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  • 2012-03-06 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-03-06 - created first new question
  • 2012-10-11 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2013-04-23 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2013-08-12 - answered a forum question
  • 2014-04-22 - posted your first tutorial
  • 2014-09-22 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2015-01-05 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2015-01-12 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2015-09-14 - connected ARC to the cloud

Latest submissions

Printable Robot Hands

Printable Robot Hands

Ran across this. Some of you may have already seen this. Robot hands made with 3D printer. Hacked Gadgets

Robot Potential

Whenever I go into any store I am always looking for items that have could serve as cool pieces on a robot. Robot potential is what I call it. LOL. Lots of everyday items in stores have neat features that can be adapted for use. Why re-invent the wheel, so to speak? Here is an is a thread where members are suggested to carry cameras...
Wind Speed Display

Wind Speed Display

Hi All, I have been away from this site for far too long. I am currently catching up on all the great looking projects going on! Sadly, I have not had much of any time to work on...

Personal Assistant

Here is a Kickstarter personal assistant robot that looks to good to be true.

3D Printers

Thinking about getting a Makerbot Replicator 2 (4th gen). I have a couple of questions. When you stop printing: Do you let it cool down before you turn it off? Do you have to remove the filament? Or can you leave it so it will be ready to print next time you turn it on?
Star Wars Droid Helmet

Star Wars Droid Helmet

Found this for your viewing pleasure..... kinda cool Wear helmets speak Droid to each other! Everyone hears droid language but wearers of the helmets hear each others actual...

High-Precision Indoor Navigation System For Autonomous Robots

Has anyone tried this navigation system before? Would other pings used for object avoidance interfere with this system? High-precision (+-2cm) indoor navigation system for autonomous robots and systems (indoor GPS) Indoor GPS Navigation System
Theremin Vision

Theremin Vision

Robot Sensor: I thought some would be interested in this unique sensor application using a device known as a Theremin. Mainly used as a musical device, it has applications in other areas as...

Did Not Realize ARC Would Do This

I was experimenting with ARC Speech Recognition and found something that surprised me. Others I am sure have noticed this.... Speech Recognition still works without the EZ-B hooked up ! I was using the PlayAudio() function where it looks up an mp3 file on your computer and plays it. ARC was still open and Speech Recognition continued to work even...
What Controls Or Items Are Limited To Board (0)

What Controls Or Items Are Limited To Board (0)

I have not been able to find a reference or list as to what controls or items are limited for use with board (0) only. I know...
Check Out This Video Of Cloud Vision Api

Check Out This Video Of Cloud Vision Api

Video Of Cloud Vision Api
New Star Wars Robot

New Star Wars Robot

Check out the new robot that will be on the upcoming Star Wars movie.

@Dj-What Is The Link For The O-Scope You Use?

I want to get an O-Scope to use for troubleshooting. I seem to remember you have a small o-scope that you like to use to look at servo signals but I cant find the forum discussion where you gave the link.
Interactive Air-Powered Robot Arm By Disney

Interactive Air-Powered Robot Arm By Disney

Found these interesting videos to share. Maybe it will spark some creative robot projects. Air-Powered arm link

Anyone Ever Ordered Robot Chassis From This Link

These are some of the coolest robot platforms I have ever seen. I was just wondering if any of you had ever ordered from this store and was it a difficult process due to it being from Hong Kong.
Automatic Battery Charger Docking

Automatic Battery Charger Docking

Anyone made a robot that finds its own charger and docks with it? What would be a good way to do this?
Check Out This New Camera From Omron

Check Out This New Camera From Omron

This camera has some unique features!
3D Printed Hmc Boudicca

3D Printed Hmc Boudicca

That is one super cool tank! TANK

Shakey The Robot From 1966

ARPA, the ancestor of todays DARPA, was interested in finding ways to use robots and artificial intelligence for military reconnaissance. One idea was that it might be possible to build some sort of a robotic scout for the Army. The result was Shakey the robot. Pretty cool for 1966...
Cool Robot Gripper

Cool Robot Gripper

Found this interesting hand idea.... Dont know yet if these are for purchase....
Really Cool Animatronic Robot

Really Cool Animatronic Robot

This is what keeps me inspired....

