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United Kingdom

Custom Movememnt Panel can support pretty much anything. So yes, I believe this would be possible:)


Thanks rich. I'll prolly bug you more when I get back to California and get 4 of the wheels to play with.

United Kingdom

You will be limited still to 4 directions and stop. So you would need to decide if left turns left or moves left. Scripts can sort out the rest. With joystick control you could assign buttons or sticks to move left and right and turn left and right.


Yea FX Its possible but moving with omni wheels requires variation in speed , so there would be scripting involved for more than 4 directions


Ah yes, good thinking. I was hoping for autonomous operation, but it does get complex with regards to turning or rolling in a direction. Ok may rethink this one.

United Kingdom

Autonomous could work but would need a script to determine if to turn or to move.

I thought that it was based on direction for the movements, the normal forward, reverse, left & right and then the front and rear moving opposite direction to move sideways...


Honestly Fx its really a novelty and only needed in very specific applications. Otherwise the typical right / left wheel steering is the most efficient. The most manueverable in tight spaces is the 2wd centered with casters in the front and back. They can turn in place easily.

User-inserted image

United Kingdom

While a novelty I can see benefits to them too. For instance, object avoidance, rather than turn, forward, turn back, forwards, turn again, forwards, turn back to go around something it just moves out, forwards, move in.

Hope that made sense.


Yes Rich, that's what I like the glide side to side without wheels rotating 90 degrees move, then back 90 to side step. Really the only reason I was looking into it. Also similar to the balancing ball robots that can move all about.


It would be very cool though:) beyond my scripting prowess at the moment but if you get it to work smooth I will be watching closely;) - Josh S


Yeah you had me at scripting.. Lol

United Kingdom

If only you were an attractive female...

Pretty simple if you break it down. If it's for sliding out of the way of an object you just trigger the movement script (or part of the script if the object detection is scripted not a control). Then you just need to figure out which direction each servo needs to go for the required movement... say FL forwards, FR forwards, RL reverse, RR reverse, pop in the Move() commands and voila, slide to the left, slide to the right, criss cross... wait I got carried away. You get the idea though.


You should see me in a wig... Lol, the beard is distracting tho. Anyways, I can build an awesome machine from RPing , all the motors drivers, onboard computer and other hardware. But bringing it to life with scripts is outta my league. When I look at it, it reminds me of pages of music, it is all Greek to me. So, when I manage to create these machine, I will draw from the help of this club, like Rich and any other script writers. Who knows maybe the penny will drop and will begin to grasp it.


I've built some Lego based Kilough platforms around wheels like this and other similar concepts:

Take a look here: RobotThoughts

That is my website for my projects.