@DJ, I know I have this open under feature request, How hard would it be to use the https://www.digikey.com/catalog/en/partgroup/grove-imu-10dof-v2-0/63840
Can I still use the MPU9150 Skill or would you have to recreate the skill for the MPU9250?
Thanks in advance and Happy New Year!
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Looks like it's a 9250 so you'd have to use a 9250 robot skill if there is one? I'm not sure about the compatibility between the 9150 and 9250. They might be fully compatible
Looking at the datasheet and some googling, it looks like they're compatible. But that's just my guess. The really only way to find out is to give it a shot.
it seems to be working using the MPU9150 skill. Everything is working.
Thank you again for checking.
Edited: I’m not really sure where to mount it on my Inmoov. Any suggestions please.
I’m hoping to have my Inmoov tilt forward or backwards depending on going up hill or down hill using my linear Servo. So this why I’m asking where to mount the MPU9250.
Don’t mount it on the part that you’ll be moving
mount it on the base or somewhere that will always be relative to the ground.
Good to know, thanks.
Question: how long can I make the IC2 cable? I would need at lest 20 inches long from my EZB41/2. I fried my 2nd EZB v41/2 and the only one I have is near the top of my Inmoov. I'm not sure if the Arduino Mega supports IC2. It doesn't say on the Mega skill tutorial about the using IC2. Unless I missed read it.
Thanks as always for your help DJ. You always seem to pull a rabbit out of your hat.
edited; Sorry it’s called I2C not ic2.
I2C is a little finicky with noise as well. I try to use twisted-pair cabling when wiring sensors anyway. An affordable spool of ethernet cable is good for that. You can get it bulk for cheap and cut what you need. It's also nice to keep things organized. White cabling lets you write on it with a sharpie for labelling
Thanks for the information Dave. However, it’s a little over my head but good information to know and referred back to if needed.
Thanks for that information DJ, I decided to purchase an Iotiny to make things easier for me. Maybe in the future you could add I2C to the mega or one of the Arduino boards.
thank you both for your information. cheers