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Country: USA
Member Since:

IT professional. .NET programmer. Life long robot builder. "Justin Ratliff" on Skype


  • 2013-04-18 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-05-16 - created first new question
  • 2013-09-21 - answered a forum question
  • 2014-02-09 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-05-02 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2014-07-12 - posted your first tutorial
  • 2014-07-30 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2014-08-04 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-08-11 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2014-08-18 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2015-02-04 - created a custom avatar
  • 2018-01-04 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
  • 2018-01-13 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2018-01-31 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
  • 2022-08-16 - started first conversation
  • 2022-08-23 - completed the Lets Make a Robot tutorial to learn how to make a robot with Synthiam ARC
  • 2022-08-23 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
  • 2022-11-24 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2022-11-24 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
  • 2023-12-21 - created a public ARC App

Latest submissions


ADC Port Script Help

Im trying to create a script with a loop for my Wall.E. to monitor two button sensors wired to the ADC0 via resistors on an ioTiny.  I want my script to continuously loop and if either ADC value range is encountered a specific sound file will play.   The script behavior that I get that I dont want is, which ever button I press, I then I have to...
Smtp Client Questions

Smtp Client Questions

Hey DJ, I have the SMTP plugin a go (really looking forward to using this), I seem to have it configured correctly to use my gmail account for SMTP, but when I run a script to...
3D Printer Pen

3D Printer Pen

Ive decided Im not ready to own a 3D printer just yet, but I did purchase a 3D printer pen. Its no maker bot, but its pretty neat. I got mine for about $100 on ebay and it came with some...
Iotiny And Movement Script Controls

Iotiny And Movement Script Controls

Background: Im building a small WallE with an ioTiny and non EZ-Robot servos. I have updated the firmware on my ioTiny successfully. I am using a...


@DJ, with the AimlBot PlugIn to load our own AIML files how do we do that? Because the current aiml folder in the plugin has specifically named files I was curious if I can clean those out and put in my own aiml files or do the files names need to stay the same?
Fire The Freaking Laserpings

Fire The Freaking Laserpings

Parallax made a drop in replacement for their PING units. Actual drop in replacements with no code changes for their PING module. Im going to see if these play nice...


@DJ, with the next release of ARC would you consider changing the weblink for the Pandorbots in the Pandorbot control to : because from there you can still access the old AIM1.0 bots and create new accounts and build new bots? While the weblink: directs you to their newer...

Johnny Five Community Project

Hello, I brought this up under Jeremies thread originally; I think it would be neat to do a community J5 project. Im interested in building a smaller scale (1-2ft tall) J5 themed robot with as much function and appearance as possible. Im not focused on a 100% screen accurate version as a must have goal. In other words, I have the mind set that more...

Rgb Animations - Turning It Off?

Im back to experimenting with my standard JD and having a lot of fun with the RGB animations, but when I stop an animation JDs eyes stay stuck on his last animation screen so the LEDs no longer change but they dont go back to blank like I would like them to. Id like to set his eyes to a blank all off state. Can I do that? I tried to animate a new...

Smart Arrange Automatically?

Is there a way to programmatically have ARC run Smart Arrange via a script rather than going to the Control tab and manually clicking it? My controls always auto load off screen and only Smart Arrange fixes the issue.

Non Ez-Robot Mpu9150 - Any Luck

Has anyone had any luck getting a non EZ-Robot supplied MPU9150 to work with the EZbv4? Im not able to get mine to work. Im using the 5.16.15 release of ARC Added the MPU9150 control to my project EZBv4 Interfacing the MPU9150 to one of the i2c ports This is module Im using: MPU9150 The board does power up. Any suggestions on what I can try to get...
Yea  Camera's Are Back

Yea Cameras Are Back

queue Rockwells, somebodys watching me Ive never asked before, but where did you guys get the glass table tops that look like finger prints? I kinda want one for my workshop so I...

