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Country: Canada
Member Since:


  • 2012-02-14 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-02-14 - created first new question
  • 2012-02-17 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2012-07-05 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2014-07-23 - answered a forum question
  • 2014-07-29 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-08-09 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2014-08-11 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2014-08-18 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2014-08-24 - created a custom avatar

Latest submissions


Be Back Soon

Hi all ive been offline for a few months now do to a mager move. Im all moved now back working and just got a new win 10 note pad tablet I moved with a backpack so i kept nothing other than my 3 EZ-Bs and my camera been getting some great shots Im thinking about getting a 3d printer soon as i want to build a bot to hold the camera. Just working on...

Hitchbot Destroyed

HitchBOT destroyed in Philadelphia, ending U.S. tour
I Wonder

I Wonder

I wonder if this cool robot has an EZ-B inside it lol
We Can Do Better

We Can Do Better

I think we can do way better than this and NOT have it cost 500.000$
Man-Made Minds: Living With Thinking Machines

Man-Made Minds: Living With Thinking Machines

Man-Made Minds: Living with Thinking Machines
Cam Rip Daily Planet

Cam Rip Daily Planet

Ok here is the cam rip of @DJ Sures on Daily Planet
Dj On Daily Planet

Dj On Daily Planet

It took me some time to find a link to the Daily Planet show that @DJ is on Here it is for all that wish to see it DJ starts at about 31 minutes in DJ on the Daily Planet


F.R.E.D Friendly Robotic Electronic Dog Coming Soon
Giant Robotic Insect

Giant Robotic Insect

Giant robotic insect takes its first steps
Human-Like Robot

Human-Like Robot

A very human-like robot invented by Japanese engineers To Cool

I See There Is A New ARC

Im just sitting here late at night hoping to see a post about whats new with ARC Version 2014.11.30.00 that I just installed a few minutes ago
Dont Know What This Means

Dont Know What This Means

Hello Im playing with my new TV am feeding it the EZ-Rotot office can feed when I gota msg that iI dont understand Note this photo

Scraps Is Scrap

I think I am about to scrap my bot scraps as it is just crap the drive motors are just way way to week so I think I will be working on a new track bot
Scraps Is Getting Updated

Scraps Is Getting Updated

They are calling for snow tonite here in the north west so I think its time to updates scraps. Im not at home now Im out having coffee thinking. I have already removed...

Hot To Get ARC To Tell Me I Have New Email

Hello just wondering if there is a way I can get ARC to tell me when I have new email
I See A Blast From The Past

I See A Blast From The Past

Is that a lava lamp i see lol Love it

Hi Ho Hi Ho Its Back To Work I Go

Well all im am finally back to work So I will soon be wanting to order an ezb v4 with can Im hoping that the back log of orders will have been sent out soon Im also hoping that I can have it shipped directly from The EZ-Robot office and not from china as the duty on it will cost me way way to much so is there a chance that while you have them there...
Hard At Work

Hard At Work

I see DJ is hard at work coming up with new ideas
Big Rubber Duck

Big Rubber Duck

I know DJ loves rubber ducks so here is a big one lol I know this has nothing to do with robots but I just could not resist lol DJ I wish I could give you the real one for all you have...

Hitchbot The Hitchhiking Robot Gets Royal’ Welcome In Victoria

HitchBot made it to Victoria BC

Looking For Ez-B V3s And Other Parts

Hello all im still looking to buy up Ez-b V3.s and other old parts like servos as I wish to do a lot of testing and dont wish to scrap my robot Scraps one day I will send Scraps to the scrap pile but as a working robot not as scrap lol Im looking for servos to test a few aspects of them I want to rip them apart Im looking for other parts to...
Flippin' Cool 3D Printed Walking Robot

Flippin Cool 3D Printed Walking Robot

This is kinda cool Gives me some ideas

Only 1 Speech Recognition Control ?

Hello Im have many scripts in mind but ARC only allows 1 speech recognition control It would be vary handy if we could use many speech recognition controls that we could rename That way we can have sets of speech commands that can be turned on and off when needed I know there is the SayWait command but that is vary limited as to what it can do plus...

New Feature Request

New Feature Request Hello im hoping a new script feature can bee added soon many of my scripts are on hold till this feature gets implamented what it is is something like Get? that when called up in a script it will open a little window that you type your string into with out having to add anything else to the string then hit enter then what it...

Wow Is Mouser Fast

Im shocked at how fast Mouser Electronics ships stuff out Monday morning I placed an order with them and today Thursday noon its here

Missing String Quotes Bug

I have found a little bug that is in many of the EZ-Script Functions Examples If i use the Examples from the list i get the following error message Error on line 1: Missing String Quotes or Invalid Expression: Example: () dont work Example: () does work The quotes that are in the Examples dont work and i cant seem to find them on my key board at...

