deer.

Lot's of malls to shop in Calgary, traffic is kinda nutz but your probably used to it.

Born and raised in Edmonton so I know that area as well.

Make sure to take your wife to West Edmonton Mall!

Can you share any details on what your filming? I'm a movie nut.


Thanks! Yeah LA traffic is overwhelming, so shouldn't be a problem. That said I am certainly going to look for a condo in the heart of it all, so the wife and kids can stroll about when I am at work. The film is based on true events out of Nome Alaska in the 20's. Thats about all I can say for now, but a google search will unveil a bit more :D They tie me to all these non-disclosures.


Is the film along the lines is the encounters of the forth kind or some thing like Balto


We've openned our office in July - Sunny Vale. Alan is there fulltime for a bit longer - I may be there in a few weeks for a few weeks. We haven't quite figured it out yet:)


Well great to hear you at least have an annex, should allow you some room for expansion and find some financing. Congrats!

I've been real busy with day job, but I check the forum every chance I have, and you're doing a great job with all these updates. MY EZB needs these updates, so far behind. Hopefully I'll get to it by the end of February stress when we finish shooting! Ughhh. In any event hopefully we can get caught up in Calgary?

Speaking of Alan tell him my wife took off a year with our new baby so she could not be at school pressing them about ordering the EZB's for the new robotics classes they are teaching at her high school. Its a bummer as it was at least 40 to 60 sales for you. Hopefully she will be able to change their minds in the near future. I think they went with the "A" board. Akkk! My apology to you.



Oh yes, we will connect in calgary for sure:) That will be awesome!