wallE built with ioTiny


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robot video thumbnail
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I'm not brave enough for "live hacks" yet, but this shows me updating my software, explaining how I built him, trying to remember which ports his servos are connected to (oops) and how I was able to use the stock toy switches with some resistors on 1 ADC line.  I'll have to actually make him do something cute in a future video.

He is not the Ultimate wall.E that most builders get to hack, I accidently got a smaller non-motorized version (which I don't recommend due to size) but I've come to like the little guy.

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By — Last update


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Stay at the forefront of robot programming innovation with ARC Pro, ensuring your robot is always equipped with the latest advancements.


That's not the window telling you there's an update. It's telling you what version you're running in BETA. It's merely a beta message window:D


I never made it that far into the video on my first watch. Wow it’s real cool. You’re very talented


Nice job Justin! We need HD video next time...this one uploaded 460 max...hard to see the ARC interface.


Agreed Will, when I generate my screen capture in the raw format it is 720p.  Then when I produce it with windows movie maker and cut and splice everything its less quality.  Anyone have advice on free or low cost (and non-fancy) software to improve what I'm doing with videos?  I basically need video production software -JitterBug stylexD   I'm not sure that joke translates world wide - but in the US they sell these "JitterBug" brand phones for older folks

#6   — Edited

As Mr. Jefferson would say, Movin ON UP....to 1080p/4K....to that deluxe video, in the SkYYYYYYY.  I think I found some new software.  We will see how my next video turns out and I'll share what I'm using too incase it rocks - or stinks - we will all know:D


Yay good find...looking forward to it!


I'm using ApowerREC now for my screen recorder and VideoPad Pro for my video editor because it gave me close to the features of my old Windows Movie Maker.  I can produce videos in 720P or higher now.  After watching the video on YouTube I think it's better, but I think I'm going to have to enlarge code sections or my whole screen in the future because the font there is still small - or I think it will be since I didn't script today.

BUT, ApowerREC gives me annotation and whiteboarding functions that I did not have before, so I can go all "John Madden" in future videos.

This video is just me adding to wall.E's sound board.


Hi Justin, I have a question on a different subject, hope you don't mind

Pertaining to aiml Bot: What files do you edit to make your own responses

#11   — Edited

I thought there was a few files you could point me to too edit, I guess no short answer, I will read the document, thanks


That’s a good tutorial video! I enjoyed that


Oh! You gonna add the camera in the eye like I did with my last revision?


DJ, sadly no.  I can't fit a camera in the head.  This Wall.e is too small and just barely holds the ioTiny.


Ah yah - that's because it's the super tiny one. If you fit it, maybe the bottom of the PCB and cable of the camera would have to be under the one eye... hmmm


Oh wait - it just made sense... add the camera to the chest in the upper grey area. Think it'll fit in there? Because then you can specify the setting in the camera control for a stationary camera. I find the stationary camera tracking is WAY better than a servo camera.

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Eww, I haven't used that before, but I would love to add a camera to him.  Thanks for the idea DJ!!  Looks like Wall.e will get some surgery soon.

#19   — Edited

It took me a while to get back to this little guy, but I was able to add a camera in his chest where his fake power meter sicker is.  Everything is so tightly squeezed in there, I'm envious of the larger Wall.Es, lol  


Right on Justin! Looks great! I'd love to take a peek inside!


I love that little guy! Looks good! I hope you share some of what went or will go into it.

I also like your desktop colors for ARC. I might try something like that.


Thanks for all the positive feedback!:D I did a little walk through of the "guts" that shows how little room there is.  


Hey Justin. Man, you're right. What a tight fit. Great work on everything. I'm really impressed with the arms you built. Old school woodwork.

Thanks for showing this. I love watching stuff like this.


Wow Justin, I’m also impressed that you fit all that in there! Excellent work!

Thanks for the video. I don’t think pictures would have done it justice, so a video walk through was a great idea!


Justin, Just saw your video on YouTube, and loved it. You were very resourceful sorting out a place for everything. Nice work old friend, thanks for sharing. Steve S


Justin, I just watched your video.  I too am impressed with your wooden arms and how you fit everything in that small space.  Nice work and thanks for sharing. merne


Dave, Jeremie, Steve, and Merne, Thank you all so much for the awesome and encouraging feedback!!