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Feel free to email me, skype or find me on facebook or check my blog at
- 2012-08-31 - joined Synthiam
- 2012-11-26 - created first new question
- 2013-04-15 - joined your first forum discussion
- 2013-06-24 - answered a forum question
- 2013-09-29 - posted your first tutorial
- 2014-05-27 - posted a robot project showcase
- 2014-07-27 - shared your first photo in the forum
- 2014-07-27 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
- 2014-07-27 - shared your first video in the forum
- 2014-07-29 - created a custom avatar
- 2014-07-30 - connected ARC to the cloud
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Lipo Battery Auto Cut Off
Something Ive been looking at since I undervoltaged one of my LiPo batteries is an auto cut off circuit when it gets below around 6.2v I think this will do it but could...question
L298n H-Bridge
Setting Up L298n H-Bridge This tutorial assumes only a single combined speed control for both motors. For independent speed of each motor the tutorial will be slightly different - See post #2...question
Auto Connect Script
I couldnt see one in the EZ-Script section so here is the one I just wrote. This will check all 5 connections, if any are not connected it will attempt to connect to all. Looping...question
Telnet And Eventghost (Or Python)
Its been requested so here it is... a quick (and brief) look at TELNET. First off, you can view DJs video on TELNET for some info on how it works, here it...question
Artificial Intelligence
Hoping this will spark a huge discussion on what everyone is looking for when it comes to their robots AI. AI is something Ive been working on since before I even learned of...question
Makerbot Clones
I think its probably about time I tried printing some of the 3D parts Ive been creating for the last couple of years (there are a fair few of them, I just hit a big milestone with the number...question
Sound Activated Circuits (Leds, Lamps Etc)
One item that crops up often is sound activated LEDs or lights. And while the Sound Servo control in ARC can handle this it is not...question
Notify My Android Integration
As discussed in the Twitter topic, I have successfully integrated Notify My Androids (NMA) API in to ARC through EZ-Script. This will allow push notifications...question
Using 123.Circuits.Io Schematics Pcbs Breadboards is an online, browser based schematic drawings, PCB design and breadboard simulation package by AutoDesk. It...question
Well I guess its time I make my introduction post now my ez-b is on its way across the Atlantic to me (although going by DHLs tracking site its coming from China not the US but who cares as long...question
What Was Your First Robot?
While going through a few old photos I stumbled upon one of me with my first robot which I can recall having. And since the forum is largely all been questions about...question
The Unofficial Six Dance Off Contest
A while back a challenge was thrown down... The unofficial Six dance off contest is here!.. There is only one rule and that is there are no rules!...question
Revolution://Six Unboxing
Unboxing of Revolution://Six More to come when I get a chance.question
Looks Good
Not sure what it is exactly but the fact the camera is out, there are parts being shown and stuff all over the workbench I guess its some more good news coming soon from EZ-Robots I think it may be...question
Ez-B V4 Connection Tutorial
Now I know there are video tutorials however sometimes its cool to have a text/image based walkthrough which can be printed too. One of the first things you may want...question
Tellymate Tiny
Since it was mentioned a few days ago it has been at the forefront of my mind bugging me to play with it, so lets play First I will cover the wiring of the TellyMate Tiny to the EZ-B and then...question
Ping Roam 1.2.0 (In Progress)
I guess this could be classed as a blog type of topic. The idea is to show some insight in to how I work, how I go about updating the scripts etc. I decided to...question
4 Pin Connector For I2c
Ive been looking for something for months now but not found it. I need a jumper wire that fits the I2C port on the EZ-B. 4 pin 0.1 spacing which plugs in to the EZ-B with the...question
Tip120 Tip122 Transistor Switching Circuit
I just decided to redo one of my TIP122 Transistor Switching Circuits (mainly because I needed a break from working - there is nothing...question
Digole Digital Solutions Lcd Displays
There are a lot of different LCD Displays out there and a lot of them can be tricky to get working. All of them require some sort of backback...question
Ping Roam V1.1.0
V1.1.2 available on page 3 Taking on board some of the comments made recently regarding autonomous roaming, plus a few improvements I wanted to make I have updated the Ping Roam script...question
Ir Object Avoidance
Another script Ive been writing is for the IR object avoidance as the built in control for IR doesnt work correctly with my IR sensor. Im also trying to get to grips with EZ-Script...question
