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  • 2012-06-23 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-09-24 - created first new question
  • 2012-10-08 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-10-05 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2014-10-12 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2014-10-12 - created a custom avatar
  • 2014-10-14 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2014-11-13 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-12-13 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2017-03-18 - answered a forum question
  • 2021-11-27 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2021-12-01 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2022-02-22 - started first conversation
  • 2022-11-27 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription

Latest submissions


Inmoov Builders

Hello all, Im needing help understanding how the potentiometer work on the arms and shoulders. I have the potentiometer on the outside of the servos and they work by hand. I was hoping someone could explain how they connect to the arms and shoulders. What passion the potentiometer are set in the middle end, ect... Also if you would not mind sharing...

Can You Make A USB Camera Work With Ezb Controller

Does anyone know if you can a turn a USB camera to work on an EZB controller? thank you in advance.
MPU9250 Accelerometer, Gyro, Temperature, Compass Upgrade Request

MPU9250 Accelerometer, Gyro, Temperature, Compass Upgrade Request

@DJ, I know I have this open under feature request, How hard would it be to use the...
T265 Realsence Viewer.Exe On An Upboard

T265 Realsence Viewer.Exe On An Upboard

Hi DJ. Have you tested an Upboard Using the realsense Viewer.exe file for the T265. and was able to run the realsence program on the Upboard?...
How To Open Your ARC Project When Windows 10 Boots Up

How To Open Your ARC Project When Windows 10 Boots Up

Hello all, Back in the day someone show me how to open your ARC project when your pc booted up.  Does anyone...
Will The 3 Wire Grove - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Work On The Arduino Mega

Will The 3 Wire Grove - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Work On The Arduino Mega

Hello, I am trying to free up many digital ports on my arduino mega...

Does The T265 Viewer Work With Windows 8.1

Hello, I look at gethub it it say it supports window 8.1  Supported Platforms Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04 LTS (1) . Kernel versions: 4.[4, 8,10,13,15], 4.16(4) , 4.18, 5.[0, 3, 4, 8]. Windows 10 (Build 15063 or later, 17763+ recommended) Windows 8.1 (2) Windows 7 (3) Mac OS (High Sierra 10.13.2) **Android 7, 8, 9,10(5) ,11 But when I try to install...
How To Use Neopixel Ring With Arduino Mega

How To Use Neopixel Ring With Arduino Mega

@DJ, can you use the arduino mega with a neopixel ring without using an EZB? thank in advance  cheers

I Thought I Seen DJ Had A Way To Calibrate Motor Wheels Without Using Encoders?

Hi all. I thought I seen a post from DJ on how to simulate wheel encoders without having the encoder.  Please correct me if Im wrong or please post a link showing how to configure them? Cheers. merne
My EZ-B V4/2 Wi-F Has Steady Blue Light And Say Connection Error

My EZ-B V4/2 Wi-F Has Steady Blue Light And Say Connection Error

My EZ-B v4/2 Wi-F has steady blue light and say connection error.  Tried reset button but it...

Needing 4, 3D Printed Parts Made

Hello all, my 3D printer went out.   I’m hoping someone on this forum might be able to sale 4 parts for my Inmoov.   I need, 2 PivconnectorV1, 1 PivmitV2 and 1 RotTitV3 for the right arm,  I can email you the stl’s. If someone is able to print these, please let me know how much you would charge me? Thanks very much! Cheers

Configure Arduino Neopixel Ring

Hello all, it’s been to long since I setup a Arduino uno with a neopixel ring.  I looked at David Cochran’s tutorial But keeps failing.  Is they a new version of Arduino to use and the scripts? i believe Perry May know the steps, but if anyone else knows please share details.  I’m will be using the iotiny to control the .neopixel rings.  Idealy  I...
Extension From Ezrobot Camera Lens To The Module

Extension From Ezrobot Camera Lens To The Module

Looking for an extension from the camera lens to the module board.  I was hoping for maybe a foot to 2 foot long maybe a...

Saving Video To Attached Hard Drive

I have a Lenovo miix 2 8 tablet running windows 8.1 and have a 1tb hard drive attached though a USB hub. When I go into the camera configuration and click media and change the location to save the video to my attached HD it does not save the video. It only saves it on the c drive in pictures. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance, Merne

Is It Possible To Do A Clean Plug-In Uninstall

Is there a clean way to uninstall a plug-in without having to delete the plug-in on C drive directory? This may have come up before I apologize in advance if I missed it thanks.
Off-Topic From Springfield Oregon

Off-Topic From Springfield Oregon

We were not in the totality of the eclipse but pretty close in Springfield Oregon. heres the last picture I got before it started getting bright again. It...

