— Edited
Hello all,
I have a 3D printer and would like to know if I can add it to help people print if they need the service. Most cases I am willing to trade for help programming, since I am not very good programming yet. stress
From here
Check the check mark that says
Join the 3D community
Also put down what type of 3D printer you have.
Save your profile, and then people can find you when they would like something 3D printed.
Hi D.
I don't see that? I must be blind.
Found it d.
Thanks for your help.
What is a #d printer?
My bad DJ. It should be 3D printer. Can you fix my error?
PS keep up the great work!
Where in the US abouts are you .. i would be interested in some printing.
Hi Luis, I live is Springfield, OR
I am currently printing the Inmoov robot and plan to use the EZ-B V4. I have the basic prints completed, torso, hands, forearms and shoulders.
What would you like printed?
Thanks man!
I was bugging you
It's been a while since we chatted
Yes it has. I've been busy with my new job and haven't had time to learn the ARC. I was getting the hang of learning EZ-B it back in 2012 and 2013, however, when you programmed EZ-Bit even more powerful with all the great stuff, my head started to hurt learning the new commands. confused
I plan to start learning EZ-B again soon, Now that I have a little more time to play. Thanks for all your hard work and help and don't forget this community! I plan to start your tutorials too.
Plus, it is I that bugs you and the community, I always ask for help. So offering my printer is a way to give back to this site for all the help I get as I am not as active as most on this site.