My turn to ask a question for a change My MMA7455 arrived today but Im struggling to get them to register anything when connected. Just wondered if I had it connected up right or if I need to do anything...question
2S Lipo Battery Monitor
As also posted in my Hearoid showcase topic, but useful for anyone running LiPo batteries (could be adapted easily for 3S and 4S without too much of a problem). Parts needed:...question
Importing Scripts And Controls In ARC
It was mentioned earlier so here it is, the tutorial for importing scripts and controls in to ARC project. It is assumed you have already...question
Upload New Avatar Not Working
Just tried to change my avatar on here but it wont save it... Pretty sure I know what Im doing and doing it right but to cover all bases this is how Ive tried....question
Omnibot Front Panel Dimensions
Does anyone have the dimensions, or better yet a 1:1 PDF/DXF/DWG/PSD/JPG/Whatever of the front panels on the Omnibot chassis? (Tape deck and clock areas) Im...question
Firmware Update Tutorial
I see a lot of people with questions on how to update the firmware on the EZ-B, so with my new one in hand needing an update I took a bunch of screen grabs to guide you...question
Camera Tracking
While playing with the multi color addition I am getting the following pop up with the ControlCommand(Camera, CameraColorTrackingEnable, red)question
Updated ARC Settings Gone
I just updated to the latest ARC and it seems all of the settings for the servos have been reset to port N/A and the min/max limits removed. This is how it was...question
Im playing with the voltage monitor for my bot and using the GetADC(ADC Port) script command but having some slight issues with the values returned. At first I thought it could be my code so I wrote a script...question
Retr0bright Has anyone tried this method for removing the yellowing of plastics? Any success stories or disasters? I have an Omnibot I want to clean up but...question
Battery Level Sensor
Im struggling to find any info on how to make/connect a battery level sensor for the EZ-B. Basically, I want to be able to have the EZ-B know when the battery is getting flat so it...question
Building Methods Materials
Bear with me on this one, I have a house full of fumes from a fibre glass resin kit so my head is feeling the effects. Searching through all the posts on these forums...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.
Richs Ez-Rover Mk I
I havent shown off a new robot (other than Revolution ones) for a while so its time to start a new topic for one of the few Im currently working on EZ-Rover MK 1 Originally a WiFi...robot
Richs My Project Jarvis
I know I should finish Melvin before starting a new build but Joshs Jarvis has inspired me to give my JARVIS a physical form. Some already are aware that I already have a...robot
Richs Project Hearoid.
Now I have the EZ-B kit and the Hearoid its time to start my Showcase thread. I still havent decided on a name for him yet, all suggestions are welcome. I won this robot on...robot
Richs Jarvis Add-On #1
Robots needed be mobile, walking, talking beings... so I plan to do something I doubt has been thought of before... Im turning my staircase in to a robot Well, JARVIS is...robot
Richs The Testbot
So my second EZ-Kit turns up and rather than start a strip down of Wall-E or Omnibot like I had planned I decided to build Testbot. Testbot is a low cost (built from whatever was lying...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
Sound Activated Circuits (Leds, Lamps Etc)
One item that crops up often is sound activated LEDs or lights. And while the Sound Servo control in EZ-Builder can handle this it is...tutorial
Ez-B V4 Connection Tutorial
Now I know there are video tutorials however sometimes its cool to have a text/image based walkthrough which can be printed too. One of the first things you may want...tutorial
If Elseif Else Goto Return Commands
Another one which was written and hidden within a different topic and should warrant its own tutorial post, the IF (etc.) commands. Quote:If (Value...tutorial
Command Syntax For Data Retrieval
It seems a lot of people are getting a little confused over the script commands for receiving data and have noticed the syntax is incorrect. So its...tutorial
L298n H-Bridge
This tutorial assumes only a single combined speed control for both motors. For independent speed of each motor the tutorial will be slightly different - See post #2 of this topic.tutorial
Notify My Android Integration
As discussed in the Twitter topic, I have successfully integrated Notify My Androids (NMA) API in to EZ-Builder through EZ-Script. This will allow push...tutorial
Using 123.Circuits.Io Schematics Pcbs Breadboards is an online, browser based schematic drawings, PCB design and breadboard simulation package by AutoDesk. It...tutorial
Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet.
