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Robots Of Stephens' Garage

Thought I would upload a photo of my various robot projects.

User-inserted image

Left to Right On Shelf:

  1. Robosapien with IR Hack shown by DJ to run from EZB V3
  2. Arduino "Paint Stick" Bot I use with Demo on Microsoft Kinect to mimic movements of the person standing in front (based on making things see book)

  1. Roboquad with the IR sensor hack for EZB V3 from DJ.

  2. 1977 R2D2 Toy I found in an antique store just like the one I owned as a kid... Interesting story about that...

5.0 3D Printed C3PO's head.

6.0 Toby a toy bot I found at a roadside rummage sale 30 years ago.

Left to right on Table:

  1. Roomba Red with IO Tiny Controller. I made it track painters tape after watching what DJ did in a video...

  2. Arduino Based Rover I recently Resurrected..

  1. My very first hacked robot - an Arduino based robot on an old Roomba (sitting on another Roomba).

  2. 3D printed Bob the robot with an dagu Arduino microcontroller.

  3. A spare EZB V4.

  4. Edison Lego type robot from Australia.

  5. LittleBot 3D printed robot using IO Tiny.

  6. Roli!

  7. Neato NV-11

  8. Brookstone Rover bought for use with ARC.

Below Table Left to Right:

  1. Hacked Robot arm kit.

  2. Some kind of Chinese bot I bought 8 or 9 years ago. Hacked with an Arduino.

  3. Another NV-11

  4. Friendly Robotics Lawn Mowing Bot Hacked for RC

  5. Two more Roombas for Hacking

  6. Meccano

  7. Not Shown in photo InMoove Head in the making...

That's all!



Upgrade to ARC Pro

Stay on the cutting edge of robotics with ARC Pro, guaranteeing that your robot is always ahead of the game.


I like it! I'm working my way there too.


Geezus, man! Now THAT is quite the robot collection. I see why you’re always so busy:D


garage robot land .love it.


That's an impressive collection of robots!


Nice collection. So where do you park the car or did you add some EZB to that as well and it parks itself around the corner.


Nink My wife parks in half the garage and I use the other half for my robot man cave!