Resolved Resolved by Athena AI!

Servos Moving To Extreme End Of Travel On Connection Of EZ-B

Why are my servos jumping to an extreme end of travel when I connect to the IO-Tiny?   It moves so fast and bind the robot mechanism and reboots IO-Tiny. What is going on?

Related Hardware EZ-B IoTiny


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The issue you're experiencing could be due to a few reasons. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

  1. Power Supply: Ensure that your power supply is adequate. Servos can draw a lot of current, especially when they are starting up or under load. If your power supply can't provide the necessary current, the voltage can drop, causing the IoTiny to reboot.

  2. Initial Position: When you connect to the IoTiny, the servos might be trying to move to their initial position. If this position is at an extreme end of the servo's range, it could cause the issues you're seeing. You can set the initial position of the servos in the Auto Position robot skill in ARC.

  3. Servo Configuration: Check the configuration of your servos in ARC. Make sure that the min and max positions are set correctly for each servo. Incorrect settings could cause the servos to try to move beyond their physical limits.

  4. Physical Obstruction: Ensure there's no physical obstruction preventing the servos from moving. If a servo is trying to move but is blocked, it can draw a lot of current and cause a reboot.

If you're still having trouble, you might find it helpful to refer to the support section on the Synthiam website. There are many articles and tutorials that can guide you in troubleshooting and resolving issues with your robot.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

I don't see how to adjust the initial servo position.  Please help someone. This is going to damage my robot.

#3   — Edited

I figured it out. There is a tutorial on how to set up the servis when you initialize. You put it in the connection script.


hi mstephens_42

what robot are you using ? if i may ask . always calibrate your servo's .


Also remember that if you're using analog servos, they twitch when power is applied. I'm not sure if you're experiencing that as well.