Inmoov Servo Connectors

This looks handy. Not only for InMoovs but for other bot builders as well. Any InMoov builders using this? Multiple Servo Connector

Victor 883

Has anyone used the EZ-B to control a Victor 883 Speed Controller? I have two of them I want to use to control the speed of two wheelchair motors. I was originally controlling the Victors with a standard Spectrum DX6 R/C transmitter and receiver. The manual says that it is controlled with a PWM signal. However, it does not have enable pins like on...

Robots On Ebay

Vintage R.A.D. 1.0 listed on Ebay R.A.D. 1.0 $69.00 $19.99 Shipping R.A.D. 2.0 R.A.D. $80.00 free shipping

How Much Memory Needed For ARC On Acer W3

How much memory is needed to run ARC on a ACER W3? Do I need the 64GB or will it run ok with 32GB? There are some good deals on the 32GB models.


Had to share this cute bot.

Windows 7 Narrator Voice

Is there any way that I can get Windows 7 to use a different narrator voice? I have one that I would like to purchase from

Camera Questions

I will be using three EZ-B V4s in an up coming robot build and I have a few questions. - Will I be able to use three cameras, one with each EZ-B V4 and switch between views? For example: One in the robots head; one down close to the floor; and one on the robots hand. - The pan servo will only be able to swing mechanically about 100 degrees due to...
Fish Tank Robot

Fish Tank Robot

This would be one of the most unique robots I have ever seen.....
Interesting New Robot

Interesting New Robot

Check out this robot

Sound Effects

Here is a neat site with tons of neat sound effects including robot sounds. Linky
Add Self-Tuning Feedback Motion Control To Your Sabertooth Or Syren Motor Driver

Add Self-Tuning Feedback Motion Control To Your Sabertooth Or Syren Motor Driver

Here is a gadget that may help some that are using motors...
Hooking Up The Sparkfun Usb To Ttl Converter

Hooking Up The Sparkfun Usb To Ttl Converter

Here is how I hooked up the SparkFun FTDI (USB to TTL) Adapter in place of the Bluetooth module that sits on top of the EZ-B. 1. I...

Robot Sensors

Came across this and thought it might be something fun to experiment with. Would have to see if the code could be redone for the EZ-B. theremin-as-a-capacitive-sensing-device

Handy Parts

Ran across this web site. It has some neat surplus parts. 40ROLLER-THRUST-BEARING

Magnetic Rotary Encoder

Found this. It may be of interest to some. Thought I would post it. May can use it with the EZ-B. Quote from web site: It uses an AS5040 magnetic rotary encoder to measure the absolute position of the rotor of whatever motor youre using. This is actually pretty exciting. Powerful servo motors are expensive, but with one of these, you can use...

Happy New Year Everyone!

Hope everyone and their families have a happy and safe new year! Let the Revolution begin!

Pictures Are All Scrunched Up

I was using FireFox at work as my internet browser and viewing pictures in the forum was fine. However, now I am not allowed to use it anymore. Admin at work will only let us use Internet Explorer. Now when viewing pictures on the EZ Forum they are all scrunched up, tall, skinny, whatever you might call it. Anyone else ever had this problem with...

Cool Site For Learning Electronics And Building Circuits

Here is a site that has a whole lot to offer for understanding how circuits work. It has lots of schematics for many handy projects that could be incorporated into a robot build. Well worth taking the time to explore this link. talkingelectronics
Neck Mechanism

Neck Mechanism

Here is a cool neck mechanism. It is very expensive so it would be neat to see if I could fabricate it cheaper by getting parts from ServoCity. CES-NECK Edit: I priced similar parts from...
Controlling A Robot Arm - Telepresence

Controlling A Robot Arm - Telepresence

I would really like to be able to do what is being accomplished in the video below but, I want to be to use EZ-B to do it. Anyone interested in...
Doctor Who Dalek Eye Stalk Flashlight

Doctor Who Dalek Eye Stalk Flashlight

For those who might want to build their very own Dalek, here is a flashlight that you can use as an eye stalk. Dimensions: 9.6 long Eye Stalk

Rad 2.0 On Ebay

Just thought this would be a good bot for someone to hack. R.A.D. 2.0
Cool Walker

Cool Walker

Hey check out this ride-able walker.... Edit....see actual video below

Using The V3 And V4 Ezbs Together

I cant find it but I think there was a post about this. I have two of the EZB V3s and wanted to know if I get a V4 will I be able to use them together on a build. If I download the latest ARC, will it mess up my project I already have for V3?

Dj Have You Seen This Camera?