Camera Control Snapshot File Name

I have a script to command my robot to take a picture, after it takes the picture I have it open the folder location the picture went to so I can manually check the picture which works just fine. #This opens the folder where the picture was saved Exec(C:\Users\weyou_000\Pictures\My Robot Pictures) What would be even cooler is if I could open...

Botz - Jd Green Camera Led? Whaaaaaaaa?

Dr. Howard Marner would like to know, Well, why wasnt I notified? that there is now a green LED around the camera for JD?

Action If A Variable Changes?

Maybe this is not possible, Im stuck on finding a method that would allow this to work. I know I can script checking for a specific variable change like this: If ($WhatIsForDinner = ChickenPotPie) Print(Yummy) EndIf But I would like a script to take action anytime a specific variable changes. This would just run all the time looping and looking...

Script For Robots Age

I know this topic came up once or twice before to script a method so your robot could know its age. I first scripted a process in PowerShell to come up with the exact age from a given birthday for your robot, but I wanted to script it in ARC and I didnt want to make a plug in (I know that idea got tossed around before). I just wanted something...

Links Not Working For 3D Files?

On this site under 3D Printing, the links to the parts details dont seem to work right as everything I click on for details takes me back to Bodies page. I cant see the details for any parts or download .stl files. It happens in multiples browsers and devices.

Custom 3D Bits And Contest?

Since several of us are on a roll with developing new 3D designs for EZ-Robot parts I wanted to start a thread to see what other parts users are interested in. And I wanted to see if anyone was interested in a design off contest? Here are a few things Im planning to work on: -Some new male and female EZ-Bit connectors to make small interconnects...
Off Brand Micro Servo Replacement?

Off Brand Micro Servo Replacement?

Does anyone happen to know of a good off brand micro servo replacement for EZ-Robot Micro Servo ? I assumed it might be compatible with 9g servos but I...
Jd C3po

Jd C3po

I created a couple of C3PO themed parts for JD. A modified front face and a chest plate that can be clipped on the front of JD. Thingiverse JD C3PO Head Thingiverse JD C3PO Chest Clip Let me know what you...
Bb-8 Head For Ez-Robots

Bb-8 Head For Ez-Robots

Im on a Star Wars kick, I made a BB-8 head for EZ-Robots. BB-8 EZ-Robot Head .stl
Can I Auto Run Script When Project Loads?

Can I Auto Run Script When Project Loads?

Is it possible to auto run a script when a project loads? Is auto connect also possible?

Cont. Rotation Servo .Stl - Size Right?

Could someone from EZ-Robot or someone else that has printed the continuous rotation servo double check it for me? The female ez-bit slot size seems way too small. Ive printed the ez-bit cubes and their male and female bits match up with purchased ez-robot/ez-bit items. So that tells me the cube .stl is good and my print can print them correctly. I...

Twitter Messages

I noticed something interesting while testing the Twitter function. If my message to Tweet is the same as something I previously Tweeted, such as This is a test. I received an error stating: System.Exception If I change the message by one character, the message would Tweet out. My guess is this is by design so ARC does not SPAM out messages? If it...

Clear Debug - Programmatically

Does anyone know a way to programmatically clear the debug window of a script or script manager console? I can manually clear the debug window by clicking on the button in the control, but Id like to do it via scripted controls. Thank you!
Putting Jd Case Backtogether

Putting Jd Case Backtogether

What is the trick to putting the case of the body back together for JD? I took it apart to lengthen the charging wires to the battery and it wont fit back together....
How To: Control Windows Media Player

How To: Control Windows Media Player

How To: Control Windows Media Player The question has come up a couple of time in various forum threads about how to control the Media Player. We...
Speech Recognition Variables - More Please :-)

Speech Recognition Variables - More Please :-)

I feel like someone might have asked this before but would it be possible for the Speech Recognition control to provide as a...

Snapshot Controls

I dont see it in the script help so I assume there is no way to name the snapshot that is taken or change the directory? Is there a way to do this, if not could it be in the next release?