I say it often enough... what does the datasheet say? or look on the datasheet But not everyone has the datasheets or knows where to find them so lets make it...tutorial
Digole Digital Solutions Lcd Displays
There are a lot of different LCD Displays out there and a lot of them can be tricky to get working. All of them require some sort of backback...tutorial
Tellymate Tiny
Since it was mentioned a few days ago it has been at the forefront of my mind bugging me to play with it, so lets play First I will cover the wiring of the TellyMate Tiny to the EZ-B and then...tutorial
Richie Richs Tutoral Index
NOTE: This topic is over a year old and was started when the EZ-B V3 was current. Some topics linked to and projects listed may be out of date. Always check
Sabertooth Ramping
Sabertooth ramping script example joystick button
Example project for ServoUp and ServoDown to control a single servo in both directions from Joystick buttons. Servo moves while the button is pushed and stops when
Joystick Snapshot
Example to use a joystick button to take a camera snapshotapp
Emergency Stop
Emergency Stop example script. Merge your project with this one and import the Emergency Stop script in to your
Roboclaw Demo
Simple RoboClaw Serial demoapp
Ping Roam 1.2.0 Alpha
Alpha version for testing of the Ping Roam 1.2.0
4 Wire Hbridge
4 wire hbridge controlapp
Scripts For Mulberry
Scripts for Mulberryapp
RSS Feeds
Examples of RSS feedsapp
Ping Roam V1.1.2
Ping Roam V1.1.2
Version 1.1.2 of the Ping Roam script. Please report any errors, bugs or suggestions in the
Battery Monitor Scripts
LiPo and SLA battery monitor scripts for use with EZ-Builder 2013.07.22
Version 1.1.1 Working out a few bugs and comments. Untested, use at your own perilapp
H-Bridge Scripts
Pre-Made scripts for importing in to your project to operate H-Bridge motors without a movement panel being used. Ideal for using a H-Bridge to drive 2 motors to lift
Jarvis project (in progress)app
TellyMate Examplesapp
Example set up for 4wd via 2 H-Bridges and side to side movement with
Multi Choice Answers
Multiple responses by way of random number (GetRandom) and
Yes No Script
Simple example of Yes No script with confidence level set by sliderapp
Dagu 4Ch Motor Controller
Dagu 4ch Motor Controller for Topic Digital controls (Wheel 1 to Wheel 4) should be direction
H-Bridge Setup
Example of how to set up the L298 H-Bridge in EZ-Builderapp
Multi H-Bridge Examples
Examples of how to control two H-Bridges or two robots in one project. Includes Custom Movement Panel with toggle button to switch between
BlinkM Script Exampleapp
bob without modified servosapp
Speak The Time
EZ-Script example to have yoru robot speak the
RSS News
Example script for reading RSS feed with voice activated confirmation of
Jarvis Example
Quick example of Jarvis voice control and httpget to control devices via eventghostapp
Version 1.1.0 [WIP]app
Introduction To Scripting
Example scripts from the Introduction To Scripting forum
Ping Avoidance
Ping avoidance script example/test Please report any problems in
IR Object Avoidance
Simple IR Avoidance script as forum post
Battery Monitor
Simple battery monitor script with low level warning and error checkingNo firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.