@Dj Or? Sound Servo(Ezb Playback)

Ive been testing Richs led tutorial Ive been able to get it to work on, sound movement, sound servo(PC Mic), sounds servo(PC Speaker) but not able to get it to work with sound servo(EZB Playback). I have also noticed when hitting the? On the sound servo(EZB Playback) goes to the webpage talking about...

R2d2 Pcb Main Board And Mic

I have a working R2-D2 and I was wondering if you can use the part that drives the head back-back-forth on the servo with some sort of converter bored. Im looking for sound localization board,however, it doesnt seem anybody sells them. I know some people have made them but are unwilling to share even though Im willing to pay for it. So my thinking...

Bing Azure After The Trial Period Ends Question

Hello all, is anyone using the pay as you go using the Bing Speech recognition after the Bing 30 day trail ends? The price I was quoted is $1.40 an hour. I was wondering what type of charges some of the users were being charged as a hobbyist. Thanks.

Is It Possible To Use The Command Prompt To Mute The Microphone On Win8.1 Withou

Im try to find out if its possible to use a command text in EZB to mute the mic on win8.1 so far on the internet people are saying no, you can not use a command line to mute the mic on win8.1 am was hoping to be able to use EZBs SR to have it mute the mic, I know this would not allow me to use Voice command once muted. I can then use a script to...

Ezb 41/2 Makes Clicking Noise

Hi all, I have an ezb 41/2 that makes a clicking noise, very faint and it will not let me connect to wifi. I ordered and receive a new ezb41/2 to replace this one but wanted to see if anyone knew why. This ezb41/2 Im asking about has worked fine until a week or so ago. Before I replace it I just wanted to fine out why and/or if I should also...

Serial/Usb Connectivity

I really wanted to convert the wifi to USB conductivity on my EZB4 to connect directly to my pc, but after reading the tutorial the USB converter uses the camera port. Did I miss were you can still use the ARC camera with the USB conversion. Thanks, merne
Help Connecting A Neopixel Ring

Help Connecting A Neopixel Ring

Hello all, Has anyone used a NeoPixel Ring before. I cant figure out how to wire it or connect it to EZB. Here is a link to the NeoPixel Ring site it has a...

Camera Lights

I have an ezb camera and tested it before putting it into my robot eyes, when I connect after installing it, the lights goes red, green blue then no lights at all. When I tested it before it went green and I could see images. Does the ezb camera have a reset button on it some where? Thanks for anyones help.

Does Anyone Know The Name Of Dc Connector

Hello all, I have looked and cant find the small red power connector that EZB uses. Does anyone know the name of this connector? Thanks

Who Can Print Ninjaflex

Does anyone on this forum able to print using Ninjaflex filament. If so I would like to know if someone could print this left palm depending on the cost of course. Here is the link, I only need the stl file L_Ada_v1.1_Palm.stl Last updated: 02-22-16 Thanks
What's If The Pistol?

Whats If The Pistol?

Let One Storm Trooper In

Let One Storm Trooper In

If you let one storm trooper in, the Death Star will be at ARC soon!

Using Init Script To Set Servo Max, Min

If you use the setservomin and setservomax then call this script when ARC connects will these servo min max setting ever change? I mean if you use the auto position and set the servo higher then the max set in the init script will the servo more further then the allow setservomax that was setup in the init script. Also, if you use the release all...

Avoidance Script Help

edit* Going to repost later.

Question On A Tread I Cant Find - Robot Follows You Using Ir Sensors

Hello all, A while back someone had made a robot base that followed him. I believe they used IR sensors. I have looked through most of the posts but I really do not remember who or what the topic was, does anyone remember? I am looking to try using IR and Ping sensors for my robot to follow me. Thx

General Plug- In Security Questin

With the ability of anyone making plug- ins and the ability to interface most anything as public hosted on github, who is screening or watching for viruses, malware, spyware, etc. With robots having cameras, audio, home sensors to control monitor your home etc. Who is to know of back doors, etc. You hear about nanny cameras audios hacked by people...
Getting This Error When Opening Ezb Project

Getting This Error When Opening Ezb Project

Can someone tell me why I get this message when I open my EZB project? Thanks in advance.

