Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Looking To Discuss Options For Robot Accessing Data

I left the title a bit obscure on purpose. Here is what I am thinking about and would like to hear ideas about how to get this to work.

I want to be able to verbally ask my robot to give me a random word like a noun or an adjective, etc. One way might be to access a randomizer website and populate the answer with one of those words. Or maybe a database like an excel doc, with alot of nouns, one with adjectives etc. and have the robot randomly choose from those lists?!

Which approach is doable with current skills and ARC? Any other suggestions on how to do this would be helpful.

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Hi Will!

Are looking for it to return only words you want it to return or any random noun or an adjective in the known universe?


Hey Dave!

Well all the words in the universe would be cool, but I think I can settle for less:). Not sure if you remember the game called MadLibs, but you fill in the blanks in a story by filling in random words. What I am working on is similar, but for other purposes, but yeah random adjectives and adverbs etc.


#3   — Edited

That's easy. Back in the day, I was working on an early AI chatbot that learned from user interaction called Synthia. It influenced the name Synthiam.

My idea was that humans associate objects with nouns, so the AI would need an extensive index of nouns. Even though the AI didn't know what the thing was, it had a reference to it that was related to the topic while it was learning. Anyway, the file was large, and I'll post it here:

So put that file in C:\TEMP\NOUNS.TXT.

And run this JavaScript in ARC that reads a random line from the file...

var noun = File.readRandomLine("c:\\temp\\nouns.txt");


Voila, you read a random line from the text file. And the text file is full of nouns. And you get this...

User-inserted image


I love it when you start a sentence with that’s easy!

Thanks so much this is exactly what I need! Working on some fun stuff. Hopefully something to post in the next month or so!

I’ll prolly have a few more questions in the coming days. As always thanks for the quick reply!


DJ's solution is so much more elegant then mine. I was going to suggest writing a script and listing all the words you want the robot to say. Then assign a number to each word in that script. Then in the same script use the following command to pick a number assigned to each word: GetRandomUnique( Min, Max ) Returns a random number between Min and Max This function attempts to make the number unique from the last time it was called Example: $x = GetRandomUnique(10, 50)

After the number is picked the script can then use the word assigned to that number in what ever way needed.

If you have tons of words to work with then this is a lot of work and time. I use this method in my B9 to play random voice clips or trigger random animations. It make him seem more self aware. However my lists are very small compared to your needs. Like I said, DJ's very cool work seems ideal for your plan. DJ's the bomb!

I'm looking forward to seeing what you're up to. Pleas keep us posted.


Thanks guys. The ReadRandomLine command is super useful for this kind of thing. Curious to see what you're making:)