Upgrade to ARC Pro

Discover the limitless potential of robot programming with Synthiam ARC Pro – where innovation and creativity meet seamlessly.


That's pretty cool. I wonder what the cost will be after the preview is done.



Uh, is that a joke video for early April fools? Lol - what's going on there? She scrolls through a bunch of random photos on her phone. Then a distance sensor can see objects. And the arduino can talk? I'm so confused lol

I wonder what kind of frame rate they expect over the cloud? They used to have a service where you can upload a photo and it would search for other similar photos - I tried using that in the past to obtain what the image context was by parsing file names of returned results - but that didn't work well.

Hopefully this attempt rocks it!


If you have used Google Goggle android app, it uses the same service they are now opening an API for. You take a picture, and it does a Google Image search. It is pretty fast and pretty accurate at things like products and commonly photographed things like cats. Not so good at randomly shaped objects like food.



Do you know if there's a public api for that service? Maybe it'll be a useful plugin to whip up

#5 is where to sign up to gain access to the preview public API. The issue though is that it is free for now, but at some point they will charge for the service. No word on how much.

Still, if the API is simple enough, might be worth playing around with.



lol - i attempted to sign up and it's not as free as promoted. It's free if you already have a google cloud developer account - which has a price.


Too bad. This would have been a nice plug in.


I am unable to find a free service, or one that is generally affordable. They seem to be snapshot based, which is fine considering the bandwidth required. If we or someone created a plugin for one of these services, the customer (you) would have to create an account with that service and pay the membership fee - which makes sense considering there's a pile of technology behind it, and i'm sure that matters to their development team to get paid:)

question is, which one do we choose... if any - or do we just make our own lol