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I know that Rich got a confirmed shipping email... Anyone else? Can you post here and let us know?
I know that Rich got a confirmed shipping email... Anyone else? Can you post here and let us know?
I'm order number 3515 and really dont expect to get a notice tell next week even though I ordered the first day Pre ordering was available. I think Rich got bumped to the head of the line because all the help he's given the comunity and the load he's taken off EZ Robots Tech Support. They did mention they had a bunch of orders from prople that ordered the V3 just after it was disconiued that would be shipped at the very start.
Same here, I'm order 3514 and have not received a notice yet. But, it's only Monday.
Doc, it's Tuesday
But it's early in the week. It's likely to be a case of getting what they can get out sent out when they can get them sent.
If you got the email saying your order is part of this first batch then shipping of your order is extremely close if it has not already been shipped.
Thanks for the update Rich, it's been hectic here with a bunch of Roomba parts orders.... Somewhere I lost a day,

Ok, so at this point, no one (or no one has come forward at least) but Rich has had anything shipped (confirmed with a tracking #)?
I'll come forward, just received shipping confirmation of my order from September 2013.
Sweet Doc... You have 3514... I have 3544 and 3597... Hopefully I will also get a shipping email soon too...
Me too! Didn't get a tracking number though.
@Richard R - I have 3524 and I have received no notification yet. Looks like we're in line for the next shipment of the Canuck EZ-B boards.
I just got a personal e-mail from Jason saying my order has shipped! It's an epic day! Thanks for the notice Jason!
BTW, Love the new web site look!
It's a wonderful day!
Dave Schulpius
got an email saying my order 3510 was shipped! nothing can ruin my week now! haha
Dang, I'm 3517..... Hope mine ships soon!
So about 6 or so of you have confirmed getting the "shipped email"... anyone else? If you don't mind stating your order# as well as I am trying to see how far they have got shipping wise...
If you got the email on 1st May stating you are in the first 20 orders then your order will be on it's way soon. If it's not already shipped it'll be a matter of days (at the most) now I expect (unless it's one of those waiting on additional parts).
Hey Rich... so yes I am anxious, that's a given....I got the May email... not sure if I am part of the first 20, though... It's been a long 8 months since I ordered my first V4....I know I still need to sit tight... It gets harder each day, though... I have never said so, but I really do appreciate all your help over the last 8 months since I stumbled upon EZ-Robot...
Here's a virtual Guinness for you dude
I was under the impression that only those in the first 20 got that email. I may be wrong though...
I'm 3515
And I am 3514.
Thanks guys... So looks like they have shipped the first 20 only..... I waited 8 months, but man when it gets close enough to smell those newly soldered boards it leaves me chomping at the bit....
Got mine too, On May 6th - 8 - 10 days wait! Number 3515! Gave me time to work on Raspberry Pi with voice control - Jasper Project. Have a roborover waiting to be manipulated with EZ-robot. Wonder if I can change the language? It sprechen se Deutch need English! ha.
There are two "3515" orders? - Dave's and pcarithers? Somebody typo?
Okay - my full number is 5-3515, figured everyone was truncating to 4 digits! Might be a US numbering scheme?
Well I just reread Dave's and his is US, I will just keep waiting patiently ;-)
I just looked at my orders and the pre dash number refers to the month the order was placed. It's all good, we will get them when we get them. The pile of boxes in the engineering room keeps getting smaller - that's keeping me optimistic that one of them hopefully has my name on it.
Mine is 9-3515. Sorry about the confusion.
I just received an email that my order, 3518 has been shipped.
Guess what the postman brought to me today? OH YEAH, that's right a brand new beautiful V.4.
Haven't had a chance to put it through its paces yet but it sure looks good sitting on my work table! Now to make some time to play ...
Long live EZ Robot!
Mine was in "GBLALA" last I checked... which basically means it's in limbo but it's as close as it's getting before it is delivered so hopefully I'll have mine with me soon
Did anyone get a tracking number? I didn't.Just a notice that it shipped and my status shows shipped with no taking number available yet.
No, I didn't get a tracking number or delivery confirmation either.
