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Designer and Builder of Rafiki and EZ-AI. Show host of Technology Today at | | | |


  • 2014-05-15 - joined Synthiam
  • 2014-05-22 - created first new question
  • 2014-05-31 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-06-22 - answered a forum question
  • 2014-08-03 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2014-08-03 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2014-08-03 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2014-08-04 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-08-21 - posted your first tutorial
  • 2014-08-23 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2015-02-18 - created a custom avatar

Latest submissions

I Am Itchin' To Get Started

I Am Itchin To Get Started

A while ago I had mentioned that I would be starting a video podcast that functions as technical classes for homeschool students. I had also mentioned that I would go...
Trying To Make A Plugin For Xv-11 Lidar Using Sureal Controller

Trying To Make A Plugin For Xv-11 Lidar Using Sureal Controller

I am making a plugin to use the XV-11 LIDAR with the GetSurreal 1.2 controller in ARC, but I...

Api.Ai Example To Learn A Little Bit From

I have been working in API.AI for a while and jumped back into it yesterday some. I want to describe what API.AI is and what it isnt so that there is a clearer picture of it. I am attaching a sample project that you can use to start building from if you would like to do so. First, what is it? API.AI is great at taking speech and breaking it...

Servo Commands With More Than One Ez-B

How do I set the board id for servo commands in a script if there is more than one EZ-B in a robot? In the manual for the following commands, I dont see a way to specify board 0 or board 1. I have searched the website expecting to see something about how to do this but havent found anything on it yet. I also searched the FAQ and tutorials but...
A Possible Feature Enhancement

A Possible Feature Enhancement

@DJ Sures, In ARC, could there be a lock added to controls (specifically scripts) that would require a user to unlock the control to make changes to it? Here is...

Do Api Keys Carry With A Publicly Shared Project?

Does anyone know if API keys (such as those for the Bing Speech Recognition and API.AI plugins) carry over to the project if saved publicly on the EZ-Cloud? I want to publish an example of using the API.AI plugin which uses the Bing Speech Plugin but I dont know if my keys will be stored on the cloud for people to see and use instead of getting...
A Note On Ez-Ai/Rafiki

A Note On Ez-Ai/Rafiki

EZ-AI development is on hold right now, well kind of... We are in the process of working with some services that will allow the capabilities of EZ-AI to be far better than what...

Thoughts On A Podcast?

I have a thought but wanted to get the communities input before I invest the time, energy and money to make this happen I am thinking about setting up a video podcast that focuses on EZ-Robot stuff. The thought is to produce a weekly show that would cover things asked in the community, network related things, ARC things, Plugin things. I would do a...

Using Dragon Naturally Speaking With ARC

This has been brought up before is some threads, but has come up again recently. I promised that I would make a post about this so, here it goes... There have been some posts where people have asked to be able to use Dragon Naturally Speaking (DNS) with ARC. To do this, there would have to be a separate application installed which would handle this...
New Ez-Ai Website

New Ez-Ai Website

We stood up a new EZ-AI website. and have had a limited group of people checking out the knowledge engine. We will be starting the Beta test in about 9 days. EZ-AI...
They Found The Droids They Were Looking For

They Found The Droids They Were Looking For

Some nice guys from Dallas let us use their props for some promotional photos. We will also be working with them to add lights and...

Ive Started To Work On Mapping Using The Vx-11 Lidar

The boards have been pretty quiet so I thought I would share what I am working on now. This is for robots using an on-board computer I have started making a plugin that is designed to use the xv-11 sensor, wheel radius and encoder counts per revolution of the wheels to make a map of the environment. It also uses the compass part of the 4-in-1...
I Hereby Dub The The Fish Bowl, Or The People Aquarium

I Hereby Dub The The Fish Bowl, Or The People Aquarium

Speaking of the glass conference room that is... I personally always liked The People Aquarium... Anyway, thank...

