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Ez-B Serial Question Plus Windows 7 Question

Was hoping DJ or someone could help answer a few questions:

I have a CFSOUND III that I want to use for the robot sound and voice. It uses wav files instead of mp3s. It has a RS-232 DB9 serial connector. The format of the serial data is default @ 2400 baud (changeable), 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no flow control. Sounds may be started, queued, and stopped using a simple ASCII protocol. The serial port can be configured to appear as a Terminal (DTE) or Modem (DCE). CFSoundIII Users_Manual

Can anyone tell me if this will work with the EZ-B?

When loading Windows 7, I understand I should use 64 bit. However, will I have problems with using EZ-SDK? Can't find it now but, seems like there was an issue with the EZ-SDK needing 32 bit?

Which version of Windows 7 works best with a Mini ITX? Home Edition, Pro, etc.?

Will Windows 8 work with the EZ-B?

How are those of you with Mini ITX computers loading Windows? CDROM Drive? If so, what are you using to connect the CDROM to the Mini ITX? I will be using the ASUS

Can't get it till Christmas though... stress


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Hello again Rex,

As I don't currently have any serial devices hooked up to my EZ-B I can't definitively answer you first question, however based on what I have read it should work fine... hook it up to a digital port and play around with the SendSerial commands.

I personally see no reason for using Windows 7 64bit unless your needs require it (and you don't for EZ-Robot). One of my PCs is a net-book and it runs just fine as a EZ-Robot "brain" with 1.6GHz processor, 1GB RAM and Win7 Home Premium 32.

Your Mini ITX will handle any version of Win7 or Win8 as long as you have 2GB or more of RAM and enough HDD space. I have also ran ARC just fine on Windows 8, no reason I have seen why EZ-SDK will not run as well.

As for loading whatever version of Windows you choose, you can use an older IDE optical drive (It needs to be a DVD as that is what Windows 7 comes on) along with that type of USB to IDE adapter I showed you; You can hook a SATA DVD directly to your ITX; You can pick up a external USB DVD drive; Or even use a USB Thumb Drive 4GB or greater and this program (or one like it... there are many) Windows7-USB-DVD-Download-Tool to transfer a Windows ISO to the USB drive and boot-n-install right off that USB Drive.

I can't help bring Christmas any quicker though:D