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Galapagos Bot And Adventure Bot Coming Soon To The Online Store

Sweet, the store is slowly beginning to be updated with new products...:) Great, more choices... now I don't know which one to buy:D


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Are we getting the Hoth Wampa Bot too? :D Probably not...

I hope they make a pack of nothing but Legos or something. That'll be useful to us customizers that don't use the complete robot kits but want to integrate EZ-bits into our builds...

I do think it's bizarre that the dev kit camera doesn't have a camera case...


In addition to a bag of bits, a longer extension cable for the camera or an extender jumper to allow two cable to hook together would be nice too.. Can't wait for the release, cc in hand.



What would you like to see in the bag of bits?



What would you like to see in the bag of bits?

Based on my own purchase history and list for my next order, I would say 4 extension bkocks, 4 cubes, 2 mounting plates, a couple of voltage regulators, some servo extension cables, an i2c cable, a camera extension cable.

I may be unique in this, but I have wound up with more lever servos than I need, and not enough rotation servos, so the bits needed to convert back and forth without buying more servos would be a nice addition. I would also like to be able to buy the plastic cases for the ping sensor and camera from my developer's kit.



Thanks @alan. That's good feedback. Our Alan has been putting together bundles, this information will help.

@OldBotBuilder you would want just the plastics of the head? No electronics or servos? Why is that



two new cool bots in it.


i agree all entparts chould be availeble in store.i gess they will be some day. its good for making your own ideas.


@DJ Sures,

I bought a camera and RGB display when I got the EZ-B4. With the head shell I can put in the camera and eyes. I will need to get the mini servos, but you already offer them separately.

The more pieces to play with, the more fun!



The more pieces to play with, the more fun!
agreed I want the six shell without battery and fuse (have stuff from Rolli) as a self contained desk testing thingy. all the bits available individually or in bundles would work for me too. p.s. no 3d printers round my way



Alan's reply (#6) kind of describes my idea of what a "Bag of Bits" typically would be. It would be nice to offer specific shells or a head, but the idea is to remain true to the Bag of Bits idea. If a head bag is offered, then add parts and maybe servo arm parts which could be used with it. Same idea with a shell. You don't want to make this a big deal where it gets out of control or out of a price range. Maybe offer three bags and see what works. Just a suggestion.



@Jeremie not realy i like the idea of the battery inside not a seperate power sourse and it can still be used in or on a custom bot


@bborastero That's not a bad idea... a basic base/shell with a built in battery...:) ...possibly with a larger capacity battery as well...


My bag of bits:

4 ex cubes 4 ex blocks 4 adapter plates 6 hex feet.


Maybe a servo pack:

4 lever servos 4 rotation servos 2 continuous servos.

and a gripper pack:

2 grippers 2 servos

Would be nice with different colors...even if it's just Black, Red, Silver and of course White. My 2 cents.;)



My bag of bits:

4 ex cubes 4 ex blocks 4 adapter plates 6 hex feet.

Something like that would work for me.