Country: Canada
Member Since:
2013-07-23 - joined Synthiam
2013-09-21 - created first new question
2014-01-22 - answered a forum question
2014-03-23 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-06-28 - posted your first tutorial
2014-07-05 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-07-27 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-07-29 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-08-19 - shared your first photo in the forum
2014-08-31 - shared your first video in the forum
2015-02-07 - created a custom avatar
2018-01-05 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2018-02-25 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
2018-02-25 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
2018-03-07 - used Cognitive Text Sentiment Service
2018-03-10 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
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Ez-Robot Lever Servo Brackets For Giant Scale Hitec Hs-805Bb
Just messing around with Autodesk 123D (free version) and made some lever servos for the Hitec 805bb...question

Idea For Future Ez Robot Contests
I use Vex stuff a lot and it got me thinking. Vex hold robot Challenges every year... So I had an idea that maybe ez robot might consider something...question

Hdd Servos And Iotiny
I know there has been issues with using the 360 deg servos with the iOTiny but I now have burned out 2 HDD servos using the iOTiny... Both were not under any load whatsoever just...question

Ping Dave, Need Help On The Kangaroo X2 Setup.
So I got my Kangaroo x2 board and I am trying to test it using basic serial command... I have been using this sample code...question

Inmoov Builder Challenge (Boston Dynamics Video)
Anyone want to take their inMoov to the next step? Forget your mobile base or leg anchors...question

Explaining Computers Doing A Jd Review Video
I love watching this guys channel (Christopher Barnatt) Explaining Computers... Anyway looks like he will be doing a segment on EZ...question

My 3D Design For The New Io Tiny Board
This is just a simple mock up... I am sure it will need tweaking. I designed it according to the board dimensions that @Jeremine posted in...question

Defective Ez-B V4.X/2 Comm Upgrade Board
I have a DOA EZ-B v4.x/2 Comm upgrade board form my last order... Looks like I need to post a thread in order to link to in the Contact Us...question

Using A Hs-785Hb Winch Servo Motor With Ezb Servo Control?
Has any one used the above with ARCs servo controls? The servo rotates a full 3.5 turns so I was...question

Ez Robot Smart Servos?
@DJ There have been lots of discussion (especially lately) about Dynamixel smart servos and now you have released a new plugin for support of KRS ICS smart servos too... I was...question

Iotiny Used In A Real Project (Inmoov)
Just a quick picture (so not much to see) of my new inMoov utilizing the ioTiny in his arm(s).... More later... @DJ hopefully youll keep the...question

ARC On Hi Res Monitors? 2560 X 1440?
I am in the market to buy a new main PC... I am now doing a lot of 3d design and my current PC isnt up for the task due to its integrated crap video...question

Something Happened Visually To Some Of My Controls After Last Update
After the last ARC update my autopostioner looks like this (settings). There is no...question

My 3 Finger Claw Design For Ez Robot Evolution Robots
Took me a few tweaks but here is my pretty easy and simple design for a 3 finger claw... Oops I meant Revolution...question

My 3D Design Cover For The Power Shell Or Six Body
So continuing with some more 3D design. Here is a cover I have created for the Power shell or Six body. For now it...question

My Last Robot Before Discovering Ez Robot
So here is a couple of pictures I just found of the last robot I made before I got my very first EZB3.... Spring of 2013 maybe? It was an...question

Pc With Embedded Ezb?
It might be because it is really early, but another thread got me thinking (fantasizing actually) about something... Since PCs are getting smaller and cheaper all the time, how...question

Roboscratch Plugin
@DJ.... Great idea! A simple GUI for beginner programming.... It will quickly teach newbies logic programming so it will be easier to transition to scripting.... There is no way anyone...question

Ninebot Open Source Segway Robot At Ces2016
For those who are interested... seems pretty cool, especially the modular attachment ability. It incorporates Intels Real Sense...question

Ez Robot Plays Pictionary
Cmon guys isnt it obvious? My lord!question

New Possibe Plugin/Feature Request. Clicksteer?
I had briefly touched on this in one of my other threads.... Anyway, I thought of a good idea (well, I think so anyway) for a...question

Unhandled Exception Error Using Scan Tool
@DJ... I am getting an unhandled exception error when I use the scan tool.... I click scan and immediately I get the error.... ARC then...question

Ezb5 Coming?
EDIT False alarm or?...as you were... EDIT AGAIN I was right a V5 is in development....:) @DJ, you forgot to mention this little addition in the release notes of the OCT 31st ARC update.... Maybe...question

Invited To Tech Job Fair In Kitchener-Waterloo Tomorrow Night
@DJ just a heads up Im about to go to a Tech Job Fair tomorrow night with Sue who is attending...question

Myfirstplugin Error. Misssing Dll Or Incorrect Filename Specified In Plugin.Xml
So I followed @DJs excellent tutorial on creating an ARC...question

Ping Toymaker
Hey Tony, Just got those Bosch servos... thank you so much... Can I ask one more favour? What are the pin outs on these?... There appears to be 5 pins with a recessed sixth... I assume 2 are for...question

New Adventure Bot. Seriously Good Deal For $169
Considering just a camera and an ezb4 is $158.... $11 more and look at all the extra stuff you get!question

Ping B9 Dave Or Ez Robot Jeremie
Can one of you guys confirm the AC connection of this Meanwell 350W 5V power supply?... The ground is self explanatory but I need confirmation on the...question

