I did a mock up of the JD backpack based on suggestions from @WBS00001 and @ptp from my C3PO JD head post.
It has a male clip on the bottom to slide into the 3rd middle female slot inbetween JD's legs to anchor the backpack cover. It also has two posts that slide into the top two screw holes of JD to help steady the cover.
There is a dual female slot on the back where you can mount 2 things like sensor modules or light weight items.
I opted not to add a male clip at the top of JD as the other anchor point. I don't think it's needed for a cover, but I may make an alternative version and incorporate that idea. I feel like it would only be needed if you wanted to do something extreme like mount a 3rd foot or 2nd head.
There are open slots on the top, bottom and sides for wires and the switch side has a big enough opening "most" fingers should be able to still access the switch.
I have not print tested it yet, I wanted to share the rough draft first for feedback.
The backpack as it would appear on JD:
The backpack by itself.
I welcome suggestions and input. I think this is a community project.
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looking great.do if you use the male clip on the bottom ,you cant use the , sensor for jd to get up when he falls.you can ad female on the bottom clip.
or you can also use 4 tiny screws and keep the original female slot. for the sensor.
i made a little video.you can use the tiny screws from the servo's dont drill a hole but use a heated tiny screw.this way it will be, as solid as can be.and stll have the female left for sensor.
Excellent work. Just excellent. Great idea of making posts to go into the existing holes rather than tabs on the top. I wonder if it would be possible to make them hollow such that a screw could pass through them from the back of the backpack? I was thinking that each would have a few mm of the tip part solid with a small hole going through it. The idea would be to be able to screw the unit in using the existing setup on JD but using somewhat longer screws. Just a thought. I have no idea how feasible that would be. It might require the post walls to be too thin. Nomad's idea about putting small screws into the sides to go into the posts sideways is a good alternative. That way the posts can be as thick as needed and it would be up to the user to decide if they want to go that route.
Also, I would echo Nomad's thoughts about adding a female clip to the tab which goes into the bottom slot on JD. Looking at JD I see there is not enough room (height) for it to go on the part that inserts into JD itself, so it would have to go on the portion of the tab which is attached to the backpack. Additionally, I would still like to see a female clip on either side of the bottom tab if possible. If nothing else, they would give the user an alternative place to insert the sensor (plus another one of some sort) if it is undesirable to make a female clip as part of the tab itself. And ... I'll admit it, because I really want to play with a 4-legged JD.
Thank you so much for doing this. It's something I have wanted to see for a long time. Next maybe we could discuss a 3-fingered claw?
hi the reason for not using a dril is because a 3d print is made out off, many layers.if you would dril a hole in it the layers become visible, and that weakens the body.by using a heated mini screw driver you make, the hole but also closed the layers by melting.
Thanks for the ideas @Nomad and @WBS00001!
Anthony original made or started working on a backpack for JD and he used the 4 post method, like Nomad suggested It's a pretty good way to go I think, it should use less plastic and will print cleaner than the male clip method.
You can design a part like this probably over a dozen ways, each with some pros and cons, but the middle of the road method I think is the 4 post method and to really anchor it, use side screws like Nomad suggested.
The center tap and longer screw method is not something I can pull off and I'm not sure how many folks would be able to find the right size screw even if I did. And I think it would risk damaging the original screw thread slots in JD with different screws. The print tolerance would be pretty tight for that method as well.
I did add 3 female slots to the bottom this time, which really cuts down on the slack for wires going in at the bottom. Along with the 2 on the back give 5 additional slots!
Additional suggestions, ideas or thoughts?
it looks great.you can use the screws that comes with the servo here in shop.
justin this is a great contribution for the forum and all who has a jd robot.
maybe an opening on top for the wires rgb,servo,camera
thank you
Those screws would work for the side screws I think. There already is a slit in the top for the cables from the head.
Looks like you have done an outstanding job. Not to mention quick. Offhand I can't think of anything else. I would be more than happy to throw some dollars into this endeavor. So if it starts getting a bit expensive concerning plastic or nozzles, software, whatever, Just let me know. I very much appreciate your efforts on this.
same here.jd will look stunning.
Thanks Nomad and WBS00001. I'll try to print it this week and share the results. Once we know it's what we want I'll share it on Thingiverse.
IS possible to get a stl version of the JD backpack ?
I'm not so good visualizing 3D pictures, but a 3d viewer helps a lot!
