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Sensor Kit On Ebay

I thought this is a good buy for someone wanting to experiment with different sensors on EZ-B. $35 for 24 sensors.

24 Sensor Kit includes: 1 x Small passive buzzer module KY-006 1 x 2-color LED module KY-011 1 x Hit sensor module KY-031 1 x Vibration switch module KY-002 1 x Photo resistor module KY-018 1 x Key switch module KY-004 1 x Tilt switch module KY-020 1 x 3-color full-color LED SMD modules KY-009 1 x Infrared emission sensor module KY-005 1 x 3-color LED module KY-016 1 x Mercury open optical module KY-017 1 x Yin Yi 2-color LED module 3MM KY-029 1 x Active buzzer module KY-012 1 x Temperature sensor module KY-013 1 x Automatic flashing colorful LED module KY-034 1 x Mini magnetic reed modules KY-021 1 x Hall magnetic sensor module KY-003 1 x Infrared sensor receiver module KY-022 1 x Class Bihor magnetic sensor KY-035 1 x Magic light cup module KY-027 1 x Rotary encoder module KY-040 1 x Optical broken module KY-010 1 x Detect the heartbeat module KY-039 1 x Reed module KY-025 1 x Obstacle avoidance sensor module KY-032 1 x Hunt sensor module KY-033 1 x Microphone sound sensor module KY-038 1 x Laser sensor module KY-008 1 x 5V relay module KY-019 1 x Temperature sensor module KY-001 1 x Temperature sensor module KY-028 1 x Linear magnetic Hall sensors KY-024 1 x Flame sensor module KY-026 1 x Sensitive microphone sensor module KY-037 1 x Temperature and humidity sensor module KY-015 1 x XY-axis joystick module KY-023 1 x Metal touch sensor module KY-036 1 x Box

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Looks interesting, but check the price you posted. It is $35, not $25, plus $10 for shipping. May still be a good deal, but some of the sensors seem redundant, and others I doubt I would find a use for.



That looks like it would be FUN to play around with.:)


Thanks Alan. I've corrected it. True, I wouldn't need it for myself but I think that someone might. Let's say someone wanting to learn about various sensors and practice scripting. Or an educator who has a course for young people. I just threw it out there.:)


Yeah , even at $45 still looks interesting.


I have a few of these sensors from doing purchases on Deal Extreme (DX), they are separately available there if anyone just wants one or two.

One cool item that I didn't expect to get with (what looks to be) the same I2C RTC that I ordered from DX was a rechargeable 2032 sized 3.6V lithium coin cell. It's a very small rechargeable battery that is a pretty sweet bonus when it comes with this low cost sensor bundle.