Another Helpful Feature Request

Hello Another Helpful Feature Request would be if ARC could create folders, check to see if a folder exists and to be able to delete folders Those 3 would work together with the file commands and would really help in scripts big time

Good Robot Movies Can Be Bad

Im sitting here watching some good movies but I planned to be sitting here scripting some complex scripts that im not sure can be done yet BUT some good Robot movies came on tv so now instead of scripting im sitting on my but doing nothing but melting my mind staring at an old tv lol some times a good Robot movie can be really BAD :( lol
Whats On The Work Bench

Whats On The Work Bench

Whats on your work bench ? One more road block over come I finally got a little work bench today I got a 6 foot folding table it was kinda costly but now I no longer have to...

Ez-Robot Is To Cool

EZ-Robot is becoming way to COOL for words With all it can do and all the addons like EZ Face and RoboRelm its getting way to cool to discribe in words Now when i try to tell others about it i get compleatly lost and all i can say is look at the site it will blow your mind I cant imagen how cool it will be in another year I cant think about what...
3Am And Still Working

3Am And Still Working

I cant believe you are still working at 3 AM

How Dc Motors (Universal Motors) Work

This is cool love how he shows just how simple they really are How DC motors (universal motors) work
Telnet On Win 8 ?

Telnet On Win 8 ?

Hello im trying to get telnet to work but when I open it nothing happens other than it flashes and disappears completely how do I get it to stay open on windows 8 ?

Looking To Get An Ez-B V3 For Testing

Hello im looking for an Ez-b v3 come the end of the month to do some testing with I have 1 in my bot scraps but I dont want to take scraps apart as I still have plans for that bot so im hoping to get another v3

Slowly Getting Back At It

Well im slowly getting back to work on my bot Scraps I discovered a few problems with trying to run my bot here at my place 1 shag carpet Tracked bots dont turn well on shag carpet or in my case it dont turn on it at all 2 my place is small and the room I have to keep my pc in is the one with the shag carpet and if I put the put in the other room I...
I Need Some Wires

I Need Some Wires

I have a little problem my servo wire is to short and there is nowhere I can get any at all ive tried getting junk from the thrift store here but all the wire I find is way to thin I can...

Got A New Computer

Well I finely got a computer it has win 7 but it only realy good for my robot there is a lot I cant get it to do like will NOT read any of my disks at all and when I plug it into the net it will not see any of my usb drives but it will work for my bots so im now back to playing with my toys oops I mean Robots:D:D and photos loog great on it


Hello i have an EZB 3 that needs tobe updated I know that soon there will no longer be suported What im wondering is if the firmware comes as part of ARC or if its stored remotely on the EZ-Robot website
Scraps Has A New Friend

Scraps Has A New Friend

Hello i just got a new robot to work on its one from the erly 80s i beleave Not sure just what i will do with it yet I found it when i first moved here but could not...

Wow Old School Toys

Hello all its 530 am here on the northwest coast im sitting at tim hortons killing time till i go pick up an old toy robot from the 80s i think and desided to login and what do i see on the web cams ? Someone playing with an old NES game from the erly 80s lol I Love It lol Keep up the good work
My Bot Scraps

My Bot Scraps

My Bot Scraps is starting to get a cool look

On The Move Again

Hello all im on the move again im moving back down south not taking much but i am keeping my bot In less than a week i will be back on vancouver island im kinda thinking about going to a little place called salt sping island that im thinking about moving to
I Want A Robot That Can --------

I Want A Robot That Can --------

I want a robot that can make me a coffee in any location that has the needed stuff even if its all in bags just from the store

Whats In The Rafters

Hello just sitting here looking at the cam feeds and wondering just what everyone in looking at in the rafters in the back room

Cant Change Profile

For some reasen i cant seem to change my profile photo i have tryed many times now and its still the same confused

Will This Servo Work

just wondering if this little servo will work with the EZ-B

Hat Switch

Just wondering if there will soon be away to use my joysticks hat switch to control my cams pan and tilt. Ive have looked hard and tryed everything 3 times but i just cant seem to get the hat switch to show up anywhere in the joystick setting the buttons and all the other controls are there but not the hat switch.
3-D Printing Tiny Lithium Batteries

3-D Printing Tiny Lithium Batteries

Now this looks vary cool 3-D Printing tiny lithium batteries

You Will Love It

I just came back from the future from about 6 months in the future and everything was great lots of really cool bots and many other really cool things i will not give any details about just what the future has in store just that YOU WILL LOVE IT
Cost Of 3D Printing ?

Cost Of 3D Printing ?

Just wondering about what the cost will be to have parts printed I found a motor i wish to mess around with dont have the link to the 3D plans for the motor yet but i do have a...

Flying Ball

I found a cool little flying RC Ball helo at the source for 60$ i think i will try and get next payday

Ez Chat Room

Hello im just looking around the site and i cant seem to find the link to the chat room has it been moved, removed, or is it getting reworked and will be coming back soon my bot snowtracks is in there now and i cant find the link to get in and play and play with him lol

Love The Printer Cam

The new printer cam is great love watching it work Vary interested in the spects on the printer and what it can do ,size ,speed ,cost to run I WANT ONE hehehe
No Name Yet

No Name Yet

This is the new little bot i will be working on I dont have a name for it yet still working on cleaning it up.....slowly lol Any ideas for a name

Love The Cams

Love the cams thats vary cool what is the little elcove to the right of your workbench DJ
Free Energy

Free Energy

Any ideas on free energy I have afew ideas but not enuff parts or money and i live in an apartment so its kinda hard for me to mess with the ideas i have in mind for free energy

No Win Xp ?