I stumbled across this awhile back. Its called Pixy. Made by Charmed Labs and Carnegie Mellon University. It not only can track multiple colors but can track 100 objects at the same time. Very fast and can use color codes to identify objects. $75 including shipping Just thought you might be interested. Click To Watch Video Pixy

Robot Head Tilt

Found this interesting tilt mechanism. Thought I would share. Thinking about trying this. But how would you keep the two servos from fighting each other? Robot Head Tilt
The Future Of Design - 3D Metal Printing

The Future Of Design - 3D Metal Printing

New breakthroughs will change manufacturing as we know it. 3D Metal Printing

Robot Vs. Robot

Has anyone here thought of building a pair of robots that hunt each other? Maybe hack some Laser Tag toys and mount them on the bots (think tank style turrets) so they can score points against each other? They could prowl the house searching for each other to do battle. There would need to be some clever rules to this type of action so they dont...
Cool Items/ Robot Bling?

Cool Items/ Robot Bling?

Found this while cruising Ebay..... LED FX Mask

Omnibot 2000 On Ebay In U.S.

There is an Omnibot 2000 up for bids on Ebay Omni

Omnibot 2000 On Ebay

Only a few hours left on this one. OMNIBOT 2000
What I Call A Good Day

What I Call A Good Day

I won my first OMNIBOT 2000 off of Ebay yesterday. $105.00 And then when I got home my EZ Robot package had arrived with Questors second arm and the seven Pings I ordered....

Questor Gets His First Job

I will get the chance to show off the capabilities of the EZ-B. Questor has been invited to play the part of The Robot (go figure ) in the 2013 Christmas play at a large church in a nearby town. I just hope I can have both his arms on and working by then.
What Is The Best Layout For Navigation Sensors?

What Is The Best Layout For Navigation Sensors?

Here is a basic top view of my robot drive chassis. For navigation purposes, is this layout enough for autonomous navigation?...
Robot Arm Designs

Robot Arm Designs

Anyone interested in creating a team to brain storm ideas and designs for robot arms for large or small robots. Perhaps collectively we could come up with a universal design that many of...

Best Source For Servo Extention Cables And Jumpers?

I need to order a bunch of servo extension cables and jumpers. What are the handiest types to order and where is the best place to order them? Should I get the ones with universal connectors?
Thread For Helpful How To Videos

Thread For Helpful How To Videos

Here is a nice and simple three input audio mixer project that I am looking at putting on my robot so I can use three different audio sources to my on board...
Robotic Hand From Darpa Lifts 50 Lbs And Can Also Use Tweezers

Robotic Hand From Darpa Lifts 50 Lbs And Can Also Use Tweezers

Here is a video I wanted to share....
What Is A Good Omnidirectional Microphone To Use On The Robot

What Is A Good Omnidirectional Microphone To Use On The Robot

I will be using an on board Mini ITX mb. for autonomous operations. Normally I will be using a...

Two-Ton Robotic Mantis: A Hexapod You Can Ride In

Wow! I want one! robotic-mantis-hexadpod

Robot Combat League Winner!

Congratulations to Dave Shinsel and his daughter on winning the $100,000 dollar prize on Syfys Robot Combat League with their robot named CRASH.

Cool Robot Chassis Designs

Just wanted to share a few links to some examples of cool chassis designs. 3d-printed-drive-chassis Terrabot
B9 Robot Aluminum Screen Vent Material

B9 Robot Aluminum Screen Vent Material

I recently came across a supply of aluminum expanded metal that I think could be used by those who are building B9 Robots for the side and rear...

3D Printer By Michael Joyce From B9 Creations

Hello All, Found this today. It seems that Michael Joyce, the guy who runs the b9robotbuildersclub, has designed his own 3D printer. For now it is on It looks like it will be a good one. Not sure how much it will cost. I hope that the price of 3d printers will come down to where I can afford one. I really could benefit from...

Dip Switch Setting Selector Circuit- Toggles Between Two Dip Switches

Hello all. I have been very busy lately but I finally got a few weekends to work on the robot. I have poured over the forum and web trying to find a way to smoothly change from EZ-B control to R/C control and back again. From what I have read, it seemed others were having this issue as well. I have looked at all the tutorials and contacted...
Sabertooth 2X12 R/C Success

Sabertooth 2X12 R/C Success

Hello all. I have been very busy lately but I finally got a few weekends to work on the robot. I have poured over the forum and web trying to find a way to smoothly...