Talk Servo

@DJ, Hey DJ is it possible with the talk servo to have a place to put commands or Scripts to activate other things while its talking besides the multiple server ports that you can add inside to talk servo? Hope I give you enough information if not let me know thanks DJ

Power Supply For Either Ezb V4 Or V3

Does anybody have a link or a suggestion as to what AC Power supply I could use with over 20 large Servos? Also if I wanted to use external battery what size and AMPs. Im currently using a 12V AD to DC with 1.25 amp power supply. When running the EZB program ( auto position) running 10 large servo, it works for about 3 times then seems to not move...
Lol, Good Bye Old Place

Lol, Good Bye Old Place


Vex Optical Shaft Encoder With A Kangaroo Board

Tonight I installed the vex shaft optical encoders on the inside shaft the wheels go on. I had to drill out the encoder wheel to fit the shaft and disassembled the encoder wheel and optics to mount on the metal gearbox, I also had to cut back the green plastic fins so it did not catch the encoder optics. I hope it works using the kangaroo board?...

User Book To Better Under Stand Scripting/ Programming

Hoping/ wondering if anyone has suggestions on a book that would help me with scripting and understanding programming something simple. My work takes up so much Gray matter these days, its hard keeping up with work, I love working on robots even though I dont get it sometimes. If I was retired then I can focus 100% On EZB. So Im looking for a book...

Sound Sensor With A Capacitor - Question

About a year ago, Steve G asked about sound sensors. DJ said to add a capacitor to the signal line...Quote:those sensors (analog or digital) will work fine - IF you add a capacitor to the signal line. This is because the audio is either ON or OFF real quick with no hold. This means unless youre sampling...

Robot Builders In Eugene Oregon

Im just curious if anybody around Eugene Oregon area who are robot builders, Who are on this forum.

Ping Richard R

Hi Richard Ive seen on some posts that you recently have an encoder you had given me a link to the motors and wheels that I currently have now on my inmoov could you send me a link of your wheels and encoders that you currently have thanks
Ezb Camera

Ezb Camera

Why would EZB sell a camera that is not focused? Then have a learn section that explains how to focus? Because of this I have broken my new camera that cost 59.00 and will not be in warranty. @DJ, can...

Ping Richard R Sabertooth And Kangaroo

Hey Richard R, a long time ago you sent me a link for the motors and wheels that you and BHouston use. my question is can a sabertooth and kangaroo operate this motor or do I need a pots or some sort of encoder for it to work. thank you

Seabettooth Serial Movement Panel

Hello. when i add the seabertooth serial movment pamel it default to board0 . is there anyway to chagne it to board2. or is there whole difgernt way to control my sabertooth? i am using seabertooth in simpale serial mode. thank you.
Ezb V4 Wifi Controller Failed Again.  This Is My Second Ezb That Has Failed.  An

Ezb V4 Wifi Controller Failed Again. This Is My Second Ezb That Has Failed. An

Back in Dec, 1024 I received an EZB that worked for about 4...
Finger Tip Sensors For Inmoov Hand

Finger Tip Sensors For Inmoov Hand

@Richard R. Are you going to use the finger tip sensora on your inmoov? Im printing a new hand and would like to make use of the sensors but I dont...

Connecting Ezb4 With An Ezbv3

I broke one of my EZB4 boards and was going to temporally use my EZBv3 with EZB4. I know I can connect both. But when I do it sets the calibration to 50 and not 90 as the EZBv4 every though when I only connected EZB4. Is there a way to connect these 2 boards and not lose my calibration from my EZB4 board? I hope I explained this right. Thank you...

Connecting 2 Ezb V4s

I followed richs instructions setting the first v4 to ap mode set the ssid and passwd. set the second v4 to client mode, ssid and passwd of thr first v4. Now niether v4 shows in my list of wifi and both v4s are flashing red. they were blue when i started. Hope i explaned this correct. Thanks

#D Printer

Hello all, I have a 3D printer and would like to know if I can add it to help people print if they need the service. Most cases I am willing to trade for help programming, since I am not very good programming yet. stress
Adc To Move Jaw New Software

Adc To Move Jaw New Software

Hello, I had a working JAW/mouth working with older software. I upgrade to the lastest software and cant figure out how to sync the jaw using a analog to digital...

Voice Sync Jaw Sync

I am currently running ARC version 2012.04.18..01 My voice/jaw sync works well. When I upgrade to the lastest version of ARC my vocie/jaw sync stops working. Please help Thanks, Mike
520Tvl 0.008Lux Color Video Mini Cctv Camera

520Tvl 0.008Lux Color Video Mini Cctv Camera

Is it possible to connect a cctv which only has 3 wires pos. grn and video directly to the ez-boaed to by-pass using a USB to your...
Bluetooth Disconnects If Left On All Night

Bluetooth Disconnects If Left On All Night

Hello all, I have learned a lot reading everyones posts. Does anyone else have this problem with their bluetooth disconnecting. I have...
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