Yes, I'll share it soon. I'm tinkering with it currently.
OK I'm done tinkering with it for now. I added some line indents to go along with the line indents on the standard JD front and I was able to move the bottom 3 slots up a little to give more room to hug cables at the bottom, otherwise it was going squish them too much.
Until it prints I'm not sure else I can do. Let me know if there are any further suggestions?
My goal is to print it and test it before the end of the week.
The backpack is a few minutes away from being finished printed. It all goes well, I'll upload my final .stl to Thingiverse.
It's gonna need some more tweaking, but it's darn close!
great to hear.cant wait to see the cpo jd.
This is just the backpack for JD. The bottom does not leave much room for wires, so I'm going to chance it up a little so cables don't get pinched.
oops wrong posted sorry
C3PO is in another thread, lets keep this one just for the JD backpack.
The newly fixed JD backpack cover. It's a little thicker in some areas and a little lighter in others. The biggest change is that the 3 female slots on the bottom stick out more so cables are not squished and pinched over top of the EZ-B. The picture show how much it sticks out.
Unless there are additional suggestions I'll upload it to Thingiverse tomorrow.
looking good.howlong is the backpack.
The JD body length is 77mm. The backpack is 82.07mm So it's 5mm longer. I could make it even, but to have those 3 female slots at the bottom and still be able to have cables come out of the bottom, it needs the extra 5mm. Otherwise all cable routing (other than for the head) would be out of the sides.
i just notest something.with the packback do we still have accses to the on/off swits ?
Yes. That's why the switch side is wider open. You can still access the standard switch just fine.
great is the backpack 82.07 like in the pic ? if it is ;it seems very long.
Well, no, length is up and down or from top to bottom. That would be depth, which is about 38mm.
The latest version is upload http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1560913
There is a full version and split version for faster printing.
ah that is an awesome backpack.
is the backside backpack removeble ?
If you are asking about the split version, you "should" to glue them together for strength. I don't recommend doing something like adding magnets to make it removable, but you a free to use your imagination as you see fit.
that is great.i think its usefull for connecting the wires,to have good accses. then close it like a door.(no magnets )great stl you made.
To access the wires you just take the entire backpack off. The unit as a whole is removable, even if you put screws in through the side like you suggested previously and demonstrated in the video, you can still remove it and considering one objective is to help hold the cables down and cover them with the backpack, having a door in the back I don't think would be helpful.
Its an interesting idea. I suppose you could add some sort of hinge and make it like a door. I just would not personally recommend it.
thanks for the advies.cant wait to see the first jd with his backpack on.
I really like the 2 part design, it printed very nice. And since it is two parts, I've actually grown fond of Nomad's idea for a hinged back pack. If I can find a small enough hinges and latch, it should be fine.
:D love it. i was thinking ontop the back side an edge and below maybe small screw.
There's really no good way to put screws in the middle like you suggested. The four corners could easily accept screws.
ah,something that opens easy would be good.
Something is off with the slots at the bottom. They came out a little small. Either my printer errored or there is an error in the .stl. Just an FIY. I'll check this and correct it soon.
I updated the .stl's and am now happy with the improvements I made. The slots are correct now on the bottom, (I'm not sure how they shrank) but I redid the bottom, I strengthened the top with a little flare, extended the side skirt to cover the posts and strengthened the sides and the posts.
If you print it in two parts like I do, it'll accept screws better now.
Full JDBackpack5.21.16Full.stl
Bottom HalfJDBackpack5.21.16Bottom_Half.stl
Top HalfJDBackpack5.21.16Top_Half.stl
JD Backpack on Thingiverse
good morning justin
jd will look stunning in his new outfitt.
thanks for charring.i also choose ,print in two parts.
Hey Nomad, if you were closer I'd print one and send it to you.
that is a nice thing to say.thanks i wonder when the first pic show up from jd with backpack.
i have a surprise for you soon ,somewhere next week. am sure you will like it.i cant give the stl cause 3d print service says, its company property.
Cool Patrick, did you design a new backpack?
i cant design myself.you will see it early next week.i cant tell more. can i ask whats your fav color ?
I don't have a favorite color really, I like them all. But I learn towards black as a fav.
ok thanks black.
hi justin thank you for the stl file backpack.
dj molded part would be awesome.
Hey that looks great on your JD! I like what you did with the charger plug.
keep it simpel.is my motto.