Question For Dj About The Robot Arm

DJ....where can I get another one of the servo shoulder joint bearings? Did you have these installed or did it come from the manufacturer that way? The reason is; the existing wrist joint is far to weak. I would like to use another joint like the one used on the shoulder. Thanks, Rex

Cfsound Iii Questions__@Dschulpius And Dj

@dschulpius....I see you are using a CFSound III in you B9 Robot. I plan on using a ASUS Mini ITX on my bot. Have you tried to see if EZ-B can be used to trigger sound files stored on the memory card using the CFSound IIIs RS-232 port? Much like others are using the MP3 boards. If so, can you talk me through how to set it up? @DJ...have you ever...

Robot Bling

Robot eyes? Bright LED Decorative Blue Light Lamp light scanner Cylon Display CYLON-EYE wireless_servo_control

Ez-B Serial Question Plus Windows 7 Question

Was hoping DJ or someone could help answer a few questions: I have a CFSOUND III that I want to use for the robot sound and voice. It uses wav files instead of mp3s. It has a RS-232 DB9 serial connector. The format of the serial data is default @ 2400 baud (changeable), 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no flow control. Sounds may be started,...
Best Mini Itx To Use With Ez-Board?

Best Mini Itx To Use With Ez-Board?

What Mini Itx is most compatible with the EZ-Board? Any advice on how to use it with the EZ-B would be helpful. Amount of RAM, HD space, etc.?
Anyone Here Ever Build The Unicorn 1 Robot From Radio Electonics Magazine 1980'S

Anyone Here Ever Build The Unicorn 1 Robot From Radio Electonics Magazine 1980S

I am only missing article #8. I thought this may be a neat...
Robot Power Supplies

Robot Power Supplies

Wanted to know if anyone is interested to post their power supply schematics and wiring drawings to this thread. I think it would benefit everyone to pool our knowledge in one...

Question For Moses58 About Sabertooth 2X10 Working With The Ez-B

You had success with hooking up the Sabertooth 2x10 the to the EZ-B. Any more words of advice? I want to use a Sabertooth 2x12 on my small bot. Are they the same hook up and jumper settings? Thanks in advance, Rex

Cool Servo

Here is a servo that may come in handy for some folks. servo Sail Winch Servo is a unique servo that has a wider rotation range than typical hobby servos. It rotates one full turn (360) over the standard 1-2 ms servo pulse range output by many RC receivers (typical hobby servos turn 90 over this pulse range), and it is capable of approximately...
Poject Magnus Picture Update

Poject Magnus Picture Update

Here are some pictures of his head and neck areas. Still a lot of painting and finishing to be done. Similar in appearance to the Lost in Space Robot B9 but...
Need Ideas On Waist And Neck Rotation For Magnus

Need Ideas On Waist And Neck Rotation For Magnus

Heres the problem. Magnus will be mostly remote controlled as far as driving him around, making his arms move, waist...

Using A Computer Mouse As An Encoder

Anyone heard of doing this before? I found this link talking about hacking a computer mouse to use as a cheap encoder for position indication. This might come in handy. Mouse Encoder Home brew shaft encoder

Robot Drive Compontents/Parts

Here are a couple of links that may be interesting to everyone. Diverse Electronic Services Kadtronics
Turn Dc Gear Motors Into A Servo

Turn Dc Gear Motors Into A Servo

Hey guys, Anyone tried something like this yet? This may be what I need to use for my arm motors. High Power Servos

Esc For My Drive Motors

Anyone tried these ESCs from Banebots? ESC

Robot Parts

If we have surplus robot parts laying around would it be OK for us to buy or sell robot parts to each other via this forum? Or if someone needs or is looking for a special part to be manufactured or machined...say a bracket, bushing, linkage, circuit board, etc. Sometimes it is nice to have other peoples talents available. Some people may have...

Cool Robot Parts And Video Links:

Just thought some of these links might be interesting to everyone Robot Balances on a Ball Video Optimus Prime Statue Robot Gadgets

Project Magnus: Questions

To DJ Sures I am honored and humbled sir that you showcased Project Magnus. Thank you. I have a couple of questions for you and the guys: How would you rate the video quality of the camera that comes in the kit? I will need to steer Magnus when he is out of my line of sight. Is there much delay in the transmission? Do you have any step by step...
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