Bluetooth 5 Beacons Location awareness through beacons in Bluetooth 5 looks like it is coming sometime in the next 6 months or so.
Coming Along And Looking Good

Coming Along And Looking Good

Is there any firm date of when the open house will be yet? I am thinking about Nick and I coming up for it.
Plugin Being Seen Multiple Times When Installed By Others

Plugin Being Seen Multiple Times When Installed By Others

I think this is a question that will have to be answered by DJ so I am going to phrase it that way... The...

Speech Recognition Not Working While Say Command Is Running

If I use a say command in a script, the speech recognition control stops recognizing anything. Once the say command completes, the speech recognition control starts picking up recognizing what is said again. I dont think that this used to work this way but maybe it did. I used to pause the speech recognition when using the say command when needed,...

Indoor Gps Coming?

Interesting article

Cool Idea For Servos While in Dallas this week, I joined the Dallas Personal Robotics Group. They have been around since 1984. I have watched them over the past 15 years or so and always wished I could join. After looking at some of the things that people have built that have come from the club, I decided that this was...
Pcb's In Larger Robot Builds

Pcbs In Larger Robot Builds

Many of you know that I am working on a production robot called Rafiki. Because it is production, I have had to do some circuit board design to limit the number of...
Ez-Ai Is Ready For Use Is Your Willing To Do A Bit Of Configuration Yourself

Ez-Ai Is Ready For Use Is Your Willing To Do A Bit Of Configuration Yourself

This thread contains the more recent information about EZ-AI. For...

Is The Robot Hobby For Everyone?

There is a good article in this months Maker Magazine where someone made the comment that Robotics fascinates them because of all of the various disciplines that one has to have to build robots. This got me thinking about everything that you would need to understand in order to be proficient at building a robot. It also got me thinking about all of...
Roborealm Now Supports Neato Xv Lidar

Roborealm Now Supports Neato Xv Lidar

The fine folks at RoboRealm (Steven) has incorporated the XV-11 LIDAR into RoboRealm. This is good news as he is much better with graphics than I...

Questions About Plugin Development

I have a couple of questions that I hope you can help me with. I didnt realize that some of these issues existed until I loaded the plugin on a non-development machine. What would be the proper way to write a text file containing your configuration settings for you app to the %public%\Documents\EZ-Builder\Plugins[GUID] directory or should I be...

These Guys Need Some V4s

Impressive group of robots.

Mpu9150 And Ezsdk In C#

I am trying to use the 4 in 1 sensor from the ezb and get the information in C# through the use of the SDK. I had hopes that there would be a sample project for this sensor but I couldnt find one. I know you have to first initialize the sensor. Does anyone know the command to initialize the sensor? I assume once it initialized, I will be able to...

Well, It Finally Happened To Me

I have never blown a board due to being careless, until yesterday... I am was using an Arduino Mega for gathering information from a Neato XV-11 LIDAR sensor. I had disconnected the power cables and unplugged serial port wiring to mount the board on my control box. After getting the Arduino mounted and plugging in the cables again, I attached the...

Anyone Have Experience With Saleae Logic Analyzers?

I am in the market for a logic analyzer. Has anyone ever used the Saleae Logic Analyzers? Their website
Well It Is Official.  Cochran Robotics Inc Gp Is A Company

Well It Is Official. Cochran Robotics Inc Gp Is A Company

Spock wont be worked on in a while. I will be focusing on getting a few products to market by November of...

Interesting Product I have a question out to them as to if they have an API and if the software that controls this is available for windows. This could be the answer to a whole house mic system.

Sale At Brookstone

25% off on items from Brookstone EZ-Robots are on sale at Brookstone. Now is a good time to buy. Offer ends today. Good for any order over $99.00

Large Volume 3D Printer (Looks Really Well Built)

12x12x12 to 24x24x24 with up to 4 printheads. So you dont have to go looking, here are their prices for preorders. Heres the current price list for the 4-extruder configurations for all three sizes (12x12x12, 18x18x18, and 24x24x24). T-Rex-12-4: $3,399.00 (4 extruders) T-Rex-18-4: $4,649.00 (4 extruders) T-Rex-24-4: $5,899.00 (4 extruders) You can...

