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MPU9250 Accelerometer, Gyro, Temperature, Compass Upgrade Request
@DJ, I know I have this open under feature request, How hard would it be to use the...question

T265 Realsence Viewer.Exe On An Upboard
Hi DJ. Have you tested an Upboard Using the realsense Viewer.exe file for the T265. and was able to run the realsence program on the Upboard?...question

How To Open Your ARC Project When Windows 10 Boots Up
Hello all, Back in the day someone show me how to open your ARC project when your pc booted up. Does anyone...question

Will The 3 Wire Grove - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Work On The Arduino Mega
Hello, I am trying to free up many digital ports on my arduino mega...question

How To Use Neopixel Ring With Arduino Mega
@DJ, can you use the arduino mega with a neopixel ring without using an EZB? thank in advance cheersquestion

My EZ-B V4/2 Wi-F Has Steady Blue Light And Say Connection Error
My EZ-B v4/2 Wi-F has steady blue light and say connection error. Tried reset button but it...question

Extension From Ezrobot Camera Lens To The Module
Looking for an extension from the camera lens to the module board. I was hoping for maybe a foot to 2 foot long maybe a...question

Off-Topic From Springfield Oregon
We were not in the totality of the eclipse but pretty close in Springfield Oregon. heres the last picture I got before it started getting bright again. It...question

Help Connecting A Neopixel Ring
Hello all, Has anyone used a NeoPixel Ring before. I cant figure out how to wire it or connect it to EZB. Here is a link to the NeoPixel Ring site it has a...question

Whats If The Pistol?

Let One Storm Trooper In
If you let one storm trooper in, the Death Star will be at ARC soon!question

Getting This Error When Opening Ezb Project
Can someone tell me why I get this message when I open my EZB project? Thanks in advance.question

Lol, Good Bye Old Place

Ezb Camera
Why would EZB sell a camera that is not focused? Then have a learn section that explains how to focus? Because of this I have broken my new camera that cost 59.00 and will not be in warranty. @DJ, can...question

Ezb V4 Wifi Controller Failed Again. This Is My Second Ezb That Has Failed. An
Back in Dec, 1024 I received an EZB that worked for about 4...question

Finger Tip Sensors For Inmoov Hand
@Richard R. Are you going to use the finger tip sensora on your inmoov? Im printing a new hand and would like to make use of the sensors but I dont...question

Adc To Move Jaw New Software
Hello, I had a working JAW/mouth working with older software. I upgrade to the lastest software and cant figure out how to sync the jaw using a analog to digital...question

520Tvl 0.008Lux Color Video Mini Cctv Camera
Is it possible to connect a cctv which only has 3 wires pos. grn and video directly to the ez-boaed to by-pass using a USB to your...question

Bluetooth Disconnects If Left On All Night
Hello all, I have learned a lot reading everyones posts. Does anyone else have this problem with their bluetooth disconnecting. I have...No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

Redzones 2Nd Inmoov Build
So I started my second Inmoov without a name yet. I havent given up on Gideon, my 1st Inmoov, I have learned a lot from my first Inmoov and will apply it to my 2nd...robot

Redzones Inmoov With A Slight Modification
This Inmoov is a big project for an armature like me. I have lots to finalize and complete. I will be starting to add scripts in EZB4 to...robot

Redzones Gideon Inmoov
I have not been here for sometime been busy with that dirty word, work. I have ,however, been redesigning my bottom half of Gideon. I have been gone so long I have forgotten...robot

Redzones Mo, My Inmoov
Im finished building my Inmoov, Mo. Finely! Almost, waiting for a new EZB4 to power Inmoovs head. Still have lots more to add to him. I shortened the neck part to fit the big...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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