Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by bhouston!

Inmoov Builders

Hello all,

I'm needing help understanding how the potentiometer work on the arms and shoulders. I have the potentiometer on the outside of the servos and they work by hand. I was hoping someone could explain how they connect to the arms and shoulders. What passion the potentiometer are set in the middle end, ect... Also if you would not mind sharing a sample script or auto-position on how the arms and shoulders move. I could then build on them.

I have broken 4 bi-cep pistons so far.

Thank you.


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I would set up the bicep up according to Gael's tutorial on the InMoov website. My InMoov bicep's move from servo position 5 - extended to 90 - retracted. This did not change when I switched it to ezrobot. Keep in mind that everyone's InMoov ends up being calibrated differently so play your settings. Try and get the bicep pot centered - so it's not moving then mount it in the arm. Then move it a few degrees with the auto - position and find your min and max positions. Be ready to cut the power just in case. Do the same thing for the shoulders and omoplate.


So are you saying the Pot dial need to be centered to stop the servo? Or does the dial on the pot go to far left or far right to stop the servo?

It seems one time I had it stop in the center, now it stops far left.



PS, I have followed Gael's document


I believe I have some bad pots. Thanks bhouston


The pots are touchy. I don't think it really matters where it stops but it needs to stop. Once you get it stopped try installing it in the arm, power it up and try moving it a little bit at a time with the auto position. It won't work unless the pot is installed as it gives the feedback to know what position the servo is in.


Why do you need to use a pot with a servo? You're talking a regular servo right? Or are you using linear servos of some kind (because you mentioned pistons)? Servos already have position control (built in pot)... I generally use pots with regular geared dc motors as they do not have position feed back like servos do...

How are you reading the pots?


Hi Richard R,

My servos are modified to have the pots on the out side and make the servo continues. One of my pots work, but the servo is moving very slowly. I am not reading my pots, not sure what to look for. The pots are 5 ohms

Do I have to long of lead wires, is that what's causing the slowness?.



@merne, Keep in mind that InMoov was designed to run on software from Mt Robot Lab. I think that extracting the pot from the servo may not be needed using Ez-Robot. You may want to try this if you have another servo you haven't modified. Take an unmodified servo and set it to about 10 degrees using Vertical servo panel. You can set minimums and maximums there. The bicep will only move 90 degrees. Then install the servo in the bicep with the arm extended. You should be able to move the bicep between the min/max settings.


I tried the bi-cep without taking the pots out, servo did not rotate enough. i have the pots set and tested. the real test will be when i put the arms back on the torso and run more tests.

Thanks for evertbody help.


Hmm. I thought the servo would rotate enough if it was set all the way to zero or close to it. Let us know how it works once you test it.


Thanks bhouston I have all my POTs set except my side to side movement, I am just about ready to start working with the EZBv4.



Let me know how you do with V4. I may move in that direction soon.

United Kingdom

Hi all, my Inmoov project is new, just the eyes and one hand so far. Can anyone advise me on how to set up the ARC interface for my project please?

Thank you

#14   — Edited

Welcome to Synthiam. There is a very helpful and well-documented getting started a page dedicated to moving servos that will be useful for you. Here is the direct link: This page also walks you through moving a servo for the first time. It will also give you information about the most popular servo robot skills. Way more information than I can tell you here:)

That section is also helpful when choosing the EZB type, power, and other options.

PS, most InMoov builders use the Auto Position robot skill (not the Movement Panel version). For moving their robot, they generally use a base with wheels and therefore use the HBridge PWM Movement Panel robot skill.

United Kingdom

Thank you for your support, I am looking at all the tutorials thanks. My query is more about the imagery I think. When I look at some of the Inmoov builders they have an image of the bot in their interface, I was wondering how they did that. Thanks again for your support stuart

#16   — Edited

Look at step 11 of the guide that Amy sent you to

#17   — Edited

I think DJ is pointing to this Step 11 link: Interface Design I'm not really following you on your question though. Are you talking about the background image of ARC's desktop? That feature was discontinued a few years ago. It was causing to many GUI issues and took a lot of memory away from ARC. ARC does now have it's own GUI designer now though where you can change desktop and menu colors. You'll find it under the Preferences menu on the top menu bar in ARC. When there look under the Windows Theme tab. Preferences

I do know that you can (at least you used to be able to) put a picture of you robot in ARC through the Project section of the top menu under the My Robot tab then look to the Thumbnail tab???. Maybe this is what you're look for???? My Robot

Good Luck!


Ah, ok. Then this is for the Interface builder and not the background image for ARC. Got it. Thanks.


Dave do you use the interface builder? Like to have control panels in full screen for the robot? I can picture you using it but not sure if you do


@DJ, No I don't currently use the Interface builder. I do plan to however. I've played with it a times but really haven't implemented it yet. I mainly relay on voice recognition with animation scripting to control and interact with my robot. These past years have kept me busy with other projects. Now I'm activity working on upgrading my personal fill sized B9 robot and this is on my list.