Has Anyone Built A Robot Base Out Of Carbon Fiber?

I am looking to start the mobile base of my InMoov. There are a huge number of different materials available to use. I am contemplating Carbon Fiber and Aluminum. Does anyone have experience with these two materials that would be willing to give some pointers (mainly on the carbon fiber end)? I think my base will be either 18x18 or 24x24. I wonder...

Cool Gripper Idea

about the 16th minute of the video...

Possibility Of Adding This Sensor To The ARC Controls? It would be cool to add a weather station to my InMoov. I think that this sensor would accomplish a lot of that. Would this sensor be something that you would be willing to add to the controls in ARC?

Analog Capacitive Question

I am thinking about adding analog capacitive wires for my InMoov but have a questions. All of my V4s are in use on the inmoov right now so I dont have one to try this with or I would. In order for the analog signal to increase or decrease when a wire is touched, I assume that I have to provide current (+ and/or -) to the pad that I will be...

Monday I Started Teaching Robotics To 4Th And 5Th Grade Students

My first class on Robotics was last Monday. This class is currently for 4th and 5th grade students and is using EZ-Robot products. The class is strictly voluntary and is taught after school. 50% of the students that are in the 4th and 5th grade have chosen to stay at school an extra hour to learn about robotics through this program. We have called...
Car Bumper Sensor

Car Bumper Sensor

Cheap sensors First, Thank you @toymaker. Oops I have been working on getting one of these sensor arrays working with a EZ-B V4. The sensor box communicates with bit-bang serial...

New Supported Sensor Possibility? Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout

CAP1188 - 8-KEY CAPACITIVE TOUCH SENSOR BREAKOUT - I2C OR SPI Hey EZ-Robot. Is this something you would consider adding to your new sensors? I know those building InMoov with V4s would love it. I am sure others would like it also.
New Packaging For V4 Controllers

New Packaging For V4 Controllers

Hey EZ-Robot team. I like the new packaging for the V4 controllers. Nice job.

It Is A Sad Day

I have been waiting for today for about 4 months. I have the money in my account to start my InMoov build and a majority of the parts are added to my amazon cart. I just cant bring myself to clicking the proceed to checkout button. I cant decide between tools that will help me to make EZ-AI easier to program and better for any that decide to use...
Ez-Face And V4 Camera

Ez-Face And V4 Camera

Does EZ-Face work with the V4 camera? For some reason I cant get it to be recognised in the EZ-Face software. I am running version 3.7.14. I can get it to work with the camera...

A Good Read For Programmers Or Anyone Writing Scripts

For you programmers out there.

Ez-Db V.01 - Need Some Testers

EDIT: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN ADDED TO EZ-AI***** This has been updated to include the latest information about this tool. EZ-DB is a utility that will allow ARC to store and retrieve data from a database. The current databases that are supported are MySQL and MSSQL. EZ-DB can be downloaded from this site. EZ-DB Pre-Release The location that you...

Passing A Variable To Soundboard V4

I would like to do something like the following but cant get it to work. $SongID = quot;Track_0quot; ControlCommand(quot;Soundboard v4quot;, $SongID) I could do something like this but want to avoid it if possible because this becomes static instead of dynamically driven. if($SongID = quot;Track_0quot;) ControlCommand(quot;Soundboard v4quot;,...

Script Help For Custom Http Server Missing A Command

DJ, I just wanted to give you a heads up that the ControlCommand(HTTP Custom Server, StartServer) command is missing from the EZ-Script Functions manual in the Script Help section. Currently it shows the following. Custom HTTP Server ControlCommand(HTTP Custom Server, StopServer) ControlCommand(HTTP Custom Server, ScriptStart) Not being picky, Just...
I Love Seeing That

I Love Seeing That

Kids love to learn. Its something that most people forget to love as they get older. Great job guys. It excites me to see this.

