Country: USA
Member Since:
Designer and Builder of Rafiki and EZ-AI. Show host of Technology Today at | | | |
2014-05-15 - joined Synthiam
2014-05-22 - created first new question
2014-05-31 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-06-22 - answered a forum question
2014-08-03 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-08-03 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-08-03 - shared your first photo in the forum
2014-08-04 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-08-21 - posted your first tutorial
2014-08-23 - shared your first video in the forum
2015-02-18 - created a custom avatar
Latest submissions
Questions (67)
Robots (5)
Skills (5)
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Tutorials (1)
Apps (12)
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3D Parts (0)
Feature Requests (0)

I Am Itchin To Get Started
A while ago I had mentioned that I would be starting a video podcast that functions as technical classes for homeschool students. I had also mentioned that I would go...question

Trying To Make A Plugin For Xv-11 Lidar Using Sureal Controller
I am making a plugin to use the XV-11 LIDAR with the GetSurreal 1.2 controller in ARC, but I...question

A Possible Feature Enhancement
@DJ Sures, In ARC, could there be a lock added to controls (specifically scripts) that would require a user to unlock the control to make changes to it? Here is...question

A Note On Ez-Ai/Rafiki
EZ-AI development is on hold right now, well kind of... We are in the process of working with some services that will allow the capabilities of EZ-AI to be far better than what...question

New Ez-Ai Website
We stood up a new EZ-AI website. and have had a limited group of people checking out the knowledge engine. We will be starting the Beta test in about 9 days. EZ-AI...question

They Found The Droids They Were Looking For
Some nice guys from Dallas let us use their props for some promotional photos. We will also be working with them to add lights and...question

I Hereby Dub The The Fish Bowl, Or The People Aquarium
Speaking of the glass conference room that is... I personally always liked The People Aquarium... Anyway, thank...question

Coming Along And Looking Good
Is there any firm date of when the open house will be yet? I am thinking about Nick and I coming up for it.question

Plugin Being Seen Multiple Times When Installed By Others
I think this is a question that will have to be answered by DJ so I am going to phrase it that way... The...question

Pcbs In Larger Robot Builds
Many of you know that I am working on a production robot called Rafiki. Because it is production, I have had to do some circuit board design to limit the number of...question

Ez-Ai Is Ready For Use Is Your Willing To Do A Bit Of Configuration Yourself
This thread contains the more recent information about EZ-AI. For...question

Roborealm Now Supports Neato Xv Lidar
The fine folks at RoboRealm (Steven) has incorporated the XV-11 LIDAR into RoboRealm. This is good news as he is much better with graphics than I...question

Well It Is Official. Cochran Robotics Inc Gp Is A Company
Spock wont be worked on in a while. I will be focusing on getting a few products to market by November of...question

Car Bumper Sensor
Cheap sensors First, Thank you @toymaker. Oops I have been working on getting one of these sensor arrays working with a EZ-B V4. The sensor box communicates with bit-bang serial...question

New Packaging For V4 Controllers
Hey EZ-Robot team. I like the new packaging for the V4 controllers. Nice job.question

Ez-Face And V4 Camera
Does EZ-Face work with the V4 camera? For some reason I cant get it to be recognised in the EZ-Face software. I am running version 3.7.14. I can get it to work with the camera...question

I Love Seeing That
Kids love to learn. Its something that most people forget to love as they get older. Great job guys. It excites me to see this.question

Unboxing Of Dev Kit, Jd And Six
Dev Kit unboxing JD unboxing Six unboxingquestion

Reprap Prusa I3xl Printer Build
I am thinking about building this printer, but replacing the hot end with an E3D v6. I see I can print out the parts to connect the e3d to the extruder. I...question

Box Of Roli?
Looks promising.question

Just Made The Order For The School Program
1 JD 1 Roli 1 six 3 dev kits some batteries and chargers. I am 3D printing parts to build Patriot 1 (mascot of the school and the first...question

Looks Like Something Important Is Taking Place
Dont you love that people can creep on you all day long? Seeing people line up either means an important meeting or a Where are...question

Guess What The Orange Arm Is For In This Picture
Guess what is going to be made out of the orange arm in this picture.No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
Artificial Intelligence

EZ-AI_Client_EZB v14
Cochran Robotics EZ-AI ARC plugin for connecting to the EZ-AI FrameworkNavigation

XV11 LIDAR v15
Run the Neato Robotics XV-11 LIDAR on your robot.Misc

Neopixel Ring v3
This plugin is for people with onboard computers to control the Neopixel ring from ARC. This is used in Rafiki.Camera

Omron HVC-P v7
Omron HVC-P plugin for ARC (onboard computer). This is used in Rafiki.Rafiki

Rafiki Front Bumber v2
This is the visual display component to the Rafiki front bumper subsystemrobot

Cochranroboticss Inmoov - D.Cochran Style
I have decided to start my InMoov project. I think I will call him Spock out of respect to Leonard Nimoy who passed away on the day that I...robot

Cochranroboticss Video On Using A Database With ARC Through Ez-Dbmulti
Before I start, this video requires some knowledge of MSSQL server. To do what...robot

Cochranroboticss Patriot 1
Just adding some photos of the 3D printed head for the project for the school I am helping. It came from a Rapiro chopped up head (8 pieces) that were printed and then...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.

I modified the example to work with the API.AI version 5 of the plugin. I also added notes that should help to understand what is happening and where. This is to be used with the

This is a sample project that uses EZ-AI. You will need to install the EZ-AI plugin and then add it to this

For Castlephelps
This is just an example to help get you started. The init script should be run first, which could be placed in the connection control to execute upon connection to the

Test For Rentaprinta
this works. please test on your

D.Cochran Teddy - Database Driven Robot EZ-AI Combined
Please see thread at for extensive details. I

D.Cochran Teddy - Database Driven Robot
Please see thread at for extensive details. I will keep updating this robot.

Db Sample Array
Notes are in this project along with on cochranrobotics.comapp

Rssfeed Parser/Reader For ARC
parses and reads RSS feeds into a variable in EZ-Builder allowing you to use things like sayEZB(). Notes in project describe what is needed to make it

RSS News Tutorial For Sayezb
Uses an EXE to generate a txt file from an RSS feed, which can then be loaded to a variable and read through the EZ-B V4 using the sayEZB command. This is a

Roli Dcochran
Welcome to the Revolution Roli example project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at with information on getting your Roli up and

Test For Bhouston
Get error message that sound servo is in use elsewhere when I have both the speech recognition and sound servo

this is a work in progress. I doubt it will ever truly be complete.No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.