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Member Since:
2012-05-28 - joined Synthiam
2012-06-09 - created first new question
2012-12-02 - joined your first forum discussion
2013-06-08 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-11-27 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-12-31 - shared your first photo in the forum
2014-12-31 - created a custom avatar
2017-10-15 - shared your first video in the forum
2018-04-16 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2018-05-18 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
2018-05-18 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
2021-01-02 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
2021-11-27 - created a public ARC App
2022-01-14 - purchased first robot swag
2022-02-10 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
2022-03-23 - started first conversation
2022-11-22 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
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Roboquad Resurrection With ESP-32 And ARC
@DJ Sures, @Athena, Back in the day with the EZ-B V3, I modified my RoboQuad to control it based on a tutorial or guidance from you. The...question

Chatgpt Integration?
I have been using ChatGPT a lot lately just to see what the AI can do. I am impressed in many ways over previous Chatbot AI engines. Integrating ChatGPT into ARC/Synthiam...question

How Do I Make Bing Speech Recognition Not Trigger From Spoken Chatgpt Response?
Is there a variable or method to know when servos have stopped...question

C3PO Voice Synthesis Settings
Can you give me settings in the Speed Synthesis skill to get a voice close to C3PO from Star Wars?question

Which Way Should I Go For Spot Micro?
I have completed the mechanical assembly of Spot Micro. There are several versions for the controlling mechanisms used by various people. Here...question

Six Makes It Big Time!
Anyone else see Six on History Channel ad for Modern Marvel?!question

How Do I Interface With This LCD Display?
On the back of my Robot spot I have an 16x2 LCD display. I need to interface with it so I can display information about the robot and what...question

Roomba Legacy Control Command Not Working - What Am I Doing Wrong?
I am trying to execute a control command for my roomba legacy model for cleaning when...question

Continuous Rotation Micro Servos?
I want to build the BB-R2 from Mr. Baddley. I want to use the IO-Tiny and a 7.4V lithium battery. I need three continuous rotation micro servos like...question

Downloaded Free Version... Then Updated To Pro Membership...
DJ, I downloaded the free version about three days ago and then today I decided to opt in for the...question

Does Synthiam Support Wifi Connection To Uno WIFI Rev 2?
Just got a couple of UNO WIFI Rev 2s. https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-uno-wifi-rev2 This is an Uno...question

Blockly Code In Mobile Interface Not Working On Stable ARC Version 4_9_2020
DJ, I can see the new ARC will be awesome! But, the transition is a...question

Dumb Question Of Terminal Colors On EZB-V4
After blowing a fuse on my EZB-V4, when measuring pin voltages, I think I shorted between Vcc and Ground. Is this the correct assignment...question

Is Roomba Movement Panel Broken In Latest Revision Of Synthiam ARC?
Hello Friends (and DJ) I am working a robot for our annual bring a kid to work day. I...question

Tweet To Robot To Speak?
Is there a way to tweet to the robot and have it speak the tweet?question

Quad In The Making With Io Tiny And Micro Servos
I have printed this quadraped and I am building it. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:989937 I am using these servos: Tower...question

Robots Of Stephens Garage
Thought I would upload a photo of my various robot projects. Left to Right On Shelf: 1. Robosapien with IR Hack shown by DJ to run from EZB V3 2. Arduino Paint Stick Bot...question

Io Tiny Vs. Ezb-V4 - Is Analog I/O Different?
Hey gang, I have two EZB-V4s and three IO Tinys (which I really love). I was having an issue with a Sharp IR sensor with the IO...question

New Dynamic Speed When Turning Does Not Work For Roomba Controls
When using the Roomba control panel, the new Dynamic Tracking Speed (spelled Speen btw on...question

No Wait For Motion Statement In Blockly
Hi, I want to use blockly to do simple motion capture and tweet the photo to my twitter account. There are Wait for Color, Wait for Object,...question

Converting A String To Integer In Ez Scripting
I am using the plug in for the XV-11 Lidar. The output of the plug in an array in which each value is a string that represents...question

