
Hi DJ. Have you tested an Upboard Using the realsense Viewer.exe file for the T265. and was able to run the realsence program on the Upboard?
Thanks in advance.
Related Hardware Up Board
Related Control
Intel Realsense T265
Synthiam doesn’t create the Intel viewer. That’s a question for Intel support. I don’t use that Intel program.
im not sure where to move this question. It doesn’t seem to fit anywhere in the forum. It’s regarding two different products made by two different companies with nothing Synthiam related lol
@DJ Go ahead and close this question. I tried it on my regular PC and it’s not seeing the T265. It seems something is wrong with it I will get a hold of the manufacturing and hopefully it is still under warranty. On my windows 10 PC that I used it on before I have opened up the viewer and seen the camera. Today it is not working so it’s the cameras.
Yeah, that's a known issue with Intel consumer products. They do not have a history of committing to supporting consumer channels. The company is better at dealing with large volume enterprise licensing (i.e. CPU's and graphics cards to OEMs).
Yeah it does suck. I sent a request to have it replaced but I think I’m out of luck, waiting to hear back from Intel. The bummer part is I don’t have a working navigation without the T265.
I guess you can delete this thread. I’m going to mark closed.
Thanks As always DJ. Cheers
That sucks merne. Good luck with finding a solution or replacement.
Thanks Dave. I don’t think I’ll be getting one. They are now going for $329.00 on backorder, on the intel site and some people are selling them for over $500.00 on eBay.
I paid $209.00 before intel announce their discontinued them I think?.:(
Quick question for DJ. Edited: We do no to need the viewer, once the T256 Is plugged to a USB port it will show up in number 1 in the picture below, right?
We could also check to see the T256 camera in Device Manager under cameras to make sure the pc see’s the camera is working.
Good news and will have to wait news.:) Intel realsence accepted my return for exchange. They will replace the T256 once they get their back orders. Intel, currently has no date available yet.
That’s great. And too bad about the unknown date. Wonder if they’re making any more it’s too bad
Well more good news but bad news using the t256 on my tablet.
I received my replacement T256 and it works great on my desktop pc but will not work on my 8 tablet.:(
Question for DJ: does the T256 work using the Upboard?
thanks in advance!
I have no idea. It's based on the gpu compatibility i believe. I use it on the rock pi/x
Thanks DJ.
Looks like the Rock pi/x’s are unavailable or out of stock on all the sellers web sites I’ve searched. They must be in high demand.
Thanks again! Cheers
I was able to get the T26 to show up in the T256 Skill and added a way point in Navigator. I then clicked start forward but it went in reverse. I got this error in the T256 Skill. Could you please explain if the what the error below means? Also. I was not able to view the T256 in the camera skill using custom, but it did start without errors. Thank you in advance Cheers!
Also, here is the start info from the Navigator... Waiting for NMS Level #3 Group #2 data (positioning)... Positioning data received. Starting renderer. Navigating in forward order Way point is 353.088772880975 degrees. Robot is facing 0 degrees Difference is -6.91122711902472 degrees Way point is 353.088772880975 degrees. Robot is facing 355 degrees Difference is -1.91122711902472 degrees Way point is 352.983498255277 degrees. Robot is facing 354 degrees Difference is -1.01650174472292 degrees Way point is 352.874983651098 degrees. Robot is facing 351 degrees Difference is 1.8749836510982 degrees Way point is 352.874983651098 degrees. Robot is facing 353 degrees Difference is -0.125016348901795 degrees Way point is 352.763077974032 degrees. Robot is facing 348 degrees Difference is 4.763077974032 degrees
Edited: I tried to start the T356 Skill again and got these errors too. I'm not sure but it maybe the gpu compatibility you posted yesterday?....
I think you mean T265? I don't think there is a T256. I googled and nothing came up.
That message says the sensor didn't send a frame in 5000ms (5 seconds). That means either the USB cable is damaged, the USB can't keep up, or the sensor doesn't work? Also, make sure you've updated the firmware on it.
If pushing forward goes reverse, then something is installed backward. Also, make sure you check the settings and save CPU by selecting video stream. And certainly, make sure distortion correction isn't checked because that uses a lot of cpu
Here's the manual for the T265 robot skill which contains instructions and such: https://synthiam.com/Support/Skills/Navigation/Intel-Realsense-T265?id=20067
I moved the USB to a 3.0 hub and also updated firmware, camera is now streaming after enabling video . The pushing/moving forward now works. Tomorrow I will do more reading and rewatch your tutorial video.
Thanks again DJ.