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Yea Camera'S Are Back

queue Rockwell's, "somebody's watching me" :)

I've never asked before, but where did you guys get the glass table tops that look like finger prints? I kinda want one for my workshop so I can be a copycat!

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Wow! those rooms came out nice.:D


We still have a bit more to do but it's coming along nicely! There are a few breakout rooms, 1600 sq/ft warehouse, a couple offices, and a 24 person classroom you can't see in the cameras as well.

@JustinRatliff - the glass table tops were from Ikea.


@Alan, thanks for the info on the tables and that is neat to hear about your office. Have you guys thought of doing a video tour once you're all done?


yes, a video tour would be totally awesome to see


I'll totally give a guided tour - maybe next week will work. Now that i'm back in Calgary for the winter, i've spent the week getting this place DJ'd up! As you may see in the cameras:D And sometimes my ugly mug right in the camera view close up while i'm on a ladder running wires.

This place is HUGE and the number of wires is insane... for all the speakers, network, cameras, etc... i've spent more time on ladders this week than on the ground!

The front half is pretty much complete (For the time being)... we have cubicles arriving in the next few weeks, but i don't think anyone is too excited for that haha. There's a bunch of offices along the back that most of the staff have settled in to. We were originally using the offices as quite rooms, but now it seems they're home to folk - which is why it might look a little quiet around the place, because everyone is in offices

The back shipping and receiving and storage area is actually bigger than our old facility!

We have a photobooth, inventory and video stage being setup this weekend and next week. I promise to do a complete video tour for everyone when the back half is complete in a week or so:D


Yes, nice looking place. Maybe it's a test but is the image with the InMoov in it backwards ?


Nice job EZ Robots on your new place. Very roomy and bright. I also like your conference room, although I hope the fish glass has tint type glass so you can make it private when needed. The Door bots are great too.


bob - good eye:D Yeah the image was backward because the camera had the image set to Mirror. I eventually got around to changing it this evening.