Roomba Red
Hi, I have upgraded my Roomba red controls to use the EZB V4. The controls work great from the control panel. However, I cant get the unit to seek dock. When I press that button, nothing happens. Any...question

Roboquad With Ezb V4?
I just bought another EZB V4 with the idea of integrating it on to my RoboQuad. I am very disappointed to learn that this is not compatible with the EZB V4. I have purchased two...question

Independent Control Of Roli Arms An Hands With Ms Joystick
Rather than moving frame by frame for positioning of Rolis arms, I want to be able to control the arms...question

Radar Servo Position Scaling Not Correct
DJ, I was wondering when you are going to fix this known bug. You acknowledged in a previous post it was an issue. The Radar scanner does...question

Radar Servo Position Scaling Not Correct
Since DJ changed the servo scaling from 0 to 100 to 0 to 180, the radar scan does not perform as expected. The scan does not go from 0 to...question

Pin Out Details On Ezb V4
On the EZB V4 digital pins, what color is VCC Pin, Output/Input pin, and Gnd Pin? Is it White(or Blue), Red, Black?question

Dj Sures.Ez-Bits Need More Documentation!
I would like to see in one place a bill of materials for all the items required to be printed for JD, Rolli and 6. That way, I can queue...question

How Do You Use The Speed Control Slider On Joystick?
I have a logitech X3D Pro that I picked up at a yard sale new for only $3. Its an awesome joystick. I want to make...general

Automatic Model Rocket Launch System Works!
Check out this video showcasing a model rocket launch system that I developed using Synthiams ARC software. The system is powered by...general

Model Rocket Launch System Progress!
I am currently developing a model rocket launch system using an ESP-32 microcontroller, with the launch sequence programmed in Synthiam ARC. To...general

Logical On/Off Display Indicators In User Interface Design
I am currently developing a Model Rocket Launch Interface using Synthiam ARC. I have implemented a...general

Compilation Error With Doit ESP32 Dev Kit 1
Hello DJ, Im encountering a compilation error while following the tutorial to convert the ESP-32 into an EZ-B, approximately 10:49...general

Making A Rocket Launch Controller!
I am using an IO Tiny as my IoT model rocket launch controller interface, along with an AI-generated background for the iPhone/iPad app to manage the...general

If I Buy $20 Per Month Chat GPT 4 Subscriptions Will Openai Chatgpt Skill Work?
Currently, I use Chat GPT 3.5 and a token based payment for...general

When You Ask Your AI C-3PO To Write A Song About Creating It!
[url=https://youtu.be/-rYuB-w6p4c] C-3PO’s Songgeneral

Thinks DJ Sures is a DJ......general

Robot Project Sharing Posting Is HOSED! SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!
I am still having issues publishing robot projects to Synthiam. I have several I want to post, but the...general

Who Is DJ Sures? I Asked C3PO Through The Chatgpt Plugin!
[url=https://youtube.com/shorts/Qkni_pcKCVI?feature=share]You Tube Short Video ARC ROCKS!general

I Asked Athena If I Could Drive Three Parallel Output Leds
She said.... Yes, you can drive three 20mA LEDs from an output pin on the EZ-B IoTiny. However, please...general

Youtube Short Link Fix - Doing This As A Test!
The URL link for the a YouTube Short is at https://www.youtube.com/shorts/linkshortcode Per @JustinRatliff, just replace...general

Robot Project Posting Issues
I recently upgraded to Windows 11. I am not sure if this is related. I am not able to complete a robot project posting because the youtube video of my project I...general

Any Ideas Why Camera Error? Correct Address, IO Tiny At

Is The Cloud Drive Working Or Is It On My End?
I am getting an error when trying to upload a project to the cloud. Anyone else having this issue?No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Markthebotbldrs BB-R2 (Baby R2)
I recently built the Baby R2 (BB-R2) from Michael Baddeley. This build was great fun and very EZ as the 3D print files are well designed to work without...robot

