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Seabettooth Serial Movement Panel

Hello. when i add the seabertooth serial movment pamel it default to board0 . is there anyway to chagne it to board2. or is there whole difgernt way to control my sabertooth? i am using seabertooth in simpale serial mode. thank you.


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United Kingdom

Are you using more than one EZ-B? If so, movement panels can only be controlled from board zero (0) with no way to change that. There may be a way to script it though!

United Kingdom

As Steve said, movement panels are for board 0 therefore put your saberooth on board 0.

If this isn't an option you can use a custom Movement Panel but you would be required to script the Serial commands for the Sabertooth.

United Kingdom



Multiple EZ-B Boards

ARC supports multiple physical EZ-B Boards connected to your computer. You can specify the board by putting the board number in front of the port. For example: Servo(2.d0, 8) will move the D0 servo on EZ-B board #2 to position 8. If no board index is specified, the first board (zero) is assumed. If using more than one board, the first board is always responsible for movement panels.

This may help you. If you add the "2." In front of your "SendSeriel" commands in a custom Movement Panel config menu as Rich suggested, for example...

SendSeriel(2. #, #, #, #)

this will access board 2 for controlling your Sabertooth and whatever script commands you add after it, such as send serial values, PWM values ect.


@ merne, In the "Custom Movement Panel" you'll need to configure each movement. I have mine set up for board #1 and the Sabertooth is connected to Port D0, this is what I have for "Forward".( I don't have it running at full speed)

SendSerial(1.D0,38400,107) # motor 1 127 is full speed
SendSerial(1.D0,38400,235) # motor 2 255 is full speed