Dave, I got the same shipping info, but no tracking. I sent Jason off an email letting him know I did not receive a tracking number. I think they are having trouble with automated email service for tracking. He sent out my info ASAP.
Jason emailed me my tracking number, it may be because I was talking to him anyway or because I'm way over here in the UK and it may have been sent a different way, who knows.
Tracking a parcel is the biggest tease in the world, constantly checking to see if it changed, seeing where it is more often than seeing where I am, man I wish it would hurry up and get here so I can stop using up so much of CanadaPost's bandwidth
People are actually getting them now... Sweet.... Like the M&M commercials.... "They do Exist".... Keep it coming guys... Let us know when you get yours...
I was one of the first one hundred.(3596) I still haven t got shipping updates though oddly enough.
Well... I got a 3569.. And no news about shipment. stress
This notification so far has been for the first twenty of that hundred. At least as far as i know. My order is 3524 and I've not had any shipping notices yet. Hopefully the next part of the first hundred go out soon.
This is from the first "100" update email
"We are nearly done, and will start shipping about 20 orders THIS WEEK. We will be working over the weekend to get all remaining orders together and make sure the remaining ones are in the mail next week."
That was May 01. So we should be seeing emails about shipping soon.
@Steve... I got that email too.... I am part of the first 100,(3544 and 3597) but not the first 20...I hope they are going to ship the rest of the 100 soon as well.
My bad; my previous post (#39) was to be directed towards @Technopro and @Tevans regarding posts #37 and #38.
Oh Happy Day! After working a 17 hour work day I arrived home after midnight to find a box sitting on the kitchen table. My EZ Robot order arrived today! I promptly unpacked it.
No way I have the energy or time to fire it up and play with it tonight. Have to get some sleep and be back to work In six hours. Damm. tired
My first visual impression and thought? The actual board set is encased inside a two piece white plastic box. The lower part is the power base and the top part holds the EZB and fits down inside of the lower power base. There is a two part connector held in place by the plastic and mate up when you fit the upper and lower together. Then at the base of the bottom part there is a female power adaptor hole to accept the power feed. Although it's a small from side to side I was surprised how tall it seemed. My first thought was; "How do I get it out of this big plastic white box and what does it look like inside"? My second thought; "What do I need to get to feed power to it"? My third thought; "I need to call in sick to work tomorrow so I can play with my new toy".
Argghhh I'm so jealous. I just got a call out of state for work until after the holiday. Looks look my packages arrive Thursday the same day I step on a plane. Be sure to continue detailed updates on the board and operations . I will be living vicariously through your words!
So jealous too... Dave, if you can get some pictures and some more detail on performance and such... when you can that is....
Mines still in limbo
which sucks... Hoping its sat waiting when I get back home but googling GBLALA made me nervous, it can take months to be release from that!
Glad you got yours now Dave, excited to see it added to the B9
Do you know what the size/ name of the 12C connector plugs are? I would like to order some but have no idea what to get.
You mean these aren't plug and chug? confused blush
I'll try to do what I can to give any info. However my work and life schedule are much like some other members here. Very full and busy. Only got under 4 hours sleep last night and more storms rolling though today (I'm a electric distribution lineman). I may not get a chance to play till later in the week. mad Maybe if I'm able I'll snap a few pics tonight and post. Should I start a new thread for all that stuff?
@Will, do you still need the camera? If so I can send you mine. I don't need it for a while.
No worries Dave... However, if you're too busy to play with your new V4 you can send it to me... I will give it the time and attention it truly needs...
Have fun and keep us posted...
@dave, thanks buddy, but those are coming as well, two of each. Thanks for the offer. And be safe out there. I've seen a lot of bad weather rolling thru the nation. It's that time of the year.
See jeremie's post below
The JST connector is similar to the one DJ listed above but is slightly different. It's called a 4-pin JST-PH connector and can commonly be found at Digikey, Newark, or Mouser.