Theres a living room where the work area was. Now how am I suppose to see whos working Cubicals? More TPS reports? Musical Chairs? The Chair room? Is that where furniture goes to die...lined...

3D Design Software

Can the group recommend 3D design software that is relatively easy to use and will allow me to take .stl files like those of the EZ-Bits and modify them? Id prefer free software or something with a free trial so I can experience it before paying retail price. Does everyone just use the software that comes with their printers or is there a must have...

Is Video Record Working?

Is Video Recording working? I can click Start, but stop does nothing and no file is generated in the Pictures\My Robot Pictures folder. Snapshot works though.

(Tutorial 48) Change To Capture From A Picturebox

Hi Dj, If I wanted to change the capture method from the entire screen to only what was in a picturebox, it looks like I would only need to change bmpScreenShot to point to my pictureBox, but when I ran it only one create a blank video (no errors) and for testing in the form load I set the value of pictureBox1 like this: pictureBox1.ImageLocation...
Ip Camera Feed From ARC

Ip Camera Feed From ARC

I need some help to get the camera feed out of ARC. Ive looked through the documentation and tutorials and nothing is working for me. Back in the day the HTTP Server was the...

Bit Builder Link Wrong In ARC

I was going to look at the Bit Builder, under Project in ARC and the link to the - STL Design Files and specifications for EZ-Clip, EZ-Robot Servos, EZ-B and other parts is wrong as the hard coded link is: http://localhost:80/Community/Revolution/DesignFiles.aspx The external link I believe would be:...

Mobile Android App On Windows

I was about to buy an android tablet because I want to tinker with the Mobile app. Im an iPhone user so I dont have a current 4.0 Android phone. I decided to take a peak online to see if there were any windows apps that could run .apk Android apps, because I have a Windows 8.1 Tablet (yes Im fully aware the tablet can run the full version of...

Install Gets A Parse Error

Im trying to install the .apk android mobile app on a Droid 2.3.4 android OS phone. The minimum requirements states version 2.3 for the OS, so I think I should be ok for that. It downloads ok on the phone. When I install it I get a: Parse error There is a problem parsing the package. I searched the needs for possible fixes, nothing worked. A...

Diameter Of Wheels In Developer Kit

I was searching the site for the specific wheel diameter of the wheels in the developer kit and I did not see them. Could someone tell me the size? Thank you!
Micro Gripper

Micro Gripper

I know someone asked a long time ago about micro grippers and we discussed the Micro Gripper from Servo City. I got one and it is tiny! Servo City says it is compatible with Hitec’s HS-55 servo...

Connecting To Roli - Step 4 Shows Six

In the Connecting to Roli Learn lesson. Step 4 shows the screen shot of the SIX project example load instead of Roli.

Appendarray - Bugfound

In the syntax examples, the AppendArray example, the command AppendArray() does not appear to be valid. Its not listed in the Script Manual either.

Repeatwhite - Bug Found

Found a little bug, in the scripting. You know how it will try to help you auto populate a command, for example start typing the list that comes down youll find RepeatWhite but not RepeatWhile....which I assume is a typo. EndRepeatWhile is correct, btw.

Bug Discovered In Sound Board (Pc)

Ive found a possible bug with the Sound Board (pc). As you know you can use .wav or .mp3 files in a sound board. I have two issues: 1.) By default the file selection is set to .wav, but the file list of any given folder will show both .wav and .mp3. It appears that only when selecting .mp3 in the drop down is the scope narrowed to .mp3. Likewise if...

Auto Position Movement Panel

Little puzzled on the Auto Position Movement Panel. I total get Modified Servo Movement control, I love it for driving my 2 wheel servo robot. I understand mostly the Auto Position control. What I struggle with it the Auto Position Movement Panel which is like a combo of the two. For driving the robot around, I dont see where or understand how I...
Video Intro Splash Screen

Video Intro Splash Screen

Just something goofy I wanted to share. In preparation for new videos I made a green ratings splash screen like you see for movies. Feel free to grab it and use it in...

