Asked — Edited

Any Updates On Ez Robot?

I seem to add an occasional "hey hows it going" thread, when things are this quiet for such a long period of time. Maybe its too fan the flames and get new and interesting topics going, or maybe its to remind DJ and EZ Robot, that we are still here. Or maybe its hoping for an update on products, or Ez builder....or all the above?!

So how goes it EZ Robot...whats the word on the street?


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Discover the limitless potential of robot programming with Synthiam ARC Pro – where innovation and creativity meet seamlessly.


I am recalling past dreams of neopixel balsters and LIDAR.


Come on Will. You should know by now that there's always something wonderful about to happen in the EZ Robot world.


Well if I remember correctly , DJ goes to his cabin in the summer. Shortly there after are showered with an update or two including new features... um an announcement with new and exciting products and ez bits...if I remember correctly there was a thread or comment about a rewriting of porting happening to ARC. Knowing how transparent EZ Robot is I would expect to see announcements soon?!


You’ll all be happy soon but I can’t say why... yet. As you’ve seen with the staff video and new people joining the team - lots is about to happen. And a lot of it has been inspired directly by you, the diy community.

Ezrobot as a brand has been successfully empowering both diy and education customers - but we noticed they don’t always mix well, even though there’s complimenting attributes.

A few months ago, we had selected a number of community and education members to speak with. I want you to know that I heard you - and something is happening to address both parties. Something awesome - and it’s taking a lot of effort.

What we’ve created, as a combined group, is remarkable in comparison to anything else available for robotics. While that certainly gives us the technical advantage, it’s also important that we apply the business structure and branding accordingly. This means a clearer separation between you the makers and education customers.

I’m not sure if youve noticed - but you (the maker community) have been the driving force of ezrobot’s innovation. Due to that innovation, the product has been chosen as best fit to education students in 85 countries - time and time again. The result of your passion and drive is resulting in shaping the future careers of countless children around the world.

Be proud of that.

So, without releasing too much detail and spoiling the surprise - I’ll leave on a cliff hanger.

Speculations begin!


@DJ Sures since 5 years Im on board. not much time but in this years I created a lot EZ-robots. 21 different robots and I sold 107 ez-bots worldwide to fans who not creative, have two left hands or are handicapped.

I love to hear that EZ-Robot is not at the end, because we all making robots for the whole world and ourselves. in the past and future our dreams came/ come true. Im so happy!

thank you DJ! Thank you for your time here in the forum. thanks for this product :-)

@fxrtst I love your printed robots. your quality printed parts are the best of the best since 3d printer are for sale:D

I bought a 3D printer after I seen your videos!

Thank you!

@Dave Schulpius

I have seen all your B9 videos! 2012 you were the person who brought me to EZ-Robot.

thank you, too!

@Steve S a really nice robot family you have. Artamus, one of my favorite robots. Elvia <3

XLROBOTS, I never forget Anthonys dreams and time here.

I hope for a wonderful time with many more creative heads in the next years.

cheers Marty


Thanks Marty. We have a great community here and managed to create some amazing robots over the years. Very curious as to who the participants were from our community and the input they gave to EZ Robot. I'm looking forward to what ever is about to be shared from EZ Robots.

#11 speculation (if we are shooting for the moon)...DJ talked investors into expanding upon the Diy'ers needs. The reason for the china factory change at the beginning of the expand manufacturing.

Wish list from said fantasy factory:

All the Ez bits in the store with "coming soon" i.e leds and blaster maybe lidar, their own version of the dynamixel with position feedback but cheaper and with all the resolution. Maybe a modular building set like actobiotics building components.

Software: a complete rebuild and redesign, including IK animation capabilities or using a 3rd party Unity bridge.

Thats my list...... ;)


Ok, now I am super pumped and salivating, cant wait to see what's coming, thank you DJ and the EZrobot team ! soonest would be best, :D blush cool


Haha - well... i can sneak a bit more info. The upcoming announcement does mean Yes to everything you're discussing - because of the outcome. But it doesn't necessarily mean those things will suddenly exist.:) I do enjoy the guesses!


Thanks for the tease DJ. ;)


Hmmmm, more guessing based on COO in video, Merger? Acquisition? Partnership.


@Smarty, I'm honored that you found my YouTube videos and thought enough of them to watch all 50 or so. I'm more honored that they lead you to EZ Robot. This robot platform is truly a game changer for everyone. Well ahead of the curve and cutting edge. I can't wait to see what DJ has ready for us around the corner. ;)


excited to see what's next!


@Dave Schulpius I watched most of your videos as I originally wanted to build a B9. However you were also the one that got me into EZ-Robot. I am still working on my first robot (R2D2) I keep adding a rebuilding things. I am also planning my second build which will be a full size Wall-e.

Thank you @DJ for your time and effort with my issues and with the product. I am excited to see what is around the that corner. Can't wait for the announcement !


Hey @rsmith, it always blows me away when people spend so much of their valuable time watching videos I posted on YouTube. I'm glad you guys find something interesting in them. Lord knows I'm no talented actor or have much to offer visually. Must be the B9 robot and not me. Lol. Actually I have to give a lot of credit of my B9 build success to the OP of this thread. Will Hoff (FXrtst) is one of the master B9 robot builders and original founding members of the B9 Robot Builders club. I learned a lot from him and my B9 sports the silacon rubber arms and legs that he crafted.

I'm actually jealous of your path. R2D2 is one of my top 5 full size robots I'd love to build. Wall-e's on that short list also. Good luck with your dreams and have fun. ;)


@Dave I confess it was just the B9 that was interesting. Sorry @Dave. You and I also have talked in the past regarding B9 Arm length and Bubble head total height. I am still in the process of making my 1/6 th scale B9 move. I have the bubble lifter working great, and to scale of the full size thanks to you. Not sure if you remember, as I am sure you have talked to alot of people. My little B9 is my avatar.