Do i understand correctly that ARC now only works with windows 7 and 8 but not windows XP ?

Back To Playing

ok im now back to playing testing and a bit of bla bla bla and maybe some blabla i have 4 tracked platforms to play with and 1 little bot not sure what one it is it is one i have seen a photo of on here dont have any photos of it just yet and not to sure just what i want todo with it but the first thing i need to do is clean the caroded stuff out...

30 Year Wait Is Over

My 30 year wait is finaly over Many many years ago a book came out called controling the world with your pc For years i wanted it but could never find a copy and when i did i could not aford it Today my long awaited copy came in
Think My Camera Was Glued

Think My Camera Was Glued

Hello i think my camera was glued together as i cant get it apart at all i was hoping to connect it to my EZ-B like DJ did in this Video but nomatter what i do i cant...

Still Trying To Save

Im still trying to save up to get my kit hoping to place my order in a week when i get paid if i get paid that is lol I have been collecting alot of old junk and have a mager pile of scrapped parts on my work bench oops i mean the floor will get a bench some time in the next few years I have been spending ALOT of time online relearning electronics...

Tethercell: Control Battery

I LOVE this this is a great idea and vary handy Click To Watch Video Tethercell

Is Telnet 2Way

Hello I know you can send commands to EZ-B using Telnet just wondering it EZ-B can send into back to the Telnet

Sittin In The Chat Room

Hello all today im sittin in the chat room trying to do some scripting i ment to some time ago them life/work kinda messed up for me so im getting to it now kinda lol Not getting much done as my old scripts are all over the place so its taking me some time to find them making hard to remember what codes i need to do what lol
Darpas New Biped

Darpas New Biped

I want one DARPAs New Pet-Proto Robot Navigates Obstacles

Sdk Help Please

Can someone please help me get a working copy of the sdk program no matter where i look i cant find it and when i find some thing that says thats what t is it turns out to be some thing compleatly diffrent or will not install or directs me to some other website that is nothing but ads for garbage that invects my computer will nasty viruses i have...
Robotic Grippers Based On Granular Jamming

Robotic Grippers Based On Granular Jamming

I LOVE this idea Robotic grippers based on granular jamming Cornell Creative Machines Lab
Cool Wooden Tank Thread Vehicle

Cool Wooden Tank Thread Vehicle

Here is a link to a cool Wooden tank thread vehicle from a site called this is something i plan on building soon Wooden tank thread vehicle...

Chat Bot

I c there is some interest in chat bots does that meen i should get back into scripting them and try to script one for the site here and keep it parked in the chat room i have one started but have not added any scripts to it other that a connection to the chat room and a connection to my copy of ARC other than that it does nothing at all sofare...

Rss Feed Addy ?

Hello im trying to get an rss reader working but not sure just what the proper addy would be to read the rss feed on here can you help please


Hello just wondering if there is a way of connecting to the EZ-B with a litttle scripting system called mirc that is what i used to script in and would love to use it with the EZ-B

Use An Ipod Touch

Hello i have an ipod touch just wondering if there there is an app for it that will control the EZ-B and if not do you have any plans to make one

Im Back

Hello all im back and here to stay im now up in the north west of BC canada in a small city called Terrace its so small i find it hard to beleave its a city and not a town lol I moved into a little apartment the other day and soon will be saving up to build my first robot and kinda thinking about trying to start some sort of robotics club here as i...

Life Has My Bots On Hold

Hello all i am on hold with my bots for who knows how long Im getting ready to move up north to be with the woman of my dreams In the past two weeks alot has happend in my life all my computers died All i have now is my ipod but thats fine with me as im now getting back together with the only woman i have ever loved and her two kids i wish to be a...

Chat Room Maybe

Hello was just thinking that a live chat room/page on here could be something to look into setting up im sure it would get used alot i know i would
Torxis Servo: Hard At Work

Torxis Servo: Hard At Work

now this is a strong servo i want some hehehe

The Box

The Box Some time ago about a month or so i seen an image of the box that the kit comes in not sure if i seen it in a photo or a vid and cant seem to find it again :S what im wondering is would you sell the box by it self and if so how much i know many that would love to get one i want many lol for many things thay would make a great project box...

Use Magnets To To Draw Less Amps From Dc Motors

Hello i just sitting here looking at a vid on youtub about using magnets on motors to incress there speed and reduse there amps draw the resalts there getting in the vid are truely amazing and was thinking that this could realy help with drive motors the vid is called Stargate Motor full demo here is the link

Ez-B With Wifi Module Instead Of Bluetooth Soon

Hello just wondering if there are plans to have an ez-b that will be shipped with a Wifi Module allready installed .
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