— Edited
Hello all, if someone could hollow out all the Pepper STLs I would be willing to pay you for your time. Also I would need to know how big the 3D printing area needs to be to print the stl parts. If anyone has the time please let me know. I can pay for your time as long as it's not too much.
Thank you all for your time in advance.
Here is the link to the STL;s https://github.com/tawago/Pepper-3Ddata
hi merne
i tested with TC .is ths something you can use ? the edges are 3 mm thik . you can ad all kinds off stuff .
Nice work nomad. You can also do it in tinkercad - there's an option for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxtONgRdxDY
hi dj
i did it with tinkercad . more easy then in the video . copie it .make it a few mm smaller , center in the solid one and then cutt it in half with 0.5 mm plate . then copie again , from one you delete the front and from the other the back .done from here you can choose the actully size and then ad or delete holes . or ad the camera . jeremie learned this easy way .
the head is 20 mm bigger then jd's head .
Nice job Nomad 6R! Shoot me an e-mail, Mikeerne2007@yahoo.com so we can talk price. Thank you!
hi merne
are you looking human size robot or jd size robot?
I was looking at human size robot. I wish I could figure out how do them my self, just not smart enough. :-(
If you are willing to do this I can pay you for your time.
Thanks Nomsd 6R
tinkercad is easy in use . you can learn TC in one houre . i will help . a human size will be lots of messurements and testing . keep the money for a 3d printer . each part will be some 40x40x40 cm i gess .
are you going to make a camera in the eyes or as seen in foto above like jd .
maybe you could make a quick video on how to hollow them out and how to slice them. I've been tying to learn TC no luck. Thank you for your help.
Edited: Maybe do a teamviewer if you have the time. it doesn't have to night.
we can do a skype session . then you can see it . the problem is the stl files are very tiny and we dont have the actully sizes . so we need some scaling ,drawings, something that gives us directions .you dont want to print excample day&night to come , the conclusion, that the size is not correct . also for printing you have to practise and parts that big takes along printing time . i send you a message in gmail .
here is a big printer . cr10 max with petg filament . printer

I'm not sure if these help?
Here is a web site...https://www.google.com/search?q=pepper+robot+dimensions&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjom7ng7JT2AhVyCjQIHWQ_BNQQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=pepper+robot+dimensions&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDFAAWABgAGgAcAB4AIABAIgBAJIBAJgBAKoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1n&sclient=img&ei=d6UVYqiEDfKU0PEP5P6QoA0&bih=927&biw=1920&client=firefox-b-1-d#imgrc=U6o1vOKeWzPeuM&imgdii=WAF3Tb3ZewHolMall pictures helps . all needs to be adjusted and ad walls to support and mount servo's . also you need omni wheels and motors .this is really a big project and can take very long time . what camera you gonna use ? am not sure if a servo can lift these big arms ? the head would be some 20x20x20 cm i gess .
I don't know what type of camera yet. Yes this is a big build, I was hoping to make the shell first then figure out what servos to use. once I have the hollow build I can get the omni wheels and servos as needed.
the problem is . you cant upload a full size in TC . so you have to cut it pieces . to be able to get it uploaded in TC . here some pictures .the top body is 30 cm hight . the pepper is 140 cm tall .so am gessing each part will be arround 30 a 40 cm tall . let me know what you want to change .
hollow top body.stl
i got all parts hollowed out . only thing to do is for you to ad correct size . i also hollow out the hands so you can choose the fingers . the origginal fingers looks kinda short .
he problem is . you cant upload a full size in TC . so you have to cut it pieces . to be able to get it uploaded in TC . here some pictures .the top body is 30 cm hight . the pepper is 140 cm tall .so am gessing each part will be arround 30 a 40 cm tall . let me know what you want to change .
I would need the body sliced 4 time to fit my bed volume print size.
I am not sure what you mean. Would I have to side it to the actual size? Thanks for all your help!am gessing each part will be arround 40 cm . chest/legs/foot . and the head some 25 cm ,thats some 145 cm tall consider your printer is only 2800x250x300 mm so you will have to cut each part in half , then ad more L-H-W . also in the backside chest you will need a door panel in the back .i will show you that in TC . we have to finich the chest part first .
Dumb question. Does anyone know the source of these STL files and if there is a CC or other open licence for them. I am interested in potentially following along and make a Pepper clone but I would not want to get in hot water by using anyone else’s intellectual property without the appropriate licence permission.
hi nink
i gess the files are 7 years old and many makes them . the top link is all we have .
hi merne
i made the head a little bigger .pictures in an hour or 2 . previous stl head had holes in upper lid eye and lower lid eye .
big head.stl
Hi Nomad
I know softbank discontinued manufacture last year but they do continue to rent them out and maintain the software. I am not sure how or why the STL files appeared on the internet but the design patent is still active.
hi nink
you can find several on ebay too .
for sale pepper
you can print the head without the part for the camera inside the head .that have to be printed separt . this size is 14 x15 cm .takes two days to print .
Hi Nomad 6R
i was hoping to have the eye hole a little larger and the camera hole. Can we do s Skype Monday? You can pick the time. Thanks
hi merne
sure we can do skype and make the hole bigger is no problem . take you time for skype . am hole day at home and dont have to work . any time will do .
Thanks Nomad 6,
talk to you on Skype Monday.
hi merne
i isolated the cam housing and reinforced it . now you can choose top head cam or eyes cam , after you know the size head you gonna use .