
ESP32 DOIT Devkit1 Support For Mobile App

Thanks to DJ, I now have ESP-32 units up and running as an EZ-B within the last 24 hours! @DJ, I have a question: Is it possible to make the ARC Mobile App compatible with the ESP32 DOIT DevKit1 Board? The Interface Builder works great with the board when using a PC running a sample application. However, the ARC Mobile App seems to only support connections with EZ-B V4.x/2 and higher. I initially connected to the ESP-32 running the firmware through my phone's Wi-Fi, but I am unable to detect the device when scanning for it in the mobile app. Am I missing a step in the setup process?


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro is more than a tool; it's a creative playground for robot enthusiasts, where you can turn your wildest ideas into reality.


The Synthiam ARC mobile app has been deprecated several years ago and only experiences major bug fixes for backward compatibility.


Oh that's lots of juice for ARC and a good price as well!

What ppl are doing now is running ARC on a small computer that's on the robot - and using VNC or Remote Desktop for connecting to it. But if you're switching projects often, the tablet is a good idea.