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Roboquad With Ezb V4?

I just bought another EZB V4 with the idea of integrating it on to my RoboQuad. I am very disappointed to learn that this is not compatible with the EZB V4. I have purchased two EZB 3 developer kits, two rollies (one for me and one for work prototyping), and two additional EZ V4s (one for me and one for work prototyping)along with other sensors, etc from you. A lot of $$ spent.

DJ, you did some great work with the Roboquad and Robosapien. Your current version of the software implies that you support these 3rd party robots. However, I get a message that its only compatible with V3 and a fault occurs when I try to insert the Movement Panel (see graphic).

I know the company has taken a turn to focus on more standardized robot kits, but please consider us hackers that have been with you for several years now! Don't forget what made this platform great and fail to integrate these features in the new upgrades. Can you make EZB V4 compatible with the RoboQuad, RoboSapien, etc? Otherwise, its false advertising to have these features in your software. Please say it is not so!

Am I just missing steps on how to do this properly with V4?

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DJ - I found this statement in the command list....

Supported on the EZ-B v3 only, the D1 port can be used to connect to the IR wire of some WowWee robots. Due to multiple hardware revisions of the robots, these functions are not always compatible and therefore this feature has been discontinued in the EZ-B v4.

Why not offer this "as is" to the community for the EZ-B V4? My robot works great with the EZB-V3 and this feature. So, if you carried over to the V4 it should as well.

How many other third party robots features are not compatible with the EZ-B4?