Looking For Some Advice From Some Smart People

There are some pretty smart computer techs on this forum so I am looking for a bit of advice on an issue that I am having. This is not EZ-Robot related, but is a location that I can go to for some advice from people who may have some experience in this, so here it goes... I have a raid 5 that has become corrupt. All of the drives report as good (4...

Impressive 3D Print

impressive print this is from a makertoolworks M3 printer. I think this is the route I will be taking for a new 3d printer. Makertoolworks M3 printer

Found A Good Wifi Access Point On Sale

For those of you looking to upgrade your wifi network at your home or business... Good Wifi Access Point on sale I use these and they are very good. I dont work for the company or have any affiliation with anyone who will make a penny off of these. I just wanted to pass along a good deal that might help some here.

Ez-B V4 Mac Address

does anyone know how to find the MAC address of the EZ-B V4? Someone is hijacking Nomads network so I am implementing MAC filtering. If I could get the device on the network, I would be able to see the MAC, but as soon as I unlock MAC filtering, the AP gets compromised. Please let me know if there is any way to find the MAC address while in AP mode...
Unboxing Of Dev Kit, Jd And Six

Unboxing Of Dev Kit, Jd And Six

Dev Kit unboxing JD unboxing Six unboxing

3D Printing A Six

I am 3D printing a Six and have gotten to the part that I dread the most. The final pieces to print are the horn type pieces for the 12 servos. Does anyone have any recommendations for printing these parts? My first concern is the strength of the connector pieces. I will be using ABS, and will be brushing some crazy glue on these pieces to provide...

A Little Electronics Advice - Dc-Ss503v100 Compas

Let me start by saying that this is the part of robotics that I am very weak in. I am going to be asking some questions that are probably very simple and I know that there will be multiple answers to solve this, as there is always multiple ways to solve something in this craft. I purchased a DC-SS503V-100 because of the native support in ARC. I...

Working With Nomad18.08 On Getting His Ez-B V4 On The Network

I am typing this for patrick because english is my primary language and I have been working with him. He has a JD and another EZ-B v4. One of the two is able to connect to his network without any issue now, but one of them is having an issue connecting in AP mode. We cant connect via wifi from either of 2 computers to this one EZ-B v4. There is one...
Reprap Prusa I3xl Printer Build

Reprap Prusa I3xl Printer Build

I am thinking about building this printer, but replacing the hot end with an E3D v6. I see I can print out the parts to connect the e3d to the extruder. I...

A Homemade Power Distribution Solution

I decided that I needed to divide my power input up a bit. I have some servos that can only handle 5 volts and some that can handle 6. Most of the ones that will be running together handle 6. I decided to find a way to build a power distribution center for the 6V side. I found a board at RadioShack (cant stand that place) that worked perfectly. It...

Robot Competitions

There are many organizations around the world that sponsor robot competitions for school students from Jr High to College. While there are some good things about these competitions, there are also some things that I really dont like. For example, a team is given a problem to solve with an autonomous robot. It is good that the team has to work...
Box Of Roli?

Box Of Roli?

Looks promising.
Just Made The Order For The School Program

Just Made The Order For The School Program

1 JD 1 Roli 1 six 3 dev kits some batteries and chargers. I am 3D printing parts to build Patriot 1 (mascot of the school and the first...

Ez-Pop3 Alpha Available For Download

EZ-POP3 was written to use an POP3 email server using SSL to see if there are any new emails since the last time that EZ-POP3 was run. It was written to help someone in the community with a feature that they wanted to see in ARC. It has not be tested in depth and it is quite possible that you will see some issues at this point. This will work with...

Possibly Helpful List Of Links For Someone New To Robotics

I am working on setting up material for class room discussions for the next school year. I thought that I would proved this link as others may find some benefit to some of the sites that I have found on the internet. None of this is my own work, but materials that I have gathered to start building off of. Robotics basics I am working on this and...
Looks Like Something Important Is Taking Place :)

Looks Like Something Important Is Taking Place

Dont you love that people can creep on you all day long? Seeing people line up either means an important meeting or a Where are...