What Americans Know About Canada
There may be an ad first and hopefully the video isnt blocked anywhere... I laughed so hard.... America on Canada Possibly staged, but still funny...question

Patches Plight
I know not robot related unless we can officially make Patches the official ez robot mascot.... Ha, Ha... EZ Patches... I just wanted to start my own thread and stop hijacking other peoples...question

Video Overlay Display. Hidden Feature?
Has anyone else discovered the video overlays in the camera control? I just discovered this and I havent seen a topic on it so I thought I would...question

What To Buy . 3D Printer
I am looking to purchase my first 3d printer.... I was looking at the Makerbot Mini as it claims to be no fuss, no muss for the user (attractive, especially to noobs like...question

Text To Servo Speech Engine
Here is a little project I have been working on with fellow forum member Bob Houston.... It was originally written by another forum member Louis Vazquez.... who...question

5V Mean Well Mw 60A Power Supply
@Jeremie or @DJ.... I know the ezb4 has a min VIN of 4.5V just was wondering if any of these 2 Mean Well power supplies (links below) would be enough...question

My Ez Robot Christmas Wish List
I would like an ezb with more digital ports.... Thats about it DJ and ez robot have brought us the best robot controller in the world so my wish list is...question

What Is The Shipping Status Of Just The Ezb4 Boards And Cameras?
Ok, just curious...I know the developers kits have begun shipping and I know the revolution...question

Ez Robot Is Now Hiring Kids
Finally a use for those big coloured balls... I though DJ was hanging onto them in case Wall-e got really near sighted....question

More Crappy Router Questions. Need Some Help
I thought a new thread would be best... Didnt want to deny someone of some well earned EZ-Bucks... Have a problem... Similar to...question

Source For New V4 6Pin Camera Extention Cable
Need to make my V4 cameras cable longer... Seems to be a JST 2.0mm 6 pin cable... found this on eBay 6pin JST However, it looks...question

For Those Who Have Received Confirmed Shipping Email?
I know that Rich got a confirmed shipping email... Anyone else? Can you post here and let us know?question

Cant Update My Avatar
@Chrissi... (I think you deal with the web site)... Cant seem to update my avatar under my user settings... I can change other settings but for some reason I cant upload a...question

Source For Large Plastic Project Boxes?
Tried eBay, but was hoping to locate a online retailer for various sizes of electronic enclosures... Looking for large sizes of about 8 x 8 x...question

Ez Robot Is Now Listed In Robotshop.Ca!
Roli, Six, EZB4 and the developers kit have just been added to RobotShp.ca... And the best news is new stock delivery date is listed as Feb...question

Not Ezb, But Cool Nevertheless
Tech companies like to announce new things at CES, and I think I might have found the biggest one in my book already. Intel kind of just dropped this one on us,...question

Want A Real Balancing Robot?
So this is how loaded dice really work...question

Using A Sabertooth 2 X 5 Rc Controller?
I do have a sabertooth (non RC version) 2 x 12 motor controller that works great with ARC. However, for the project I am working right now it...question

Interfacing 5V Peripherals Like Ping Sensors To The New Ezb4
A couple of weeks a go DJ mentioned in a post that a 5V adapter (For common 5V sensors like the ping...question

Possible Dumb Question On Ezb 4 I/O Pin Power Limit
Ok, so I have yet to use an EZB controller, so this may be a seriously dumb question.... I did a quick search (read...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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Dunning-Krugers My Inmoov Bartender
Well after seeing Bob Houstons inMoov (hard act to follow by the way) on here a while back I knew I had to make one too. So here he is working as a...robot

Dunning-Krugers Ez Dog (Inmoov Frankendog Failure)
Pretty much a failed experiment for many reasons, but I already have ideas on a new version....robot

Dunning-Krugers How To Use Roborealm For Indoor Navigation
Ok, so I finally sat down to look at what RoboRealm can actually do other than just face and object...robot

Dunning-Krugers Is There A Halloween Contest This Year?
I thought I would lighten things up around here by giving you all a sneak peek of my possible Halloween...robot

Dunning-Krugers Irobot Create Project. Sneak Peak
Crap... should read seek peek... lol.... Havent decided what exactly my iRobot Create project will evolve into... But I...robot

Dunning-Krugers I Was Bored This Long Weekend So I Built This
I was messing around with some big drive motors meant for a robotic lawnmower, but came up with...robot

Dunning-Krugers My R2 D2 Video
As promised here is a video of my work in progress R2 project... I am not much of a film maker so be kind... Hope you enjoy... Cheersrobot

Dunning-Krugers Robotic Claw Inspired By Doombot.
In an earlier thread Doombot had mentioned he may put a ping sensor on his robotic claw to sense and pick up objects...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.

Roomb 500_Test
This is just a simple Roomba 500 series and up custom movement panel (to control the roomba)app

Text Servo To Speech
This is an example (orginally written by Louis Vazquez) program on how to drive a servo using a text a based speech engine... This you would use in place of the sound servo control...app

Roomba 500 Custom Movement Panel2
This is just a simple Roomba 500 series and up custom movement panel (to control the roomba)app

RSS News Tutorial For Sayezb
Uses an EXE to generate a txt file from an RSS feed, which can then be loaded to a variable and read through the EZ-B V4 using the sayEZB command. This is a working...app

Sabertooth Custom Movement Panel
This is a quick example of how to control a sabertooth motor controller via a custom movement panelNo firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
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