Jd Spock


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The first video of my JD Spock testing his 3d printed phaser.

JD Spock's 3D printed Star Trek Original Series phaser, sized for JD: EZ_OST_phaser.stl

I tried to color match to screen shots from the Original series. The retail toy versions are much brighter colors.

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JD Spock's paper head piece with hair, eyebrows, and Vulcan ears and Star Trek badge, I used card stock to print it on and double sided tape to attach the pieces. This is my template: SpockJD.pdf

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Justin, Excellent video and intimidating phaser. Good thing Spock is logical! Watched it twice! Thanks for sharing. Steve S;)


haha awesome jd spock.


Kewl vid. That must have taken a while to put together. Nice work.


Haha love the story - this is a fun video

It's surprising to see the quality of ezrobot videos vs arduino and competitive stuff. With other competitive products, people are proud to merely make the thing move or do something super simple. Ezrobot videos are in a league of their own! Moving, speaking, voice commands, vision, etc....


Thank you @Steve, @Patrick, and @Nink!

@DJ, thank you, and I am proud of my EZ-Robot projects and the products in them. In the USA we are celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday and I’m thankful for you and the staff at EZ-Robot and this community of awesome people exploring what they can do with robotics!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Very nice video Justin, keep them coming! :) Did you 3D print the Spock hair and eyebrows or make them some other way?


Great Video ! It is fun to watch your "Spock" in action. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving to All.



Wow, I didn't see this video until today, so sweet! Amazing work @Justin!

*Edit: Happy Thanksgiving!


Thank you @Mickey666Maus and @AndyRoid!

Thank you @Sebediah, and it was paper templates I created. I added .pdf of my template to my first post for the head piece and badges incase anyone else wants to make a JD Spock the same way. I also added the .stl for the phaser since it is sized for JD. I just got it from Thingiverse, all I did was adjust the size to look right in JD's claw. You can't tell in the video, but I detailed the heck out of his phaser when I painted it, I wanted to attempt a mini prop accurate version.

Thank you @Jeremie! Your thread on the BotMatrix Channel helped inspire me to create and contribute more in way of videos.

And seeing videos from SteveS and Patrick has also inspired me a lot as well.

I have plans for a series of videos related to "Spock's Brain" to show of some things I'm doing with brain building that I hope will inspire others.


Nice video visual effects...

You should try to create a JD Spock gun with a red laser, and program the Spock to start pointing the laser when a cat or dog are near.

@All Happy Thanksgiving !


Very cool Justin! Wouldn't mind seeing a close up picture or two of that phaser in detail then:) Looking forward to more videos from you, I'm just getting started myself but I'm planning to upload videos quite frequently as well.


Thank you @NEWAGETOMY! I don't think so for the uniform. I had tried a few uniform ideas including a Star Trek baby romper with the bottom cut off but all the ideas were too restrictive or I just didn't like the look.


@Sebediah I added a picture to my first post of the phaser. I dislike painting tiny things, it's frustrating because my fat fingers don't do well trying to do detail work, but I was happy how it turned out.

I'm debating about printing him a tricorder or not. My issue is I don't like the original series tricorder (especially for JD's scale) because it would just look like a box. But I could make cool newer version and maybe even put some LEDs in there or a real senor that plugs into him.


Nice work on the details on the phaser Justin! I know what you mean about painting tiny things being frustrating, my hands can get a bit shaky when I attempt stuff like that.

A tricorder with some actual sensors inside would be really neat! Imagine having one that checks temperature, maybe distance, and then have a camera in there doing object recognition, haha.


Thanks for the insightful video Justin! I definitely have to agree with your brain building rules, thanks for laying them out very clearly.



I believe I am going down the same road. I am creating text files each one is a different type memory such as BlankCanBlank or BlankIsInBlank. Each line is a Memory for example the BlankCanBlank.txt file might look like this: Birds_:fly Dogs:bite Fish:Swim The BlankIsInBlank would look like: Paris:_France

When the robot is online, he checks his memory first and if nothing is found sends what the human said to BotLibre and then writes to the correct file both question and response.

I have also just found an API that will give back questions and answers multiple choice and true/false. and it is free to use. IT is a trivia database api.

I have created a script to parse the JSON return and my robot now can do quiz me on trivia. My bigger picture is to have him when idle to go get questions send them to BotLibre, then send the correct answer as well as store in local memory. This way he can learn on his own.

I guess I should do a writeup on the entire project instead of hijacking your thread.



Thank you @Jeremie, you inspired me to share more since you posted about your YouTube channel. We need to see more Voltron!

@rz90208, that is awesome! Right there is what I'm talking about...I, or we in the community, would have never known you were working on something like that!

We're good at sharing our robot's aesthetic design or snippets of interactive things we do with our robots, but something keeps us from sharing the more advanced or intricate interworking's of the brains we are building in ARC. For me it's usually been the thoughts, "no one will want to see this or no one will understand it or it makes sense to me but I'm not going to be good at explaining it".

I think there are more brain builders out there experimenting or looking for inspiration.


@DJ I have not, this looks cool, I think I need to check this out. I also just noticed you have an local AIML plugin out. Does this AIML plugin support AIML 2?

The only problem with all these new and wonderful plugins and updates is I keep starting over. Not that I am complaining, I love it ! keep it coming


@DJ, I don't have much experience with Synbot either. I love what you did with the AIML plugin DJ, thank you! I was wondering, in a future version of it would you consider adding the speech recognition to the AIML plugin the way you did for the older Pandorbot control so the AIML plugin can use the native Windows speech recognition to converse as well as optionally use BING?


The native speech recognition never works correctly. Why would you want it?:)


@DJ, I'd want it for offline use. But I'm also interested in being able to capture things the speech recognition "thinks" it hears" but are not in the speech control phase list. Maybe a better idea is a plugin just for the native windows Speech Recognition that functions like the BING plugin then I or anyone else that uses the plugin could use it how and where they like? What do you think DJ?


Brain Building part 2, The Structure, and the importance of the structure and organization that you give your brain as you continue to build upon it in ARC.



Use the tools you have before looking for new tools!

Just started to watch the series, thank you so much for the effort and for sharing this within the community...how could I have missed out on this!;)


I just watched the last part of your series...its been a pleasure, its set up so well speed wise and you made such a good job organizing the information for us! This will help a lot in keeping my projects clean and tight, plus it is such a cool thing to actually hear someone talking about scripting approaches...

Thanks @JustinRatliff please keep it up!:)


Did some cutting on Spock's right hand so he can hold smaller things and larger things without foam in his claw. (His left claw hand has the foam inserts.)

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Your Spock is very cool. I need to make a JD Spock now! :D


Thank you @mcsdaver, I think he would fit right in with your collection. I'm planning to do a custom C3PO from the 31" BigFig toy like you are.


I have a few 3d printable Star Trek items I posted to Thingiverse. Kirk's chair and the Helm/Navigation console. I also have Spock's chair, printing one for JD Spock might take some time. lol I need to do some more programming on my C3PO and post some videos.

Kirk's Chair link I might make a chair scaled to JD Spock.


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From DJ's first live stream and the Batman "build a bear" costume for JD I had to be a copy cat and get JD Spock his own "Build A Bear" Star Trek appropriate clothing.

BTW, Thank you DJ for that hack because I suspected those clothes would fit, but didn't want to waste the money on a hunch. I love the love streams guys!


thats an awesome nice suit your jd is having.