Two Scripting Questions

Im just not finding what Im looking for so I have two questions I need to ask: 1.) I want to be able to pause speech recognition for the duration of a sound file being played and I dont want to specify the amount of time. For example if I play a sound file and want to pause the speech recognition for 9 seconds I know I can do it like so:...

Updated Needed For Script Help

Small fix/correction suggested for the Script Help. The Script Help states: IsConnected( boardIndex ) Returns TRUE or FALSE if the specified EZ-B board index is connected Example: $status = IsConnected(0) It does not appear to actually return a value of TRUE/FALSE it returns a value of 1/0, where 1 means connected and 0 represents disconnected....
Sonar Distance Sensor

Sonar Distance Sensor

Does anyone else have issues with their sonar sensors fluctuating to read 255? The sensors work and they do provide distance values as I move an object in front of them, but...

Shut Off Speech Recognition?

Id like to totally shut off speech recognition to the point where I can not enable it again with speech recognition. By default it has a command option to enable or disable speech - but it can be re-enable via speech by speaking the command to enable. I would call this more of soft disable. When I am listening to music or speaking on a conference...
Use Camera As A Button

Use Camera As A Button

You can use a Camera in ARC as a button without any external code. I created a custom multicolor named Dark and set it a orange/red range and I set it to the maximum size for...

Canadian Hitchbot

EZ-Robot team, have you guys seen or heard of HitchBot? Looks like its going to start its hitch hiking adventure July 27th, 2014 If you guys are able to give Hitchbot a ride back to the HQ for a...
My New Project?

My New Project?

Id like to ask the group for some input on what my next software project should be. Here is my list of software project currently: 1.) Automated learning for EZ-Face (to make it easier to...
Get Data In/Out Of ARC

Get Data In/Out Of ARC

I have not ran accrossed this topic yet. Is there anyway to pipe data into and out of the ARC software? My goal is keep the ARC software as is and have a pipe to my own AI...
Using The Camera As A Button

Using The Camera As A Button

I ran across a neat project online that uses a web camera as a button for application. The functionality is nothing too wild as the code takes the camera values and...
How To Edit Sounds Files For Use In Ez-Robot

How To Edit Sounds Files For Use In Ez-Robot

Have you ever wanted to take a sound files and edit it so your robot can play it back? A nifty and free piece of software called...

C# Sdk Tutorial 52 Get Variable Question

Im using the C# SDK Tutorial 52 Get Variable to test communications with my app EZ-Face. The code below shows how to send or set a variable X and Get X. I understand Set X private void btnSetX_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { sendCommand(string.Format($FaceName = {0}, tbX.Text)); } private void btnGetX_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {...

Scripting - How To Start/Stop Camera?

Im looking through all the camera control options in ARC and once I manually start the camera I can control the modes - all that works fine, the functions work great, the examples in ARC work. What I cant figure out is how to stop/start the camera feed. Does anyone know if that is even an option?
Servo Mag March 2014

Servo Mag March 2014

Beer Bot was mentioned in the Robytes of the March 2014 issue of Servo Magazine

Help With Variable Input And Output For Faces

Well, I was working on a surprise for the group, but I need some help first. I have a nifty multiple face detection program working in So far I have it programmed to recognize my face, DJ Sures, Sarah Connor and Alan Turing. Minus my face, I figure all EZ-robots should know who the other three people are. My C# app generates a change in...

Need Help Sending Data To ARC With Tcp

Ok, Im working on an app in C# that will send a variable to ARC via TCP/IP telnet style. The ARC side work with a script I can send data to it manually via telnet. Now I need for my app to send the data. I took the example out of the latest SDK, Tutorial 30 in C# SDK Client. The main code is as follows: private void Form1_Load(object sender,...

On/Off Camera Hack - How Handy Is It?

