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Robot Gripper On Amazon
Makeblock Strong Gripperquestion

Its.Its.Omg Its A Cylon
Its now only a matter of time before they enslave us. Thanx!question

I love this guys work!question

Jeepers Creepers Look At These Peepers
These look amazing. Great project for Halloween or a cyborg. Electronic Animated Eyes using Teensyquestion

New Sensor I Found
[EDIT] In this thread, there may be broken links as time goes on. The purpose of the posts is to give members ideas to build on and be a repository for other people to add to as well....question

Giant Robot Throwdown
Battle with Japan in one year! Another article. Video The American team. The Japan team. If they are manned robots I hope no one gets hurt. Id like to see a new competition like...question

Robotics In The News
I thought Id make a thread for all things robo-worthy. For fun and inspiration! MITs Cheetah jumps hurdles! Simian-bot Salamander-bot? Gecko grippers! Its only a flesh wound!...question

Will Anyone Create An Ez-B Botlr?
A hotel is using these robots to deliver things to hotel guests. Article from SlashGear Article from CNBCquestion

Battery Tech Is Improving
Take a look at the latest I found. There was another breakthrough last month as well but I didnt think to post it. The point being that battery technology is still...question

Burning The Midnight Oil?
and theres a third guy I didnt catch in frame.question

Mr Clock Radio
Rarely found on Ebay but here is one now. Snap it up! Ebay linkquestion

Robot Contest On Instructables.Com
Hey is anyone going to enter? Robot contest. So far there isnt any competition; any one of our projects would be a winner.question

Robotics In The News
This is not the way Id go. sick Your pee could power future robots.question

Maxx Steel Toy
I thought this may give some design ideas. Maxx Steelequestion

Will Anyone Attempt An Ez-Ball Bot?
Here is another interesting read. http://www.msl.ri.cmu.edu/projects/ballbot/ This one is better. http://rezero.ethz.ch/question

Steampunk R2d2
I saw this today and thought Id share.question

Multi-Servo Question
I finally got around to testing out my steering and drive. The problem is that only the first two servo of the four are turning and being controlled by the joystick. Some...question

R2d2 On Ebay
I found this guy on the list at a reasonable price. Hard to find with the periscope and chest doors intact! This would be a great platform for an EZB v4. If I didnt have my money tied up in...question

Name That Bot.
I was surfing and found this. Its not from any TV or movie in case youre wondering. I added this thinking it may give some inspiration.question

Ez-B V4 Pic
This is a great looking board! I cant wait!question

Sensor Kit On Ebay
I thought this is a good buy for someone wanting to experiment with different sensors on EZ-B. $35 for 24 sensors. 24 Sensor Kit includes: 1 x Small passive buzzer module KY-006 1 x...question

Another Publication Is Getting Out The Word!
Just skimming the web and found this. EZ-Robot Launches the Next Robot Revolution Long live the Revolution!question

85 Lumen Mini Projector Find
This little guy could fit in quite a few of our bots. Brookstone HDMI Pocket Projectorquestion

Extra Parts For Sale
I have a few ServoCity items I wont need and will send at cost and free shipping. 4 wheels Part#595616 @ $2.59 each 4 wheel adapters part#595630 @ $5.59 each 4 futabu servo...question

Cheap Robot Base
I found this is up for sale for anyone interested. It looks like a nice start on a small robot base. Ebay linkquestion

Ive been scanning around YouTube and seen some R2D2s using the A_____o boards and/or Yost Eng servo controller. Seems to me that the EZ-B is just what they need. Do the R2D2 enthusiasts know about how...question

Firmware Update Question
I got anther board to troubleshoot my first one. However, this board needs a firmware update. It wont update though. Here is the debug report: Firmware Updater Version:...question

Decals/Stickers For Marketing?
@DJ, have you thought about making either decals or stickers (small, medium, large) to pack with the kit? Maybe it could say, Powered by EZ-B and/or...question

Pico Linear Servo Find
I usually dont find ones like this and I wanted to share. I hope it sparks a few creative ideas. From Solarboticsquestion

How Do You Use Tft Lcd Screens?
Im not looking to display computer screen. Just rotate through a set of images. ##EDIT## Nevermind. DUH. I could just use a $5 digital photo keychain and hack...question

Too Cute And I Had To Share!
I loved seeing all the clips of this on YouTube!question

Omnibot 2000 Idea
Has anyone thought about this option for thier Omni 2000? Put Mr. Clock Radio head on it! If it fits and is visually appealing it would be awesome! Ive seen them as cheap as $40 but...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.

Voltage Regulators
I found this very informative guide on voltage regulators from Dimension Engineering and why switching regulators extends your battery life between charges....tutorial

Beginner To Novice Tutorials At Sparkfun
I grant you that this isnt my tutorial but rather a reference to tutorials. That being said, here ya go. ---- I was poking around the...No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
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