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Hello just wondering if there is a way of connecting to the EZ-B with a litttle scripting system called mirc that is what i used to script in and would love to use it with the EZ-B
Mirc as in the IRC chat client?
Yes with that i could do a lot heheheh
I don't know much about MIRC, but if you can send TCP commands, then you can control a copy of ARC using a Terminal Console: https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Help.aspx?id=171
Watch the second video in that tutorial.
not sure about that not as im not sure just what TCP commands are :S
I'd suggest learning EZ-Script then
There are plenty of examples in the File->Examples within ARC to get you started
i do know that mirc will interact will dll files it can pull info from and send info to a dll just need a scipt for it but i dont know much about that but i do know that mirc can do allmost anything you can imagen it can even script it self the chat part is a vary miner part of it now when mirc was first started it was ment for irc chat but soon became usfull for other stuff like accessing web sites controling file managmen and so on it just takes an inventive mind to come up with new uses for it and i have allways dreamed of connecting it to a robot and using it for my main AI engen
ive hurd that you do have a dll for it maybe if you could send me a list of all its commands and other info for it i maybe able to make it work some how
Im still trying to save up to get my first EZ-B kit i now have a tracked base that i plan to use for my bot just need parts tools and other stuff for it
The link: http://synthiam.com/Products/ARC
has everything you'll need for the DLL and SDK. There are 40 or so examples of using the DLL in the package. And the manual has all of the commands. You'll find the answers to nearly every question you have on the website
There is also a search button at the bottom of footer. You can search the whole website for things like "iphone" and stuff
ok cool i now have mirc connecting and can move a servo with it how can i get feedback on what a servos position on the tcp client ive have been looking allover for the commands and how to do them right but finding it vary hard to understand
You should know the servo position because you set it. There's currently no way to get the position - i can make one - but don't know why i'd need to. If you set the position, you must know
store the position in a variable when you set it
speaking of variables i have not seen a way of setting them and/or reading them and was wanding if there is away to get ARC to create txt files and have it read from them if not that could come in vary handy for scripts
i have tried to get a copy of the sdk but been having a realy hard time getting in to install so im feeling rather heldback on my learning curve lol
Yes you would use the c# or vb script control. There are examples in File->Examples