As far as my R2D2 goes it is only 18 inches tall. If you search the community here for 18 inch tall R2D2 you will find my showcase/discussion. I would love to build a full size R2D2, the cost is overwhelming.

I bought a short Wall-E (9,25 inches tall), once I received it, it was too small to add all the features that I wanted to add. Therefore I decided to go full size. I am a member of both the R2D2 builder and the Wall-E builders Clubs. My Wall-E journey begins in January if all goes according to plan. Ha HA ha HA.............


I hope to hear something soon. I am starting a new project that will use multiple EZR's networked in a single bot. It worked well with my inmoov.

Almost pulled the trigger but it seems like something else may be out soon from DJ so I will hold off on purchasing new equipment.


We're not changing equipment - this is not a hardware specific announcement. It's the foundation to supporting your effort as a DIY community.


@ DJ... You're killing us! confused;)


Thanks DJ. Sounds like I'll be OK to move ahead.

Appreciate the clue. The one dream wish I have then as it pertains to the DIY community would be easier access to the hardware you sell. Man, if I could jump on Amazon and get an EZR via Prime to my house in 2 days. That would be something.


After reading all this, I'm very curious... Can't wait, so DJ... please hurry ! Btw, congratulations and thanks for your different approach to get robots to the people and taking care/listening to the DIY community.



I wish that supply of parts would be directly from the China factory. Canada postage costs are insane!



I wish that supply of parts would be directly from the China factory. Canada postage costs are insane!

That's funny, I live in Canada and the parts I order from EZ-Robot are shipped from China. Which is a pain because of the high shipping cost and import fees plus the DHL handling fee.


Winter will be here soon and we will all be stuck in doors again soon ( we’ll those of us in the upper northern hemisphere anyway). So curious what is going on.


@dj Any update on the DIY FRONT?


Soon... Within the next 30-45 days fingers crossed


Would your announcement be just in time for the holidays?


I am certainly hoping so - that's what we're aiming at. I'd like to get the community involved ahead of time though. There are so many moving parts to what i'm doing, that it is taking a bit of time.


I am doing the pee dance waiting on whats up.


@Jstartne1: Daddy why it won't stop raining ? ... now I understand why... Josh can you please stop doing that! You are doing the wrong dance!


has anyone heard of ez robot doing animal themed robotic kits? If they have not it is a good idea. Animechs


I definitely want to build at least one dragon and/or lizard with ez-bits one of these days! I do like reptile robots:D



I'd like to get the community involved ahead of time though. There are so many moving parts to what i'm doing, that it is taking a bit of time.

OK I'm back from Avengers and now my interest has peaked on this subject. @DJ at what point do you feel the community will get involved with the process? I'm offering my involvement/info/query on what ever this announcement will bring.


Ironically, tomorrow

I'm going to write a new thread and introduce what's going on. I'm only writing the post on this forum and it won't be shared externally. This is an initiative for this community, not edtech - so youll hear it first.

Expect it posted by the late evening tomorrow October 20th 2018


Oh, what is edtech? the educational section of the company?


My day ran away with me - i'll make time tomorrow:D


What is EdTech? Here's what I found on the subject DJ said this is:

"Education technology has become one of the most important topics of discussion among parents and educators. But what is it? What is education technology? In a layman language it is any technology that supports education, education technology (also known as EdTech) is a study and ethical practice that facilitates learning and improve the performance by creating and managing appropriate technology tools.

Education technology is a wide field. Education technology focuses on study and ethical practices; it improves education in a systematic way. Education technology sometimes known as instructional technology or learning technology.

Education technology accordingly:

Teaches with technology Prime focus is to enhance the teaching and learning process Education technology is particularly suited for education. Technology is used as a tool in education. It aims at great efficiency and effectiveness of current practice. Is concerned with thinking carefully about teaching and learning. Technology acts as a catalyzer and tool to promote education.

Education technology includes various types of media like audio, images, text, animation and videos which help in learning known as e-learning. It helps a lot in distance learning which is also known as blended learning. In purest form education technology supports furthering of education. Learning becomes more dynamic and it saves money and improves the current setup of schools and colleges.

Education technology has helped the students in many ways especially for those students who doesn’t raise their hands in the class and are scared of asking something; in this case their doubts remain unsolved.

Sometimes it really becomes boring to teach the lessons through book, with the help of education this can be of interest by showing videos and images it becomes quite easy and effective.

Nowadays technology is playing an increasing role in education. As technology advances, it is used to benefit students of all ages in the learning process. Technology has also advanced to help children even before they have started school. Educational videogames, apps helps young children to prepare themselves for school.

Online education has opened numerous possibilities for students and teachers alike. You can now teach from anywhere in the world. Many online schools are accredited and registered with necessary government bodies. This means anyone interested to education can acquire so now.

Through technology education has been transformed. Learning and teaching has become more interactive and dynamic. Technology undoubtedly improved the scope of education and is easily accessible.

Educational technology should always be focused on delivering the best form of education."

We all know DJ is all about education and learning. Looks like it's back to school for those of us who want to participate. This could be great and something I personally could really use and get into. :) I'm looking forward to see what this is really all about.


I'm not stringing you along:) I just needed some time away from the office, which meant working from home anyway... but it melts my brain and i need a refresh because i can write a good message to introduce what's next to you:)

Delayed another day


Take your time and don't stress over this. We all can wait as long as needed. Relax and enjoy some time off. Recharge. ;)