Ive seen the hack for the on/off camera controls to allow the EZ-B to control the camera (pretty slick) but for those that have done it, how handy is it? For instance, would you say its in your top 10 list of most handy hacks or just something to do if you must? I have my camera wired for power off the EZ-B but not switchable from there and I find...

New Micro Gripper

eek Have you guys seen these: A new micro gripper from Servo City for $6.99, WOW!

Robotics Wish List

I find myself every now and again making and updating a wish list for robotics related stuff. Sometimes its items I want to buy (EZ-Robot was on my list for a while) or find, sometimes its things I want to make, often its things I would have to invent or build. As I was updating my list I started to wonder what other folks here wish they had? At...

Cover For Ez-B - Any Questions With Signal Loss?

Hello everyone, I just got my EZ-B this week. Super excited to play with it and put it in my new robot I have been working on. I would like to cover the EZ-B board in a plastic case, but Im wondering how that might affect the bluetooth signal. Does anyone have any issues with signal loss when the board and bluetooth transceiver are in an enclosed...
Justinratliff's Data Or Termidata

Justinratliffs Data Or Termidata

This is now Centurion, my version of a CYLON or Cybernetic Life-form Node. Im taking inspiration for my robot in appearance and behavior from Battle Star...
Justinratliff's EZ-Elf Robot

Justinratliffs EZ-Elf Robot

This is a fun Christmas time robot I started many moons ago that turned into what you see as EZ-Elf, built with EZ-Robot parts and bits.
Justinratliff's Walle Built With Iotiny

Justinratliffs Walle Built With Iotiny

Im not brave enough for live hacks yet, but this shows me updating my software, explaining how I built him, trying to remember which ports his...
Justinratliff's Ez-Robot Bb-8 Hexapod Body

Justinratliffs Ez-Robot Bb-8 Hexapod Body

I made a BB-8 hexapod body to go with the head. You can use the mountable head with the EZ-Bit I made: Or you could just take the head...
Justinratliff's Jd Spock

Justinratliffs Jd Spock

The first video of my JD Spock testing his 3d printed phaser. JD Spocks 3D printed Star Trek Original Series phaser, sized for JD: EZ_OST_phaser.stl I tried to color match...
Justinratliff's Ez-Face

Justinratliffs Ez-Face

EZ-Face is the first in what I plan to develop into a suite of supporting application for ARC and other robotics applications. EZ-Face performs multiple face recognition. It...
Justinratliff's Jd Backpack

Justinratliffs Jd Backpack

I did a mock up of the JD backpack based on suggestions from @WBS00001 and @ptp from my C3PO JD head post. It has a male clip on the bottom to slide into the 3rd middle...
Justinratliff's Justin's Custom .Stl

Justinratliffs Justins Custom .Stl

Im starting a new thread for my custom 3D projects so I can showcase them in just one thread from now on. And since it is Friday the 13th, (ch ch ch ch,...

Justinratliffs Weather For Usa From Webservice

This is how I am now pulling simple weather data in ARC. If you are willing to create a powershell script and batch file, there is an easy way to pull the local weather from a Web Services based on USA zipcodes. This web services does not work outside the US. But other countries might have similar web services where a similar method could be used....

Justinratliffs My Idea Is For A Robot To Help

My idea is for a robot to help interactively teach children in a classroom setting.
Justinratliff's Redbender

Justinratliffs Redbender

Robot Name: RedBender Purpose: To be used as a small test platform for testing ideas and developing my software ideas for use with ARC. Parts Used: EZ-b v3, firmware 16.6,...
Justinratliff's Mini B

Justinratliffs Mini B

I adopted Mini B from Bret Tallent. The original project showcase is here: Here is the original build process:...
Justinratliff's Finley Themed Robot

Justinratliffs Finley Themed Robot

Robot Name: Finley Named after Finley the flying monkey assistant in the movie OZ, The Great and Powerful, The name is...
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