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Printable Robot Hands
Ran across this. Some of you may have already seen this. Robot hands made with 3D printer. Hacked Gadgetsquestion

Wind Speed Display
Hi All, I have been away from this site for far too long. I am currently catching up on all the great looking projects going on! Sadly, I have not had much of any time to work on...question

Star Wars Droid Helmet
Found this for your viewing pleasure..... kinda cool Wear helmets speak Droid to each other! Everyone hears droid language but wearers of the helmets hear each others actual...question

Theremin Vision
Robot Sensor: I thought some would be interested in this unique sensor application using a device known as a Theremin. Mainly used as a musical device, it has applications in other areas as...question

What Controls Or Items Are Limited To Board (0)
I have not been able to find a reference or list as to what controls or items are limited for use with board (0) only. I know...question

Check Out This Video Of Cloud Vision Api
Video Of Cloud Vision Api https://cloud.google.com/vision/question

New Star Wars Robot
Check out the new robot that will be on the upcoming Star Wars movie.question

Interactive Air-Powered Robot Arm By Disney
Found these interesting videos to share. Maybe it will spark some creative robot projects. Air-Powered arm linkquestion

Automatic Battery Charger Docking
Anyone made a robot that finds its own charger and docks with it? What would be a good way to do this?question

Check Out This New Camera From Omron
This camera has some unique features!question

3D Printed Hmc Boudicca
That is one super cool tank! TANKquestion

Cool Robot Gripper
Found this interesting hand idea.... Dont know yet if these are for purchase....question

Really Cool Animatronic Robot
This is what keeps me inspired....question

Had to share this cute bot.question

Fish Tank Robot
This would be one of the most unique robots I have ever seen.....question

Interesting New Robot
Check out this robotquestion

Add Self-Tuning Feedback Motion Control To Your Sabertooth Or Syren Motor Driver
Here is a gadget that may help some that are using motors...question

Hooking Up The Sparkfun Usb To Ttl Converter
Here is how I hooked up the SparkFun FTDI (USB to TTL) Adapter in place of the Bluetooth module that sits on top of the EZ-B. 1. I...question

Neck Mechanism
Here is a cool neck mechanism. It is very expensive so it would be neat to see if I could fabricate it cheaper by getting parts from ServoCity. CES-NECK Edit: I priced similar parts from...question

Controlling A Robot Arm - Telepresence
I would really like to be able to do what is being accomplished in the video below but, I want to be to use EZ-B to do it. Anyone interested in...question

Doctor Who Dalek Eye Stalk Flashlight
For those who might want to build their very own Dalek, here is a flashlight that you can use as an eye stalk. Dimensions: 9.6 long Eye Stalkquestion

Cool Walker
Hey check out this ride-able walker.... Edit....see actual video belowquestion

The Future Of Design - 3D Metal Printing
New breakthroughs will change manufacturing as we know it. 3D Metal Printingquestion

Cool Items/ Robot Bling?
Found this while cruising Ebay..... LED FX Maskquestion

What I Call A Good Day
I won my first OMNIBOT 2000 off of Ebay yesterday. $105.00 And then when I got home my EZ Robot package had arrived with Questors second arm and the seven Pings I ordered....question

What Is The Best Layout For Navigation Sensors?
Here is a basic top view of my robot drive chassis. For navigation purposes, is this layout enough for autonomous navigation?...question

Robot Arm Designs
Anyone interested in creating a team to brain storm ideas and designs for robot arms for large or small robots. Perhaps collectively we could come up with a universal design that many of...question

Thread For Helpful How To Videos
Here is a nice and simple three input audio mixer project that I am looking at putting on my robot so I can use three different audio sources to my on board...question

Robotic Hand From Darpa Lifts 50 Lbs And Can Also Use Tweezers
Here is a video I wanted to share....question

What Is A Good Omnidirectional Microphone To Use On The Robot
I will be using an on board Mini ITX mb. for autonomous operations. Normally I will be using a...question

B9 Robot Aluminum Screen Vent Material
I recently came across a supply of aluminum expanded metal that I think could be used by those who are building B9 Robots for the side and rear...question

Sabertooth 2X12 R/C Success
Hello all. I have been very busy lately but I finally got a few weekends to work on the robot. I have poured over the forum and web trying to find a way to smoothly...question

Best Mini Itx To Use With Ez-Board?
What Mini Itx is most compatible with the EZ-Board? Any advice on how to use it with the EZ-B would be helpful. Amount of RAM, HD space, etc.?question

Anyone Here Ever Build The Unicorn 1 Robot From Radio Electonics Magazine 1980S
I am only missing article #8. I thought this may be a neat...question

Robot Power Supplies
Wanted to know if anyone is interested to post their power supply schematics and wiring drawings to this thread. I think it would benefit everyone to pool our knowledge in one...question

Poject Magnus Picture Update
Here are some pictures of his head and neck areas. Still a lot of painting and finishing to be done. Similar in appearance to the Lost in Space Robot B9 but...question

Need Ideas On Waist And Neck Rotation For Magnus
Heres the problem. Magnus will be mostly remote controlled as far as driving him around, making his arms move, waist...question

Turn Dc Gear Motors Into A Servo
Hey guys, Anyone tried something like this yet? This may be what I need to use for my arm motors. High Power ServosNo general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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Rgordons Project Questor
Introducing Questor. I put a hold on my large robot project Magnus awhile back due to budget and time constraints. I wanted to have a platform that was way smaller, easy to...robot

Rgordons Magnus The 6 Ft Robot
Hello, My name is Rex and I am building a large robot. His name is Magnus. He is 6 ft. tall and will weigh around 300 lbs. He has wheelchair motors driving tank...robot

Rgordons Project Magnus On Hold
I have decided to hold up on Project Magnus I have been working on this build for several years now and it looks like it will take several more to get it to...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
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