Found A Great Group In My Area

I was browsing the internet and I stumbled upon a great group of people in my area. They are a maker group with focus on robotics, programming, 3d printing, open source and many other things. I went to an open house tonight and was blown away by the machinery that they had for use by its members 24/7. Laser cutters, welders, 3 cnc machines, 3 3d...
Guess What The Orange Arm Is For In This Picture

Guess What The Orange Arm Is For In This Picture

Guess what is going to be made out of the orange arm in this picture.

Random Personality Script Not Running

I cant seem to get this script to do anything other than to assign a random number to the $personality variable. When I run the script, it changes the variable and does nothing. I have been watching the variable change and it does hit 1, 2, 10 and 19 but nothing fires from there. Does anyone see anything wrong with the script? I am on version...

Eagerly Awaiting Ez-B V4 And Other Parts

Hello, I would like to introduce myself and get a bit of advice. My name is David. I have worked in IT for about 20 years and have purchased a robomow when they first came out and built a Talrik II in the distant past. Work got in the way of my building and the sprinkler system got in the way of the robomow, so I have simply been programming and...
No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
Cochranrobotics's Inmoov - D.Cochran Style

Cochranroboticss Inmoov - D.Cochran Style

I have decided to start my InMoov project. I think I will call him Spock out of respect to Leonard Nimoy who passed away on the day that I...
Cochranrobotics's Video On Using A Database With ARC Through Ez-Dbmulti

Cochranroboticss Video On Using A Database With ARC Through Ez-Dbmulti

Before I start, this video requires some knowledge of MSSQL server. To do what...

Cochranroboticss Rafiki Update

For those of you who are registered at, I have opened up a Rafiki build Status page. This shows photos of the build process of the prototype. The goal is to be able to start programming of the robot functions in about a week. Enjoy and let me know your thoughts. BTW, this is where I have...

Cochranroboticss D.Cochrans Teddy

I am going to try to document this project because I think its pretty cool so far. It is also the beginning of a much larger project. For the hardware right now, I am using a Teddy Ruxpin bought on ebay EZB V4 V4 Camera 2 rotational HD servos for shoulders 1 Rotational servo for neck 1 micro servo for mouth amplified speaker (used for phones) Scary...
Cochranrobotics's Patriot 1

Cochranroboticss Patriot 1

Just adding some photos of the 3D printed head for the project for the school I am helping. It came from a Rapiro chopped up head (8 pieces) that were printed and then...
No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.


I modified the example to work with the API.AI version 5 of the plugin. I also added notes that should help to understand what is happening and where. This is to be used with the example...


This is a sample project that uses EZ-AI. You will need to install the EZ-AI plugin and then add it to this project.
For Castlephelps

For Castlephelps

This is just an example to help get you started. The init script should be run first, which could be placed in the connection control to execute upon connection to the ezb.
Test For Rentaprinta

Test For Rentaprinta

this works. please test on your machine.
D.Cochran Teddy - Database Driven Robot EZ-AI Combined

D.Cochran Teddy - Database Driven Robot EZ-AI Combined

Please see thread at for extensive details. I will...
D.Cochran Teddy - Database Driven Robot

D.Cochran Teddy - Database Driven Robot

Please see thread at for extensive details. I will keep updating this robot. To...
Db Sample Array

Db Sample Array

Notes are in this project along with on
Rssfeed Parser/Reader For ARC

Rssfeed Parser/Reader For ARC

parses and reads RSS feeds into a variable in EZ-Builder allowing you to use things like sayEZB(). Notes in project describe what is needed to make it work.
RSS News Tutorial For Sayezb

RSS News Tutorial For Sayezb

Uses an EXE to generate a txt file from an RSS feed, which can then be loaded to a variable and read through the EZ-B V4 using the sayEZB command. This is a working...
Roli Dcochran

Roli Dcochran

Welcome to the Revolution Roli example project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at with information on getting your Roli up and running.
Test For Bhouston

Test For Bhouston

Get error message that sound servo is in use elsewhere when I have both the speech recognition and sound servo open.


this is a work in progress. I doubt it will ever truly be complete.
No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.