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Ez-Robot Lever Servo Brackets For Giant Scale Hitec Hs-805Bb

Just messing around with Autodesk 123D (free version) and made some lever servos for the Hitec 805bb and Tower Hobbies TS-80... Not exactly a copy of ez-robot lever servos but obviously heavily influenced by them... :P They are not perfect and you may need to so some post printing like filing and sanding. Make sure you drill some small pilot holes when you mount the servo before screwing it down..... Still they work great. I will up load the stls just in case someone has the need to create a giant Six... Just a note the ez-bit male and female connectors were up scaled 1.33 times so if you up scale a six leg for instance by 1.33 times it should fit.... I printed them in ABS on my Up Box at 250 microns and at about 30% infill... GiantLeverBracketsP1.stl GiantLeverBracketsP2.stl

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Nice work!

Off the top of my head, I can't recall the exact model of these Servos, or their size. But a massive hexapod robot ezrobot made for intel idf had brackets made for it. I'll publish the stl files here for you when I'm in front of my pc soon.

They have clips as well. Might save you the trouble if they are the same size.

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@DJ... LOL... Thanks.... you guys beat me to it a long time ago... Geez that is a massive six... Did you ever get it walking?


Thanks for the files... I will download them and see what servos they fit...



Nice, been looking for ones for the Hs805 servos.


Thanks jer, here it is...

Omg that annoying irritating deathly "scratching" in the background gives me a headache. Worst decision intel ever did was think that was a good idea. It wasn't even music.


Cool.... Clearly, with the right servos/power a Six at least can be up sized... One draw back if you go the route of using the analog Hitec 805bb servo is they use 6V not 7.4V. This means you will have to use a heavier 6v nimh sub C battery pack instead of a 7.4v lipo....


Fun fact, those are 6v rated servos as well. But they are powered with two 7.4v lipos. That is why the servos are twitchy, it's the result of the too much powa!


Great idea , your 3D printed levers for giant servos, Richard R. !... I love big robots, and currently use Hitec giant servos, like HS805BB (or MG, and the digital version HS5805MG), and have lost much time in making ugly wooden levers. I'll 3D print your levers for those servos. By the way, do you have stl files also for extension blocks like the EZB ones ? And for the 50 KG servo Hitec D845WP (it's slightly higher than 805)?


To whom it may concern I would i need 2 brackets for my dynamixel servos.


@Jerseylance if you need something 3D printed definitely check out our "3D printing network" under the "3D printing" header. Just select an ez-robot part and then you'll get to see who in your country is offering their 3D printer as a service. Otherwise, you could always check out a company like Shapeways.


And check out the manufacturer of your servos. They have brackets as they’re the manufacturer:)