Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro will give you immediate updates and new features needed to unleash your robot's potential!


OH my goodness, that is aggregating. When you copy and past the link, make sure you takeout the space in

I'm wondering if because the message board is coded to automatically highlight "Learning" or "Learn" for the learn section it hates this website?


Yep, after trying multiple times to get the link to paste in good, I just gave up. The concept of a gripper like this is a really cool idea though..


I tried that link, but they must not want us Canadians to see it. I get this message when I try and play the video "We're sorry, but this video is not available in your region due to right restrictions." Has anyone got this to play in Canada?


Is this it?

Very cool!

Great Britain

that is pretty cool

is anyone going to try to incorporate it into a robot