— Edited
Well I finely got a computer it has win 7 but it only realy good for my robot
there is a lot I cant get it to do like will NOT read any of my disks at all and when I plug it into the net it will not see any of my usb drives
but it will work for my bots
so im now back to playing with my toys oops I mean Robots
and photos loog great on it
Nice! Welcome back Wolfie
have you tried reinstalling windows on it? It might just need some tlc
I wish I could reinstall but I don't have a disk for it at all but the comp was cheap only 100$ but its the most powerfull computer I ever had lol but that's fine it will do what I need it to do
@Wolfie.... You don't have a "dick" for it? Well that's a bit disconcerting, but I digress.... Are you sure you can't restore windows to factory default? Some of these computers have a copy of the os on a partitioned disk in order to repair or factory restore... When the computer boots up, there is usually a key press (like F8 or something) that will allow you to repair or restore the PC... Anyway.... awesome.... wait until you see what a difference using ARC on pc screen is....
lol thanks for the heads up lol it is still on the factory default other than ARC is on it now I tried to put my old win xp on it but the mother bourd on the comp will not power up the key bored at all till windows boots up :'( it kinda a mager bummer I have tried everything and this is the first time I could not reinstall windows on any computer I even went and got other key boreds to see if that would work but no keys works on any of them till after it boots but that's fine as I got it for my robots lol
My computer just went in for service
Remember ARC won't work with Win XP.....
Some of ARC works on xb lol But when i woke up today 20 mins ago i found that my screen no longer works
It has power and a signal but no image
If i turn it off then back on the image will flash but then its gone
I have the worst luck with electronics lol
ok well I got the screen working it seems that it needs to worm up for 1 hr before it works now :S