Requested — Edited

Animated Faces For For Robot Characters

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I've been thinking about designs for a robot, the kind with animated faces on flat panels. I'd like to be able to call up animations I create like seamless avis or mov.s (without a frame) to display animations I create. Or maybe they are GIFs? But these animations should be able to be called by scripts, maybe even reactive to voice synthesis etc. or eyes that follow you using the camera?!


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Sorry will, I don’t really understand what’s being asked. I kind of thought you wanted an animated button in the interface builder? But then there’s a lot of stuff mentioned, like voice synthesis and eyes that follow the camera?

Any detail that specifies what you’re looking for would be useful to better understand.

#2   — Edited

I think it's about having a face of your robot on the screen (interface builder) and be able to calll animations that react to sound or camera or can be called by script


Hey great idea DJ, wonder if I can get cool video effect happening on my Tablet with mobile builder and mount it on my Cylon back pack while he vacuums? Gonna try it LOL!

#5   — Edited

Sorry guys just got back from my mom's 80th BD so I didn't see responses. I'm going to explore the video player skill to see if that might fill the need.

Proteusy had the correct guess at what I was asking for. This would be for a robot with an onboard computer and touch screen. My thoughts would be the interface builder or a plug-in that displays these animations on top of the ARC controls (like interface builder does). It could be controlled by scripts for different animations like eyes animation tracking to the movement (see link below hackster)...simply load animations that anyone could make in any adobe program like illustrator or photoshop. If the robot is sad it plays sad face animation, if the robot is happy the screen plays smiles animation, etc.. Easy to create animations and save them out as a GIF, or .mov and have it called up with command control? Just throwing out ideas of how to accomplish this. Every robot in asia has these animated must be a way to do it.

Like this robot face:

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And this example for animation tracking :


Whoa Wil,that looks fantastic!:D


@robo rad...this is another crowd-funded robot (failed?) called Buddy. Not my design.


That is really a cute bot, I  wonder why it failed? Seems it could have an affordable price and win over many people like in hospitals or elderly care.


I think they promised to deliver for a price that was too low to actually produce it...offering promises they could not deliver on.

#10   — Edited

Yup - the fate of all robot companies that attempt to own the full-stack. It is an ego decision vs a business decision. Too many people focus on the robotics problem, not the business proposition.

RIP: Baxter, Jibo, Mayfield, Anki, Reach,  (misty is next), etc...

  1. There aren't enough programmers in the world to sustain and scale businesses requiring such a high level of experience/knowledge for hiring.

  2. All consumer-facing products, software, support, and UI migrate to Windows for the reason stated above. This also applies to support staff scaling requirements for businesses.

  3. The only place where the engineering ego receives attention is in academics. Businesses focus on the highest percentage of TAM revenue while maintaining the lowest operating cost to support new product development, growth, and market fluctuations. This is why all of the robot companies keep going out of business because they're founded and operated by engineers.

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I think your easiest solution for having an animated face that moves with tracking and allows customization is to build a unity project that connects to ARC. That way you can customize it yourself.


Yeah I'm not looking to trigger a few leds or light up small oled displays....I want the whole screen (face) to be a 24 bit color screen. Then animations can be created easily in a paint program (frames) and displayed. Animations could be individual frames, or animated clips, GIF frames.....the type of frames is irrelevant, its about how to get them to display over ARC like the interface builder can do.


The interface builder is for interacting with buttons and joysticks and controls from a user. It may be confusing for new viewers or historical reference if Interface Builder is referenced for this. It's best to refer to itself as what it is. A full-screen video player:)


I think that wont work. For example, the transition of a happy face to a sad face would not be smooth.

#18   — Edited

hey will

this robot has the animated eyes . all figurs and letters are viseble in his eyes. also all data is viseble in his eyes .its from UBTECH robots.

here another one .

misty robot

#19   — Edited

Hi fxrtst,

I also want to learn how to be able to call up animations on a face on a tablet reactive to voice etc. or eyes that follow you using the camera?

I got as far as the WIO terminal -  no audio / speech , nor mouth moves etc. check my kink out

I see a few guys on here that have accomplished that but they are gone at this time.

Let me know if you have accomplished this, thanks
