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Scraps Has A New Friend

Hello i just got a "new" robot to work on its one from the erly 80's i beleave

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Not sure just what i will do with it yet I found it when i first moved here but could not afford it still cant but i could not let it sit any longer so i paid the 50 to get it yes i know its allot but scraps was lonely and its xmas lol Now i just need a computer , some tools and the new ez-b


Upgrade to ARC Pro

With ARC Pro, your robot is not just a machine; it's your creative partner in the journey of technological exploration.


I c my ipod posted the photos sideways lol


The guy has a TV in its belly? :D


A fake one but it looks cool lol

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The more i look at this little bot the more i feel that i will not have room for the "tv" as it takes alot of room and i want 3 servos in the body and 2 little ones in the head
I will need to find 2 small rechargable batory packs and tuck them into the legs


That's a cool little guy. I love the TV but I think your right; no room for it and everything else you'll need. I bet you could wire in some multi colored LEDs and string them around the screen. Here is a link to LEDs that change color. Just apply power and they change color. Different voltages and different types are available. They even have ones that flex at the lens so you can point the light in any direction you want. I use these under the playfield lenses of some of my pinball machines and love them:

Color changing LEDs