Markthebotbldrs Robomower To Be Transformed With Synthiam
This summer I am hacking my old RL 500 Robomower and turning it into an autonomous robot using the EZ-B. I...robot

Markthebotbldrs R2D2 Interactive Hacked!
I bought an R2-D2 interactive that was working and I just didn’t feel like I could hack it because it seemed somewhat alive! So I bought...robot

Markthebotbldrs What Should I Name This Robot?
Controller IO Tiny Robot Roomba Red Poppy the Robot Head Temp sensor Light sensor Purpose: amuse the Cat.robot

Markthebotbldrs Drone Tracking Fun
I had a blast today having my DJI P4 actively track my hacked Friendly Robotics Lawnbot. I use the Sabertooth motor controller on the Lawnbot. I can...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
No user tutorials. Click here to view all user tutorials.

Launch Control Final
collaboration with DJ on launch control for model rocket. More to come as I develop this as a Mobile App using an IO Tiny to control the launch.app

Launch Control V4 Java
collaboration with DJ on launch control for model rocket. More to come as I develop this as a Mobile App using an IO Tiny to control the launch.app

Launch Control V4
collaboration with DJ on launch control for model rocket. More to come as I develop this as a Mobile App using an IO Tiny to control the launch.app

IO Tiny program and mobile interface controls for Mr. Baddelys BB-R2 creation. Making this for my great nephew.app

Launch Control V4java
collaboration with DJ on launch control for model rocket. More to come as I develop this as a Mobile App using an IO Tiny to control the launch.app

Launch Control V3
collaboration with DJ on launch control for model rocket. More to come as I develop this as a Mobile App using an IO Tiny to control the launch.app

Launch Control V2
collaboration with DJ on launch control for model rocket. More to come as I develop this as a Mobile App using an IO Tiny to control the launch.app

Wyrnns R6
IO Tiny program and mobile interface controls for Mr. Baddelys BB-R2 creation. Making this for my grand niece.app

Marks R2D2 ARC 2020
R2D2 4112020 for DJ to look at with respect to functions lost on mobile app when converted to ARC.app

IO Tiny program and mobile interface controls for Mr. Baddeleys BB-R2 creation. Making this for my great nephew.app

Marks R2D2 ARC Rework Dj
R2D2 4112020 for DJ to look at with respect to functions lost on mobile app when converted to ARC.app

Marks R2D2 ARC Rework
R2D2 4112020 for DJ to look at with respect to functions lost on mobile app when converted to ARC.app

EZ Braccio Arm
Braccio Arm Control via Arduino and EZ-Builder. This is my initial stab using the arduino uno interface via USB. Worked great and was very easy to setup.app

testing the music with lightsapp

TRP Shell-E Example Mark
Bring your 3-D prints to life with the Shell-E robot kit. Invent your own customizable wheeled robot through design and 3-D printing. Innovate and explore technology using...app

Marks JD
The Official Revolution JD example project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at www.ez-robot.com with information on getting your JD up and running.app

Marks Virtual Reality Hexapod
This project uses the Virtual Reality Robot plugin to control a Six Hexapod with Google Cardboard or Virtual Reality Headsets. The servos are configured to move...app

Microsoft Cognitive Learning Example
Demo of Microsoft Cognitive Services using PC Camera.app

Cognitive Learning
Roli Bare project is used for The Robot Program episodes. Visit www.TheRobotProgram.com for more information.app

The Official Revolution JD example project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at www.ez-robot.com with information on getting your JD up and running.app

Marks Six
This is the EZ-Robot Revolution Six example starter project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at www.ez-robot.com with information on getting your Six up and running.app

This is the EZ-Robot Revolution Six example starter project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at www.ez-robot.com with information on getting your Six up and running.app

Marks Roli Christmas 2016
Welcome to the Revolution Roli example project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at www.ez-robot.com with information on getting your Roli up and running.app

Marks Roli 12_28_14
Welcome to the Revolution Roli example project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at www.ez-robot.com with information on getting your Roli up and running.No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.