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Im sitting here watching some good movies but I planned to be sitting here scripting some complex scripts that im not sure can be done "yet" BUT some good Robot movies came on tv so now instead of scripting im sitting on my but doing nothing but melting my mind staring at an old tv lol
some times a good Robot movie can be really BAD :'( lol
what movie did you end up watching?
It was the Transformers Dark of the moon it was a pretty good show
It looks like this Tuesday the space channel will have all the Transformer movies on all in a row
Probably wont do much work that day lol
LOL.... I hear ya' .... Today I had basically the same plan... crack down on some scripting on one of my bots.... But with the weather forecast looking so awesome and a fridge full of beer, I am guessing I might not get very far.... Got to get me the Space channel....