Well, I was working on a surprise for the group, but I need some help first. I have a nifty multiple face detection program working in C#.net. So far I have it programmed to recognize my face, DJ Sures, Sarah Connor and Alan Turing. Minus my face, I figure all EZ-robots should know who the other three people are.
My C# app generates a change in variable and displays this in a label in the form to show who's name it is for the face it sees. For this to be useful for integration with ARC I need to get this variable out of my app an into ARC.
I see two ways to do this, one is write the data to a .txt file, have ARC keep checking this text file, read the text file, if the text changes then act on that. - This seems sloppy and slow.
Option 2 seems better which is to use TCP/IP and Telnet. I've viewed the tutorial here: https://synthiam.com/Tutorials/Help.aspx?id=159 and I fundamental understand it. I can connect to ARC with Telnet. I I'm sure I can tell my C# app to send telnet data. What I can't wrap my head around is how to I make a script in ARC to look for an incoming variable on the TCP/IP port such as "$Face_Name" so that ARC can then act on that data?
Can someone help me with that? Or is there a 3rd option I'm not thinking of yet that would be better? I'm looking forward to get this figured out so I can share my app with the group.
Thank you! -Justin
WaitForChange is the command you are looking for.
Give me a minute or two and I'll knock up a quick script example for you.
It's that simple
No sleep should be required since the face probably wont change too quickly.
Ok, I added that as a script, ran it and I get Error in line 2 variable not defined $FaceName
Oh, wait, you changed it
Updated the script a little
All variables need to exist before using them in commands otherwise it'll throw that error. I usually define all variables as "null" or as 0 in the init script.
And yes, I changed it before you posted as I saw the potential problem
This is an awesome thing.... How are you adding faces to the recognition engine? Will it be something users will be able to easily (or not easily, but without C# programming skill) do?
I would love to have my robot recognize me, my wife, my cat, and a couple of friends, and treat everyone else as stranger (or when in "security mode" potentially hostile).
I also love your choice of default recognized faces. I would suggest adding Issac Asimov.
@Rich - You Da MAN!
I'm getting so close I smell it. Thank you Rich!
@thetechguru It's an application that runs on its own. I am making it to share with everyone - anyone should be able to use it as a standalone app. If I get lucky I'll have the very pre-beta version ready to share tonight or tomorrow.
That is so cool of you. Way (way way way) down on my todo list was a plan to start learning OpenCV and build something similar, but if you have done the work already, it is one less thing I need to do
You rock Justin.
People have been wanting multi facial recognition for long time. I haven't played with facial rec much but, I not gonna lie and say I won't be checking this out.
If you can accomplish this dude... Yes, you rock
Man! That is sweet! I would love to have that capability on my sentry bot.
Just can't wait to try it! How do you plan to share that? Will us be able to download it From here ? Thanks!
I'll upload it on my site and make a project page here with the link, info and so updates can be posted. I think everyone will like it and hopeful help me improve it with your input and feedbacl. I got the ARC communications side straitened out but now I'm having issues issue sending data from the C# app side. I posted another thread with my issues for that.
Cha-Ching! I found the issue for the c# I needed use Tutorial 52 for Scripting for the correct example of how to connect via TCP and send a variable. It all works. My App sees faces and you can add new one, opens a port to ARC, sends the name of the face seen, ARC script gets the variable and can act on it, in the demo I have it speak the name.
Soon I'll upload it with source code and start a project page. I'm going to call it EZ-Face.
Thank you Rich and DJ! I'm looking forward to hearing the groups thoughts on it.
I think this is awesome! When you get everything worked out, could you do a tutorial to show us how to do all this? This is so neat! Thank you so very much for this. This is a giant step forward for everyone.
Absolutely Awesome ,
I think everyone has been thinking about when something like this would be here...
Cant wait to play with it.
Still waiting for my Roli to be shipped , but will have a play on ARC to get familiar with it.
@justin- ?\m/ 4 U Bro!
wow! very cool. can't wait to see how it works!