Here's an example of the housing and here's the mating crimp pin
Well hi all just to let you know just got my email its on it's way yippee bring it on my order as 3539 it's on its way to the uk so might take some time @Rich will have his first.
just like to share
Andy b uk
Just found mine, Canada post tracking might no longer track it now it's in the UK (sat in Heathrow airport actually, as it has been for days!) Royal mail site now tracks it, it's ready to be released to Bristol distribution centre which means it's only a couple of days away with some luck
RE: I2C connection, thank you! You guys read my mind about what I wished the V3 had for it's connector. That'll stop the wiring falling out
Hey Andy awesome , EZ Robot is up to 3539 in shipped orders...
Is everything shipping or just the EZB 4s and are they shipping to both USA and Canada or just to Canada? What shipper is being used if anyone knows? Thanks for the info.
They are shipping to the world in a "first come, first served fashion".... Shipping is via Canada Post to start with, anyway...
Thanks Richard R for the info. Hopefully I receive something before much longer.
To be more specific, the first 100 EZ-B V4s are being hand built in Canada, the first 20 or so of these are beginning to be shipped out. If you ordered early enough to be part of the early orders you will have been emailed.
Orders span the globe, I have mine on the way and I am in the UK.
All orders which do not fall in to the first 100 EZ-B V4 orders will be shipped in June/July from the manufacturing plant in China.
This is the EZ-B V4 and Cameras only. Revolution robots are not ready yet and shipping will not be made until July.
Received my (2) V4's today.
Thanks again EZ Robot. Hopefully this will make my year go a little bit better.
R2's getting an upgrade!
The 2 EZB-(V4)s I ordered have arrived.
I just got my tracking Number. YEAH! but.. since the customs in Brazil are stupid, Probably I'll get my ez-b's in about 30 days... but, at least they are coming !
Update for mine: Held at enquiries office in my town! It's so close I can taste it's goodness... Hopefully it's just a case of popping down there tonight, paying any duty/tax required and then speeding home as quickly as I can so I can play with it
Chances are I will need to wait 24 hours though
Just got it Just the unboxing.
seems you got your complete order.does this means all oders will chipped complete?
No. The status of the revolution robots remains unchanged, currently scheduled for July shipping.
All orders being shipped at the moment are for the EZ-B and cameras only. It's a limited run of hand made, Canadian built and 3d printed boards.
ah okay.thank you rich.
I just realized. You can get to say you got one of the rare Canadian made V4's! Still curious on where mine is at but either way its nice to see the pictures.
What's your order number @Technopro?
If it's not in the first batch then July isn't too far away now, it'll be here before you know it
And a lot of the common questions will be asked and answered too, tutorials up etc.
@Technopro... what is you order#? That will give you an idea of when you might expect to get yours....
@Rich... Some of the new tutorials on the V4 are now up on the website.... Noticed them this morning....
Ok, so some lucky ones have already received their EZB4 orders... So it looks like clearly the first 20 have been shipped... Just wondering what the status of the remaining 80 hand built orders are now? @EZ-Robot, any chance for another shipping update for the rest of us early qualifiers? How about what order # you are up to (shipped wise) as well?
Thanks Richard
@Technopro - Your order is up next! We are just waiting on a small order of H-Bridges to arrive and we will be ready to ship yours out! As a fellow Canadian, you get free Express Shipping
Stay tuned!
@Richard R - We have already shipped over 60 boards
Of the remaining 40, we are just waiting on a few small items to arrive (Rover Chassis, H-Bridge, Jumper Cable packs) for some customer orders. All of the last items are arriving in sometime next week so we should be able to ship all the remaining orders in less than 2 week time! With that being said...your's was shipped today! Check your email for the confirmation email and your account for the Tracking info.
Got "the" email... my order 3597 marked as shipped.... so awesome, I can hardly believe it...
Thanks Jason.... and my girlfriend especially thanks you as she was so tired of me whining and complaining about how long shipping was taking....
@Jason -Thanks for the update, saved an email.
@Richard R - Congrats on the shipping notice!
My turn soon I hope... silly rover chassis blush that's whats holding my order up.
