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Omnibot Mk Ii

Rare (at least over here) MKII Omnibot up for grabs on ebay Omnibot MKII

Not one to take apart really as I'm sure it's probably quite valuable but since I shouldn't really buy it (need money for something else) I thought I'd share it.


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rich, this one is truly rare, its a japanese version with the jacks we only know from omnibot 2000. its actually supposed to have the sensor which is being offered in another auction. I bought 3 robots from the ancientmariner and from my experience his auctions go way up high, probably b/c he takes good photos and posts worldwide. I would estimate that MKII goes up to 800 US - a nice collector piece with box and paperwork - and way to expensive to take apart! (as are all the japanese versions of the tomy robot line)

United Kingdom

I thought it was a rare one when it popped up, already has 4 bids which is rare for ebay this soon after being added. Will be interesting to see how high it does go.

Yeah I wouldn't dream of taking it apart. I wasn't sure I should take my Hearoid apart since it's rare over here but since it was broken I did. (Which leads me on to say the Hearoid has the jacks on the back too).

It's tempting to have a go at this one but I need to save money and stop adding to my family of robots.


Well, if you are willing to spend something around 450 pounds, take a shot, haha! Do you have any other Tomy robots?

BTW: here are some old pictures posted of my room: http://www.theoldrobots.com/Michael.html The robot collection is a big bigger now - a Heroid is also in my collection in Germany.