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Ebay Robots Ready For Ez-B
Here is a RAD that is perfect to hack with the EZ-B its only 30 bucks plus 22 bucks for shipping. Linkyquestion

Robotic Arm On Ebay
Hey Gang, I found this robotic arm on ebay and it is ripe for an EZ-B. ROBOT ARM SOMEONE BOUGHT IT - HOPEFULLY SOMEONE FROM THE EZ COMMUNITYquestion

Vex Tank Tracks For Sale
This is brand new set of the Vex Robotics Tank Tracks. These sell for $30.00 I am asking only $20 plus 5.00 shipping. if interested, email bret.tallent@gmail.com Thanksquestion

Mini-B B9 For Sale
This one really kills me, but for personal reasons I must sell off my Mini-B - 2 foot tall robot b9 from Lost in Space. I combined the Trendmasters robot B9 with a rad drive train and...question

Lots Of Robot Parts For Sale!
I have a huge inventory of robot parts that need to go. Servos, motors, pan/tilt bracket with servos, batteries, connectors, wires, sensors, resistors,...question

Gunslinger Bob For Sale
Due to personal reasons I am forced to sell off my robots. Here is Gunslinger Bob. He is a modified omnibot with a rad head. He has an airsoft machine gun and nerf cannon for...question

Roborad For Sale
Hello, due to personal reasons I must sell Roborad. He is nearly complete but still needs to be finished. So still plenty for you to do to make him yours. It is a Robosapien mounted to a...question

Robocub Platform
The Sharper Image Robocub would be a neat platform to EZBify - How about it DJ?question

Power Converter For 3.3V
Hello All, I have found an inexpensive buck converter to get my 12 volts down to 3.3 to drive lasers or LEDs. They are DC To DC Converter Buck Step-down Module LED Power 3A...question

Varying The Voltage On A Dio?
Is it possible to vary the voltage output by one of the digital ports? I have a laser I want to use that works best at 3.3V - more than that and the laser gets...question

Roborad - My Next Bot
So this will be my 3rd robot entry. While I am still working on B9, I have some down time and a new EZ-Kit on the way, so I decided to start my next project. A little different...question

Robots For Sale - Great For Ez-B Ifying
Hello Gang, I have several robot platforms that would be fantastic for conversion to the EZ-B, or for your collection. I want to offer them to...question

2Nd Movement Control Panel Request Or Communication Only For Robosapien
Hello DJ, I was wondering if it would be possible to have 2 movement panels or...question

Tracked Base For Large Robot
I just found the plans for this on Ebay for 20 bucks. I think this could easily be adapted for a large scale robot. At least thats what I hope, because I want to...question

Battery Charging Help - Please
I have purchased this battery for my B9 hack, it is 6V 12AH. It is an SLA and for charging instructions it says: Standby use - 6.75 - 6.9V Cycle use - 7.2 -...question

Cool Claw From The Creative Mind Of Magnus
After reading the posts on Magnus I went searching for those cool claws he has and found this. At the Sportsmans Guide website for $50...question

Mini Servo Tester
Check this bad boy out! For bench testing servos without all the other stuff. And Cheap!!! ebay linkyquestion

Cheap Source For Robot Parts
Hello All, I just fell into a cheap source for robot parts. In fact, I got them free. It seems your local hospitals have disposable items that must be thrown out if...question

Metal Claws
FYI - I found aluminum servo actuated claws at Sparkfun for 10 bucks. They are good looking and a nice size. Will be going on my omnibot very soon.question

Help! I Cant Get Y Camera To Work
I have the EZ camera and hooked it up just as described. My computer uploaded the drivers when I plugged in the dongle and it shows up in the dropdown...question

I think we need to stage an EZ-Con where everyone brings their robots and we get to meet DJ and his staff. Maybe get some vendors to sponsor who can set up their tables and sell stuff that DJ doesnt carry. It...question

Movie And Tv Bots
I thought it might be cool to see pics of bots from movies and TV - some we know very well, but some are more obscure. How about BB from 1986s Deadly Friend: Anyone else have any cool...question

Servo Flutter And Incomplete Range
I have a couple of 9g mini servos attached to my board and I am getting some odd artifact from them. One of them will rotate one direction fine, then as...question

Separate Power For Hd Servos
I have several HD servos to operate so I need external power supply. As I am inpatient to wait for ez bits, how do I go about supplying external power for these...question

Ez-B Keeps Disconnecting
So I finally got around to testing out my EZ-B. I have all my stuff plugged in, and as soon as I power it on, several of the items connected to it start running - without...question

Cracked Omnibot Dome
Today I noticed a crack in Bobs dome, and it was right in front of his camera. So here is my fix in case any others have a similar issue. Tape an outline on the dome around your...question

Temp/Humidity Sensor
Hi Guys, I want to hook up a temp/humidity sensor to my bot and was looking at this probe....question

Omnibot Hack Begun
Inspired by DJ and so many of you out there, I have finally begun my omnibot hack. While awaiting the arrival of my EZ-Board and camera I have disassembled, washed, and painted the...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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Brets I Shall Call Him.Mini B
Here is my small B9 robot made from the trendmasters toy from the 90s. I combined the Trendmasters Robot B9 and a RAD drive section with the EZ-B and a lot of...robot

Brets New Bot Under Construction - Noles-D (Nawless-D)
So my life is finally at a better place and its time to get back into robots. I have been watching all of the...robot

Brets Roborad
I posted this in the wrong section I guess, but here is a link to my newest bot - RoboRAD. I am combining a RAD 2.0 base and a robosapien. LINKrobot

Brets Gunslinger Bob - Bob Gets An Upgrade
Since my original work on BOB (Brets OmniBot) I have worked on a couple of other robots and now Bob is feeling left out. So it is time...robot

Brets Next Hack - Robot B9
Now that I have finished B.O.B., my get your feet wet bot, I have begun my next hack. This next robot will bridge the gap between Bob and my ultimate big robot. I am...robot

Brets Bobs Debut
You may or may not have seen the documentation of my omnibot build (B.o.b. - Brets Omnibot), but here he is completed. Bobs Mods: Camera, head turning, right shoulder articulated, left...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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