
Captain Sisko The Pirate Robot

Arr!!!!  It's Captain Sisko, the Pirate Robot!!

User-inserted image

I started him a while back and finally finished him for this Halloween.  He has an ioTiny controller, ultrasonic distance sensor, camera and EZ-Robot servos.  The skeleton parts came from a Walgreens Halloween yard decoration. The pirate costume and stool he sits on came from Amazon.  His main body is a shoebox which makes him very light weight.

This was my first time using the Personality Generator in ARC which looped through all the scripts I setup for him to sync movement with sound clips.  It worked really well to bring him to life.  He was a hit this Halloween.


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hey justinxD your robot looks alot like johhny depp .xD


What fun! Thanks for sharing. I bet it was a hit on Halloween.


Always love your builds Justin. Very cool.   Best I ever do on Halloween is throw a sheet over my meccanoid


Thank you Nomad and Dave!!

Nink, I'd like to see your meccanoid with a sheet for Halloween!!