Thanks Steve... I also ordered a rover chassis (my first order). Which also is delayed like yours... Thankfully a few days later I ordered a couple of boards with cameras... because it this order that is being shipped now... I am sure both our rover orders will ship very soon..... hang in there...
wow 60 boards allreddy chipped.great job
Just got my tracking number! Woo Hoo! Thanks, Jason!
That's good news Steve... Mine is due to arrive on Friday via Canada Post....
Hooray, I have received my tracking number for a Developer Kit. ETA to the antipodes is 5th June, plenty of time to clear my work bench and go through the Learn Section of this site. My Wall-E is already fitted with 7 servos for head & arm movements and is awaiting the continuous rotation servos for the tracks, which hopefully won't be too challenging to fit Thanks very much Ez-Robot!
Good news indeed, Tony....
Just got to powering up EZ-B V4. Didn't work. Hum. Check batteries - okay. Check connection to DC connection piece - okay at screws. Check inside barrel and outside - no work. Opened up and checked connections on power base. Seem connected, but no input. Got a 5v 2A wall wort and plugged it in - power up - of course not the recommended voltage so it keeps saying my batter is low. So if you hit a no go on power up check that barrel portion that you put the wires into. Can I get a new "tested" on? DJ?
PC, every single EZ-B v4 is tested. I am unable to understand your message. Are you saying that the EZ-B v4 continues to say "My Battery Is Low"? Or are you saying it doesn't power up at all?
From your post, it sounds like you received the low battery warning. If that is the case, the EZ-B is working and requires either higher voltage as per the datasheet, or it requires the power monitor to be disabled.
If you can clarify, we can help
Sorry. I connected the wires from the battery holder to the 'plug'. I read good voltage on the screws you have to tighten to hold the wires. But the inside and outside of the barrel didn't show voltage. I finally used a wall wort - an AC to DC plug and it outputs 5 volts at a similar plug barrel? So I plugged that into the base and it came up. Of course it isn't the 7.2 volts required, but 5 so I am getting battery voltage low, but it works. I tired it again with the shipped plug but it didn't work. SO - that plug in part that you ask us to put the wires into seems to not be working.
I spliced an old 9V battery holder plug to the wires from the battery holder and it powers up fine. So by process of elimination it appears to be that green and black plug not allowing voltage from wires from battery holder to barrel. confused
Okay, that helps
Thank you - we can send another plug out, first let's identify the cause to be certain. I've never heard of the alternate power plug not working before. That blows my mind! confused
Let's have you run a few tests to identify the cause for certain to ensure you get the correct replacement.
Put fresh batteries in the 6xAA Battery Holder
Ensure the wires at the 6xAA Battery Holder have bare exposed at the end. So that connectivity can be made
Check for voltage across the Red and Black wires of the battery holder. How many volts does it read?
Loosen the screws of the Alternate Power Adapter and follow the directions in this video...
As it sounds like you have already done, check for voltage between the barrel's inside and outside of the Alternate Power Adapter
Lastly, check the voltage across the two screws of the Alternate Power Adapter which tighten to hold the wire in.
This procedure will help identify if it's the 6xAA Battery Holder or Alternate Power Adapter
Also, you can disable the battery monitor to continue using your EZ-B v4 with less than the desired voltage. Please reference the Low Battery Warning section of the datasheet here: https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Default.aspx?id=7
My vote would be alternate power adapter
Seems that way! Let's get you one. I'll put a note on Jason Z's desk to get one sent out to you right away
If you have an old power adapter with a barrel plug that you can spare, cut the end off a few inches from the plug. Strip back the wires and you can attach them to the 6xAA Battery Holder for the meantime.
Glad to hear the EZ-B v4/2 Wi-Fi Robot Controller is working - Jeremie B personally tests every one. He's more OCD than I am. He would be surprised to hear an EZ-B was shipped not functioning.
Ohmed neg screw/terminal to barrel - shorted. Ohmed pos screw/terminal to inside barrel - open no connect.
Wow, That's weird. I guess even a simple little thing like this can make something look really broken.
Just for the record, when I ordered several of the green plugs, a couple of them did not work also. It has been so long ago, that it doesn't matter now. But, just so you will know.